Mr. Sina, thank you for your site. Many of us
in the world understand *exactly* what it is you are doing for the world.
Thank you for your service to humanity. I have a story here that you
may find suitable for your website. I thank the other contributors
of stories also. They have been a soothing voice of sanity in an
increasingly insane world. My story follows:
My Near-Conversion to Islam, by Umma-Allergic
I pulled out of my nosedive at the last moment!
Many young people seem to go through a phase where we
become revolted with the hypocrisy of our elders, and the abuses of power
in our societies. In the West, that can lead some of us to make the
sometimes fatal mistake of converting to Islam. I came very close to
making that error.
During the first Gulf War in 1991, I was a committed
peace and social justice activist. I felt so strongly committed to
the pacifist tradition, and I was very, very upset at the prospect that my
Canadian government might send Canadian forces to join the American war in
. I helped to organize anti-war protests, and I was very, very
distraught and upset at the turn that our country seemed about to take.
At that time, we had a fairly moderate Islamic
community in town, with a beautiful mosque - importantly, all built
without Saudi money, and the organizing committee was desperately trying
to keep the mosque and an Islamic school running without asking the Saudis
for money, since their involvement would change the culture of the school
entirely (strict sex segregation, no female officers, teaching a more
fundamentalist type of Islam, blatantly preferential treatment for Saudi
students, all of which did indeed come to pass when the school finally ran
out of money and had to ask the Saudis for help).
Anyway, the combination of my generally
anti-establishment beliefs, my opposition to the war and my romantic views
of this local community began to exert a certain force upon me. I
began to develop a certain fascination for all things Muslim. I
suddenly became very aware of this vast part of the world I had never
really thought of very much before. It also struck me that having
four wives might be kind of cool... (I'm being honest, here) and that the
Islamic world might be happy to have a highly educated and articulate
convert like me. I might be well treated, and make a good life for
myself in Islam. I began to feel called to Allah. I began to
feel in myself a readiness to make the switch, to declare my faith, to
become a convert, and to enter a whole other civilization from anything I
had ever known before. I approached Islam with the most open heart
and mind possible. I was ready to embrace it, and ready to become a
Then I read the Koran and the life of Mohammed.
It was absolutely and utterly disgusting. I was instantly cured.
Islam cannot be considered a religion on par with any others. It is
I was raised with certain very strong values.
First and foremost, killing is wrong. Hitting people is wrong.
Using force, shame and intimidation to manipulate people into believing
certain things is wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong! Political
realism is such that killing is sometimes necessary, but it is never by
that measure justified!!! Rather, it sometimes becomes necessary to
do horrible things, and one should still hate the fact that the situation
has deteriorated to this point, and step away from violence as quickly as
is responsibly possible. It is never right, though sometimes
This value was nowhere in Islam. Rather, Islam
glorifies certain kinds of violence. Glorifies it! Calls it
holy! It was absolutely disgusting. Islam takes certain kinds
of violent killings and says "this is good". It is evil.
Mohammed was a brigand and a bandit. He hurt people. What the
hell is this?
Another thing I was taught from birth was that it is
never okay to judge individuals on the basis of their ethnicity, religion,
sexual orientation, gender, accent, physical or mental disability...
I was raised to strongly reject prejudice as evil and anti-social.
It is never right to define an in-group and an out-group, never right to
define an "us" and a "them". We are all part of
one human family, and we are beautiful in our diversity. Prejudice
and bigotry are destroyers of peace.
On this value, Islam was a total disaster. The
whole reason that Islam can justify and glorify murder is because it
defines an in-group and an out-group, an "us" and a
"them". This makes it morally good to kill
"them" to protect "us". Not just politically
necessary but still lamentable and at bottom evil... Islam is so
preoccupied with advancing the interests of the in-group and subjugating
the out-group that it actually makes the use of violence holy! It is
a sick and twisted cult that creates lovers of death and destroyers of
civil society.
The so-called 'peace' of Islam and 'tolerance' of
other faiths is not universal. Peace is only for the in-group, and
tolerance is only extended to other cultures after those cultures have
been subjugated. At that brings me to a third major value I was
brought up with that Islam pathetically violates. It is wrong to
view conflict in terms of winners and losers. If we only think in
terms of winners and losers, we will not be willing to compromise.
