




 Leaving Islam




Anyway, opinions are not logical arguments. Most of these people that you enlisted below were paid by the Saudis to write these foolish remarks. If you want to continue this debate, present the facts, not opinions. Opinions are a dime a dozen. Even good people can err. Gandhi was a good man but when it came to Islam he was a very ignorant man.  I agree with G.W. Bush on a lot of issues but I don’t give a hoot to his opinion on Islam when he says it is a religion of peace. Please refrain from quoting the opinions of others. This must be hard for you because then you have nothing else to say. But I am not going to let you hijack this debate with logical fallacies and waste the readers' time. Your task is to talk about the list that you presented as evidence of the inimitability of the Quran. This time I publish these opinions in small fonts for those who want to skip them. If you send more of them, I will delete them.  

"It is confessedly the standard of the Arabic tongue... The style of the Koran is generally beautiful and fluent... and in many places, especially where the majesty and attributes of God are described,   sublime and magnificent… He succeeded so well, and so strangely captivated the minds of his audience, that several of his opponents thought it the effect of witchcraft and enchantment." To end this section, with the words of   

Professor Philip H. Hitti:  

"The style of the Koran is Gods' style. It is different, incomparable and inimitable. This is basically what constitutes the 'miraculous character' (ijaz) of the Koran. Of all miracles, it is the greatest: if all men and jinn were to collaborate, they could not produce its like. The Prophet was authorized to challenge his critics to produce something comparable. The challenge was taken up by more than one stylist in Arabic literature-with a predictable conclusion."  


Dr Martin Zammit   

“Notwithstanding the literary excellence of some of the long pre-Islamic poems, or qasaid, the Qur’an is definitely on a level of its own as the most eminent written manifestation of the Arabic language.”  

Joseph Schact  

“The Koran was also linguistic document of incomparable importance. It was viewed as a source of grammatical and lexicographical information. Its stylistic inimitability not-withstanding, it even came to be treated as a standard for theories of literary criticism.”  

Hency Stubbe   

“The truth is I do not find any understanding author who controverts the elegance of Al Qur'an, it being generally esteemed as the standard of the Arabic language and eloquence.”  

Professor E. H. Palmer   

“That the best of Arab writers has never succeeded in producing anything equal in merit to the Qur’an itself is not surprising”  

Hartwig Hirschfield  

“The Qur’an is unapproachable as regards convincing power eloquence and even composition.”  

Professor Philip H. Hitti  

"The style of the Koran is Gods' style. It is different-incomparable and inimitable. This is basically what constitutes the "miraculous character (ijaz)” of the Koran. Of all miracles, it is the greatest: if all men and jinn were to collaborate, they could not produce its like. The Prophet was

authorized to challenge his critics to produce something comparable. The challenge was taken up by more than one stylist in Arabic literature-with a predictable conclusion."

Professor Hamilton Gibb

“Well then, if the Qur’an were his own composition other men could rival it. Let them produce ten verses like it. If they could not (and it is obvious that they could not) then let them accept the Qur’an as an outstanding evidential miracle.”  

Karen Armstrong   

“From the above evidence the Qur’an is acknowledged to be written with the utmost beauty and purety of Language. It is incontestably the standard of the Arabic tongue, inimitable by any human pen, and because it still exists today, therefore insisted on as a permanent miracle sufficient to  convince the world of its divine origin. If the Qur’an was written by Muhammad, why were not Arab scholars and linguists able to rival the Qur’an?”

Dr T.B. Irving

"The Qur’an is a magnificent document ... because of its matchlessness or inimitability.”  

Dr Maurice Bucaille  

"The above observation makes the hypothesis advanced by those who see Muhammad as the author of the Qur'an untenable. How could a man, from being illiterate, become the most important author, in terms of literary merits, in the whole of Arabic literature?”  

R. Bosworth Smith   

 ". . . A miracle of purity of style, of wisdom and of truth. It is the one miracle claimed by Muhammad, his standing miracle, and a miracle indeed it is."  

Arthur J. Arberry  

“In making the present attempt to improve on the performance of predecessors, and to produce something which might be accepted as echoing however faintly the sublime rhetoric of the Arabic Koran, I have been at pain to study the intricate and richly varied rhythms which – apart from the message itself – constitutes the Koran’s undeniable claim to rank amongst the greatest literary masterpieces of mankind.”

Edward Montet

“All those who are acquainted with the Qur'an in Arabic agree in praising the beauty of this religious book; its grandeur of form is so sublime that no translation into any European language can allow us to   appreciate it.”


Just to finish I would be grateful if you can read all the information I have given you as it answers your "subjective" argument. Please do as it will save us time and we can move on. Thanks.


I have not yet presented my argument against the Quran. So how did you come to the conclusion that my argument is subjective?  I have only shown that yours are subjective and baseless. If you are done, I will start showing the linguistic flaws of the Quran. Then you’ll see how logical arguments should be presented. I would not quote neither the opinions of others nor would give my own opinion without backing them with proofs. I will quote verses of the Quran and would show why they are flawed. I am not going to read anything outside this debate. Bring your evidence here and be concise. About 500 words per message should suffice.  


I will send you a detailed explanation of the linguistic features with Quranic examples when I get the time to educate you. 

You need to educate yourself first as to what is subjective and what is objective. You seem not to know the difference. Opinions are subjective, whether it is yours or others. You have said nothing but opinions so far. 

This may interest you too (its less technical as you need to wait for my linguistic features explanations for further info):  

A unique feature of the Qur’an is that of numerical symmetry. This can be taken as an interesting feature of coherence due to the fact that the Qur’anic text was revealed over a 23 year period. Furthermore this feature sheds more light to the question of authorship. 


The alleged numerical miracles of the Quran is entirely a different subject. Keep it for another occasion when we talk about it. Now you must only prove your claim that the Quran has unique linguistic features. Therefore I am not going to publish what you wrote on the subject of numerical miracles of the Quran or discuss it at this moment.  

In my previous response I asked you to explain that long list you gave as the unique linguistic features of the Quran. I called it gibberish. In response you wrote: “you have no idea about literature or linguistics.” Maybe I don’t. But you say you do. So please enlighten us. This is the only thing you must talk about for now. Please do not introduce any other subject and do not quote opinions.  

I accused you of being a demagogue. That list is only a collection of some jargons, some of them have nothing to do with linguistic. They are invented to fool the gullible and the uninformed.  In this response you completely avoided my question and talked about other irrelevant things. Please go back to your previous message, explain to us item by item your list (that I highlighted in red). I am not going to let you weasel your way out of it. You must either explain that list or admit that you don’t know.


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