




 Leaving Islam




18. How the soil to make the body of Adam was collected?


At first, almighty Allah, to make the body of Adam, dispatched angel Gabriel to collect soil from the earth. On the very first instant that Gabriel descended on earth and extended his hand to gather soil, the earth, immediately swearing in the name of Allah, said to Gabriel, “O Gabriel! By Allah, do not ever try to collect even a speck of dust from me.” So, an empty-handed Gabriel returned to Allah and quipped, “O Allah, due to the vehement vow taken by earth in your name to not to allow me to collect soil, I could not bring any soil from there.” Then Allah instructed Michael, the angel, to gather soil from the earth. Upon his arrival on earth, Michael said to earth, “O earth! Please grant me just a small piece of soil; I am on command from Allah to collect this dust from you.” The earth replied, “By Allah, I am entreating you not to take any soil from me.” A disappointed Michael then returned to Allah without any soil from earth. Allah then appointed the angel Israfil to accomplish the job. But Israfil, too, returned empty-handed. Angered, Allah then appointed the formidable archangel Azrail to accomplish the task. On his arrival on earth, archangel Azrail dug out soil and put that in a basket. Mournfully the earth said to Azrail, “By Allah, please do not take any soil.” Without paying any heed to earth, Azrail retorted, “I am collecting earth on the order of the same almighty by whom you are taking your vow. I am unable to disobey His order.” Saying this, Azrail frantically brought the piece of soil to Allah. Allah was extremely pleased with this act of Azrail.


19. Which parts of earth’s soils were used to make Adam?


According to Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas, the apostle of Allah said, “Allah had made Adam from soils collected from various parts of the earth.” Adam’s head, He made it from the soil of Ka’ba, his belly and backside--Allah made them from the soil of Indo-Pak subcontinent, two hands-- made from the soils of the eastern frontier and the two legs-- made from the soils of the western frontier. As per other ahadith: Adam’s head was made from the soil of Bait al- Maqdis, his countenance-- from the soil of Paradise, his teeth-- from the soil of Indo-Pakistan, his two hands-- from the soil of holy Ka’ba, his backside--from the soil of Iraq, his heart—from the soil of the supreme Paradise (Zannat al-Firdaus), his tongue—from the soil of Taif, his two eyes—from the soil of lake of Kalkauthar, and from the soil of mountains his other limbs were made. (I could never imagine that there is soil in supreme Paradise !).


20. How Allah created the species of dog?


Having created Adam, Allah placed him, for forty years, in a corner of the Paradise . All the angels were extremely fascinated by this bizarre creature. When Iblis was informed of such a curious object in Paradise , he looked at Adam with impetuous contempt and spat on him with great insinuation. Allah then created the species of dog from this spittle (saliva) of Iblis. (No wonder that Mumin Muslims, slaves of Bedouin Allah, hate dogs up to their head).


21. How the spirit entered in to Adam’s body?


Having kept Adam in a corner of Paradise for forty years, Allah fixed a day for the spirit to enter into Adam’s body. Accordingly, Allah commanded all the angels in the heaven and earth to assemble. Then Allah ordered the spirit, “O spirit! Enter thee now into the body of Adam.” The spirit obligingly entered inside Adam’s body, but experiencing intense darkness inside, returned and entreated to Allah. Then Allah engraved the Noor-e-Muhammadi (Muhammad’s light) on the forehead of Adam. Thus, the entire inside and outside of Adam now became luminous. Gleefully, the sprit then descended inside Adam. No sooner had the spirit entered Adams body than Adam sneezed vigorously. With this sneezing, Adam recited, “Al Hamd al-Allah (all praise to Allah).” Allah immediately answered, “Ya Rahmukallah (you too receive the blessings of Allah).” From that very day this became a practice among all the generations of Adam; i.e., whenever someone sneezes, one must immediately say ,”Al Hamd al-Allah.” and in response the person who sneezes must say,” Ya Rahmakallah.” Then Adam stood up. Allah commanded the angels to fetch the exquisite gold-embroidered cloak and to clothe Adam with that apparel. The angels brought that dress pronto, put that on Adam and made him ascent a throne.


22. The mystery of Jesus, the Prophet!


As soon as the spirit entered inside Adam, he woke up and produced a sneeze. Allah then commanded Gabriel, “O Gabriel, save for posterity, this sneeze of Adam, because I shall use it for some special purpose. Verily, from this sneeze shall I create a person supremely pious. Angel Gabriel gingerly stored that sneeze in the Lauhe Mahfouz (the store house of spirits). By the grace of Allah, from this sneeze, Jesus, the Prophet was born in the womb of Bibi Miriam.


