A discussion with Maya
dear Ali,
I do not want to debate. But, simply ask... why do you do this? Why do
you want to prove that Muhammad (S.A.W.S.) is a murderer? Or a rapist, Looter,
etc.? Why? You say you were born a Muslim... why do you do this? I am a Muslim
and I am proud to be. If we want to follow the beautiful path of Islam, let
us... please without insulting our religion, culture, prophet and God. We do not
make sites saying the Prophet Isa (A.S.) (Jesus) is a murderer or a rapist. Why
do insuly our religion so?
Dear Maya
If it is proven that Muhammad was a
rapist, looter, etc. why do you want to follow him?
I want to help people like you to
open their eyes and others to see the lies of Islam and avoid it. I am either
wrong or right. If I am wrong, one Muslim should be able to prove me wrong.
Where is that Muslim? If I am right, why should I stop?
Don't you think truth must prevail?
Now, it is none of my business to tell
people what they should believe or not believe. I don’t give a hoot if you
believe in rats, snakes or shellfish. My beef with Islam is because it breeds
How can I let you or your religious
brothers kill innocent people inspired by a lie? There is a saying in Persian.
“If you see a blind heading towards a well and don't stop him you are a
I want to make you see that by
believing in a criminal liar like Muhammad you won’t go to paradise. He lied.
There are no virgin whores waiting for you when you shout Allhu Akbar and murder
innocent people. God does not prize you for your blind faith and stupidity.
I want Islam be banned in all
civilized world. I want the world see that Islam is dangerous, much more
dangerous than Nazism. Nazism is banned; Islam should be too. If we don’t do
that, Muslims will destroy the world because believers in Muhammad are zombies.
When they believe, they do that without their brain.
I told you why I fight against Islam.
Can you or any other Muslim tell me why you want to follow a pedophile, a mass
murderer, a plunderer, an assassin, a rapist and a liar? That is the question
you Muslims must answer, not to me but to your conscience and if you don't have
a conscience (Islam destroys human conscience) then you must be prepared
to respond to your creator. How can you hide your shame when he asks you,
"I gave you brain, why you did not use it? Didn't you know pedophilia,
rape, murder and assassination are bad? Why you followed a criminal who did all
these things?" How are you going to hide your shame then? Do you think you
can say, "my dad and my mullah told me I should follow Mahund and I did
what they told me"?
Read- In the Quran, it is said that the Prophet
had many wives, he did NOT rape anyone!
Of course he did! How can you say Safiyah,
Rayhanah or Juwayriah
who were young women in their teens loved to sleep with a filthy smelly
old man who was nearly sixty years old after he murdered their fathers,
brothers and husbands and exterminated their entire tribes?
How do you know what you read or whatever is even
I base my information on the Quran, Hadith and the
biography of Muhammad like Sirat Rasoululllah. These are the only
authentic sources of Islam. Do we have anything else? I
am presenting facts based on these sources. No Muslim has been able to
refute them.
Prophet Muhammad (S) was not a monster. Honestly,
his mission was to spread Islam like ALL the other Prophets, ALL of them.
Including Isa (A), Yusuf (A), Ibrahim (A), Dawud (A), Nuh (A), Yunus (A),
Muhammad was not a prophet. All he did was to fool
people so they kill their kinds including their fathers to make him the
potentate of
. All he wanted was to be loved, to be respected and noticed. He suffered
from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He was a psychopath. By making
this bogus claim and by fooling people around him he could have the
prettiest young women, immense wealth and power. Are you saying you
don’t know these things? If so read the Sira and find out. I want to find good humans who are lied to and tell them the truth so they
leave Islam. I know there are many criminals and evil people who love
Islam. They should remain Muslims so we can be aware of them.
Good people are leaving Islam once they learn the truth. I have no
interest in those who defend Muhammad and his crimes.
Who said he was a prophet? He was a liar who fooled
gullible people. If he was a prophet he was the prophet of Satan and
certainly not of a loving God.
It is said in the olden times that when people
heard Rasulullah (S) reciting the Quran they knew that no human could
write such pure words.