We have to be willing to perhaps not 'win' on exactly the terms we had
hoped, understanding that the other person we are in conflict with will do
the same, and that way we can both compromise and resolve our conflict.
This concept is totally foreign and alien to the culture of political
Islam, and that culture has its roots in the Koran and the life of
This faith is irredeemable. One billion voices
must discredit it.
I was raised pretty well, I think. I may be an
atheist, and sexually expressive, but I am a million times more ethical
than those crowd of mindless drones chanting "Death to Israel, Death
to Amerika" outside of their mosques. I came to Islam with open
arms, and open mind and an open heart, but I also brought along open eyes.
I was deeply repelled by that network of chauvinistic beliefs called the
Koran. I have read the holy books of every major faith on earth.
Islam does not belong in that company. This became instantly obvious
to me as I tried to read about this prophet I was preparing to follow.
The conversion, needless to say, never happened.
I was raised to value the virtue of tolerance.
accommodate all cultures except cultures of intolerance. These
either have to be contained by law and kept out of the public sphere, or,
very regrettably, broken apart by force if there is any threat that the
intolerant sect might start hurting people.
So with great regrets, I am building my resolve,
first for seeking legal ways to keep hateful speech and incitements to
violence out of free societies. I wish I believed that would be
enough to stop this dark tide from destroying the world.
Dear Umma Allergic:
You are lucky because you are
an educated person who likes reading. Not all those who convert to Islam
come with open eyes. The majority of converts to Islam are youths who are
not very fond of reading. I’d say 99% of the converts have not read the
Quran and the biography of Muhammad. They convert because they are fed the
syrupy and false version of Islam and truly have no idea what they are
doing. If they are women, often they wake up from this nightmare when they
have already ruined their lives and the prospects of their happy future.
For them the consequences are much direr than for men.
I am glad you had your close
encounter with the Devil and saw how evil Islam is. Now please don’t sit
quiet. Our western civilization, this last bastion of freedom for mankind
is in grave danger. Please use your erudition and educate others. We are
in war. You already know that. The problem is that unlike the Muslims,
that are waging this war in full gear against mankind, the non-Muslims are
laid back and still unaware what is going on.
Please champion the cause of
freedom and let the world, especially the Canadians know the truth about
Islam. We need more people like you. Not just people who say oh, Islam is
not for me and go and live their lives, but people who have seen the
danger of Islam and know the threat that it represents to our world and
freedom and rise to fight it. We must change the public opinion in
and make the Canadians realize Islam is not another color in their
multicultural mosaic. I am all for multiculturalism, but Islam is not a
culture. It is barbarity, it is insanity, it is evil.
You speak the language of the
liberals and you can be of great asset to our noble cause. I have been
trying hard to make the leftists know that it would be a gross mistake to
take the side of Islam and Muslims in their antagonism to the Right wing
conservatism. I must admit that I have had little success with them.
It’s like hitting my head against the wall. I had even leftists who used
to help in the administration of this site. They all turned against me for
their loyalty to their leftist agenda blinded them of the imminent danger
of Islam and when they left they sabotaged the site. Only you can make the
leftists come to their senses. How much blind of multiculturalism and
moral relativism they can get for not to see the danger looming over their
own heads? Please speak out.
This is not a war between Left
and Right. This is a war between civilization and barbarity, a war between
good and evil, a war between freedom and slavery, a war between human
dignity and human rights abuses. This is a war between sanity and total
madness. Only you can make the leftists see that Islam is not like other
cultures and Muslims are not like other people. Muslims are here to
destroy us and slit our throats. I
admire your resolve. Yes, we need to ban Islam. If we want to preserve the
freedom of faiths, we must eliminate all doctrines that oppose such
freedom and therefore Islam must go.
Please read this story and be
outraged. See how we are losing our freedom slowly but surely.
In democracies governments are
powerless. They can’t do anything unless there is an outcry from bottom
up that they can’t ignore. So let us raise the public awareness and make
this outcry heard.
Ali Sina