23. Songs and Music are the Adhan for Satan!


Once Allah awarded Iblis an accursed life, Iblis said to Allah, “Oh almighty, you have decided to help Adam and his progeny by sending Prophets and apostles, but how about me? Wouldn’t you help me to distract the progeny of Adam by providing me with some Books and Prophets?” An angry Allah then replied, “O, the king of sinners! The numerous corrupt rulers, wicked leaders and the filthy, corrupt, obscene and evil-worded books (I think this refers to the porno movies) will indeed act as your Prophets and Books.” On hearing this Adam said, “Almighty Allah, please tell me how shall I bring my children back on right track?” Allah replied, “Whenever the time for prayer arrives instruct the Muazzin in every mosque to announce the call for prayer (Allah did not mention to use the powerful amplifiers invented by the infidels—I wonder why? May be Bedouin Allah could not foresee that bustard kaffirs will invent amplifiers). My genuine followers will immediately be eager and excited to respond to the call of prayer and will hasten to immerse themselves in prayer and devotion.” Then Iblis said, “Almighty, can’t you provide me with a similar system like Adhan?” Allah replied, “O the wicked, remember that songs and music and all the musical instruments will act as Adhan for you. Many of my devotees will be enchanted by these songs and music and they will thus leave the path of righteousness and follow your path of wickedness.”


24. The marriage of Adam and Eve and how the system of dowry evolved?


Enchanted by the extreme beauty, charm and grace of Eve, Adam passionately fell in love with her. Under this influence of love he extended his hands towards her to embrace her. Immediately Allah warned, “O Adam! Refrain, do not touch Eve before marriage; this will not be legitimate for you.” Adam replied, “Almighty, please get me married to Eve.” So Allah married Eve to Adam. This wedding was of such great joy that all the angels from seven heavens and seven earths had a great time for seven days by assembling under a Tuwa tree. Allah himself delivered His sermon (Khutba) on this occasion. Then when Adam wanted to embrace his newly-wed bride, Eve, Allah roared, “O Adam, touching Eve without paying her dower (bride-money) will not be legal for you.” A disappointed Adam then said, “Almighty, I have nothing. How can I pay dower?” Allah, the most merciful then said, “O Adam, offer Darud (litany) ten times to my dearest friend, Muhammad. This will suffice as your dower.” With great devotion and faith Adam then offered ten Darud (litany) to Muhammad. Having had paid his dower in this manner Adam was able to have sexual intercourse with Eve.


25. What punishments Eve received for eating the fruit from the “Tree of Knowledge”?


The instant Adam and Eve, disobeying Allah’s forbiddance, ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge; their exquisitely crafted, gold-laced dress fell off from their bodies. Then Eve, and all the women of the world were ordained to bear the monthly pain of menstruation. From that very day all women were to endure the pain of child-birth. Women were to be always under the subjugation of men; they lost their right to divorce their husbands. The women were now ordained to observe Idda (waiting period after divorce) whenever they are divorced by their husbands. Women were now gifted with less intelligence than men; they now had to command less respect and honour. The door to Prophet hood became close to them forever. On matters of witness their evidence in court became half to that of a man. They were deprived of the rewards of Jumaa and Eid prayers. They were dispossessed of the glory of Jihad; the inheritance for them became half to that of a man. Finally, they were booted out from the rewards of all important services to religion and society. (Our pious and religious ladies, what do you think of these?).

26. How did nude Adam and Eve ward-off their bashfulness?

When, after instigated by Satan, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, and as a consequence of this perfidy lost their garment of Paradise , they decided to conceal their shame of nudity by wearing the leaves of trees. One by one, they approached every tree and implored them to grant their request. But none of the trees they approached agreed to offer them even a single piece of leave. In the end, they entreated the fig and the sandal trees to offer them any of their leaves.  Witnessing the grave danger that had befallen Adam and Eve, these two trees agreed to help them. Adam and Eve then covered their private parts with the fig leave and wrapped their entire body with the sandal leaves. (I guess there was no Indian Saree in Paradise ). Any way, because these two trees of paradise showed kindness to Adam and Eve during their moment of great distress, Allah was greatly pleased with them. As a result of Allah’s pleasure, fig became a cherished fruit and He endowed it with great taste. Similarly, Allah also bequeathed so much fragrance to the sanadal bark that the earthlings began to enjoy its exquisite aroma by burning it.  

27. Where did Allah cast Adam, Eve, the peacock, and the serpent when they disobeyed His commandment? 

When Adam, Eve, the serpent and Satan’s helper, the peacock contravened the commandments of Allah, the angels, acting on the instruction of Allah, seized them by their necks and expelled them from Paradise . They cast Adam on the Island of Swarandip ( Ceylon ), Eve at Jeddah, a city in Arabia, the peacock at Kabul and the serpent in the region of Isfahan

28. What substances were created from the tears of Adam and Eve? 

Expelled from Paradise due to Allah’s curse--Adam at Swarandip, and Eve at the city of Jeddah , both of them were in profound sorrow for each other. They were in utter despair due to the separation from each other and started to wail bitterly. Adams wailing was so copious that it created a current of water on land. Out of this tear sprouted the first date palm tree on earth’s surface. On the two sides of this current of water grew clove and nutmeg trees. 

On then other end, Eve was so desperately lonesome that she wept profusely--like an ocean of water. Out of this tear of Eve grew the first henna tree. Whichever rivulet this tide of tear reached, there grew, at the bottom of it, ruby, pearl, gems and various other precious stones. 

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