Who said that? He preached in Mecca and all the wise people there called him mad. He confessed to this in the
Quran. His success came through raiding, not through convincing people with
“beautiful speeches”. The only people who think his writings are great
are his brainwashed followers. Isn’t this how the followers of all cults
think of their leaders? The Quran is here for us to judge. What part of
that boring book is great? It is a book of stupidity and violence from cover to cover.
The problem is that most Muslims don't read the Quran.
If he was mean, rude, inconciterate, etc. Why
would people convet to Islam?
These questions require long explanations. I have
given exhaustive explanations. Here is why:
Islam is a peaceful religion.
Yes and it shows. 90% of the wars going on are caused
by Muslims and they are just 20% of mankind. According to this data Muslims are
36 times more prone to violence than non-Muslims. I don’t call this record "peaceful".
If you think I worship a monster, why would I stay
a Muslim if he was a rapist, looter, murderer, etc. ???????????!!??? It
makes no sense.
No, it certainly does not. But Muhammad was a rapist,
an assassin, a lecher, a plunderer, a pedophile and you are a Muslim. It
is not up to me to explain why. It is up to you to explain it - not to me,
but to yourself.
Do you think I enjoy hearing on the news,
practically everyday that little girls have been kidnapped and 2 weeks
later their bodies are found somewhere? Obviously not!
If you are talking about Western countries, this has
nothing to do with our discussion. This is a common crime, the perpetrators are psychopaths. It happens everywhere including in Islamic countries. In fact there
it happens more because the percentage of mentally disturbed people in Islamic
countries is higher, which has to do with patriarchalism, wife beating and child
beating. We are talking about religious crimes. Comparing these two kind of
crimes together is like comparing apples to telephone books. How many
Christians or Muslims you see bombing and beheading innocent people shouting
Jesus or Jehovah is great? We are talking about a religion that preaches crime and violence.
Tell me please, do you see more Muslims murderers
today on your television set than Chrisitans or Jews? I don't.
That is because you are blind. How can you not see
the beheadings of innocent people while your brothers shout Allah u Akbar?
How have you forgotten hundreds of children kept with thirst, raped and
murdered in Beslan by Muslims? Religiously motivated crime does not
exist in non-Muslim countries or it is rare.
The hijab protects women.
That is a lie. More rape happens in Islamic countries
because men are sex-starved and because women are seen as sex
It is a sign of modesty,
No it is the sign of stupidity.
unless you'd rather see us dressed in mini skirts
and tube tops.
You can dress as you wish. As long as it is not
plainly provocative, who is watching? I see thousands of women dress in
all kinds of clothing every day and I look at them the way I look at men.
They are just people. On the other hand Muslim women do not see themselves
as people but as sex objects that have to he hidden because they think men
get horny by looking at them. This is stupidity to the max. Women are humans
not sex objects. Muslim women think of themselves as sex objects. That is
why they cover themselves from head to toe just as the normal sane people cover
their genitals. Muslim women are awra, a big pudendum, an
object of shame. Normal people
cover their genitals but not all of their bodies. Muslim women cover
everything because they perceive their entire body as extension of their genital.
Its a sign of our faith in our God.
It is the sign of brainwashing. Do you know why
Muhammad said women should cover themselves? It is because he was old and
he had a bevy of young and beautiful women in his household, most
of whom were teenagers and many of them were his odalisques (sex slaves). Young
men used to come and sneak. Being old, with broken tooth, fetid mouth and
smelly body he felt jealous and insecure,
so he told his wives to cover themselves. One day Aisha went missing,
maybe out of revenge because Mahund had taken Juwairyah as his brand new
odalisque. A
day later she appeared with a young man called Safwan. Rumor circulated
that Aisha had an affair with Safwan. Ali told Muhammad to divorce her.
Muhammad felt very nervous and did not know what to do for a month.
Finally he decided to believe Aisha's denial of wrong doing. To
salvage her reputation she went as far as to say Safwan was gay (asexual). It
was in that occasion that Muhammad made his imaginary buddy, Allah, say women should cover themselves and
his wives should cover their bodies so no one can see them.
"O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the
believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons
(when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such)
and not molested." 33:59
Of course anyone knows wearing veil during the heat of the
summer is not convenient at all. But is was convenient for an old insecure man
who feared young men cast eye on his beautiful wives. Remember that Muhammad, in
his old age was also impotent. All he could do was to fondle
his wives and hallucinate
of having intercourse with them, when he actually did not.
Now, all the poor women followers of that
jealous old man have to do what he prescribed for his wives.
I love
people see the beauty of my girlfriend or wife and go green with envy. That is
because I am not insecure of myself. I bet if I get old and date a very young
woman, who does not love me, I too would be just as insecure and nervous as that
old fool.
people consider hijab stupid, but I don't,
Well, to see hijab is stupid, you must be smart. You
must think with your head and not with your genital. If you cover your
head as if it is the extension of your genital, you are thinking with your
genial. Hijab is subjugation and humiliation. Women are humans
not genitals to be covered from head to toe.
I ought to know, I am a PROUD Muslim Women who
DOES wear hijab.
You are the last person to know. If you really knew
you would not wear that curtain on top of your head. Hijab is the badge of
stupidity. If you are proud of it, it tells a lot about your intelligence.
It's protecting our beauty from being destroyed.
Let us suppose you are beautiful (I personally
don’t find Muslims beautiful. I find smart people attractive not dumb people) how
can looking at something beautiful destroy it? Flowers are beautiful, they
are placed in a prominent place for everyone to see them. Jewels are
beautiful. We adorn ourselves with them and show them off. On the other hand we hide our feces, flush them down the toilet and
make sure no one see them. Tell me how Muslim women are treated? Like
flowers and jewels or like feces? Beauty is to be seen, it is
ugliness that has to be hidden. If you have beautiful teeth you laugh
carelessly, but if your teeth are yellow, crooked or ugly, you try to cover your
mouth when you laugh. If my home and garden are orderly and beautiful I want to
show them off and enjoy entertaining guests, if they are not, I avoid guests. It
is natural to show off the beauty and hide the ugly.
Muslim women are awra. They are objects of
"Ali reported the
Prophet saying: 'Women have ten ('awrat). When she gets married, the
husband covers one, and when she dies the grave covers the ten."[Kanz-el-'Ummal,
Vol. 22, Hadith No. 858. See also Ihy'a
Awra is pudendum, something to be ashamed of, something to
hide. Pudendum is female's external sex organ. That is what Muslim women are
according to Muhammad.
When I see a normal woman, I see a human being. When I
see a Muslim woman, all I see is a big genital walking. She acts as if her
entire body is a vagina that has to be hidden, protected, because it is an
object of shame and embarrassment. How can you be
proud of this image that you portray to the world? Normal
people consider their sex organs as sexual objects and they cover them, but for
a Muslim woman, her entire body is sexual object, heck even her hair is sexual.
You say you are proud of being a huge genial? And you expect us to respect
you? We see you also as an ambulant genital - a pudendum, a big vagina that has
to be covered because it is the cause of shame and embarrassment to everyone.
Here is one of the many things I heard that
inspired me to wear hijab- Hijab protects a women like a peel protects the
juice of an orange-.
Reply soon,
Maya R.C.Soyal
This is a dumb analogy, that impresses those who
think with their genitals. Dress is not our peel.
Our peel is our skin. We dress to protect ourselves from weather and to
cover our private parts (genitals) and also as a social symbol. Women who
wear heavy black veil in the heat of summer are truly torturing themselves
for a stupid belief. Certainly they can't be smart. The fact that they cover themselves from head to
toe shows they see themselves as pudendum and nothing else.
Believe it or not, the rest of the world sees you also just as that - an
awrah, a
big genital, an object of shame that needs to be covered. Now if this is something you are proud of,
it only proves Muhammad was right when he said Muslim women are deficient
in intelligence. These are your prophet's words not mine - but I agree! If
any woman still believes in Muhammad after learning how he disparaged her, she must be deficient in intelligence.