Assassinations and Ethnic Cleansing
The religion of Islam expanded through terror and fear. Soon after
his victory in of Badr, Muhammad was emboldened and turned his attention
towards the Jews. The first person to be killed was Abu Afak, an old man
of 120 years of age. [According to some traditions, he was not the first
victim because he was killed in summer when the weather was hot and he
went to sleep outside.]
Abu Afak
After the battle of Badr and seeing what has befallen on his people,
Abu Afak wrote an elegy lamenting how his fellow citizens who were once
faithful to their words and their allies, who would, overthrew mountains
and never submitted, have surrendered their intelligence to a stranger
who came to them, split them in two (saying) Halal, Haram (“Permitted",
"Forbidden"). He was scornful of men who blindly followed
Muhammad, either for greed or fooled by his empty promises of an
orgiastic paradise and went to kill the noble men of the Quriash who
were their friends and allies.
The verses spread from mouth to mouth. This was the means the Arab
gave expressions of their public opinions.
The Kitab Al Tabaqat Al Kabir has recorded:
“Salim Ibn Umayr who was one of the great weepers and who had
participated in Badr, said, "I take a vow that I shall either kill
Abu Afak or die before him. He waited for an opportunity until a hot
night came, and Abu Afak slept in an open place. Salim Ibn Umayr knew
it, so he placed the sword on his liver and pressed it till it reached
his bed. The enemy of Allah screamed and the people who were his
followers, rushed to him, took him to his house and interred him” [The
Kitab Al Tabaqat Al Kabir (Book Of The Major Classes), Volume 2, BY IBN
SA'D, (2), page 32: ]
Ibn Ishaq records:
The apostle said, "Who will deal with this rascal for
me?" Whereupon Salim b. Umayr, brother of B. Amr b. Auf,
one of the "weepers", went forth and killed him. Umama b.
Muzayriya said concerning that:
You gave the lie to God's religion and the man Ahmad!
By him who was your father, evil is the son he produced!
A "hanif" gave you a thrust in the night saying
"Take that Abu Afak in spite of your age!"
Though I knew whether it was man or jinn
Who slew you in the dead of night (I would say naught).
The Sirat Rasul Allah (The Life Of The Prophet Of God), By Ibn Ishaq
(1), page 675
The above poetry by Umama shows that the assassin had escaped and was
not identified. But Muslims knew who he was and they jeered and
applauded the assassination.
The assassination of Abu Afak caused consternation among the Meccans
and men criticized in private, but that was very soon forbidden:
“Turnest thou not thy sight towards those who were forbidden
secret counsels yet revert to that which they were forbidden (to
do)? And they hold secret counsels among themselves for iniquity and
hostility, and disobedience to the Messenger. …Enough for them is
Hell: In it will they burn, and evil is that destination!
Secret counsels are only (inspired) by the Evil One, in order that
he may cause grief to the Believers; but he cannot harm them in the
least, except as Allah permits; and on Allah let the Believers put
their trust.” 58.8,10
Asma bint Marwan
The killing of such an old man moved a poetess, Asma bint Marwan, a
mother of five little ones to compose disrespectful verses about
Ibn Ishaq says that when Abu `Afak was been Asma displayed
disaffection and blaming Islam and its followers she wrote:
I despise bin Malik and al-Nabit
and `Auf and b. al-Khazraj. (These were Arab tribes living in
You obey a stranger who is none of yours,
One not of Murad or Madhhij. (two tribes of Yemeni origin}
Do you expect good from him after the killing of your chiefs
(referring to the men slain in Badr)
Like a hungry man waiting for a cook's broth?
Is there no man of pride who would attack him by surprise
And cut off the hopes of those who expect aught from him?
When the apostle heard what she had said he said, "Who
will rid me of Marwan's daughter?" `Umayr b. `Adiy al-Khatmi
who was with him heard him, and that very night he went to her house
and killed her. In the morning he came to the apostle and told him
what he had done and he [Muhammad] said, "You have helped
God and His apostle, O `Umayr!" When he asked if he would
have to bear any evil consequences the apostle said, "Two
goats won't butt their heads about her”, so `Umayr went back
to his people.
According to Ibn Ishaq, a Muslim by the name of Hassan b. Thabit
wrote a poem in that occasion calling Muhammad, the man who had raided
caravans, murdered the noblemen of his own tribe, plundered their
belongings, and had ordered the assassination of two innocent persons
for writing lampoons, a noble man and one of glorious origin expressing
his pleasure for her murder.
Banu Wa'il and B. Waqif and Khatma
Are inferior to B. al-Khazrahj.
When she called for folly woe to her in her weeping,
For death is coming.
She stirred up a man of glorious origin,
Noble in his going out and in his coming in.
Before midnight he dyed her in her blood
And incurred no guilt thereby.
It is important to study the history of Islam and the behavior of the
early Muslims who were in close touch with Muhammad and behaved the way
that he wanted them to behave in order to understand the behavior of the
Muslims today. It is only by seeing the reactions of men such as Hassan
b. Thabit who composed the above poem that we can understand why so many
Muslims were jubilant when 3000 innocent people died in 9/11 of 2001.
These assassinations had their intended result. Terror had overtaken
Medina. People did not feel safe even in their homes. Some narratives
have said that Asma was a Jewess; perhaps to discredit her more and
provide further justification for her assassination. But that is
unlikely because Asma belonged to the tribe of Aws. People were afraid.
No one was safe. The only safety was in joining Islam.
Ibn Ishaq continues:
Now there was a great commotion among B. Khatma that day about the
affair of bint [daughter of] Marwan. She had five sons, and when `Umayr
went to them from the apostle he said, "I have killed bint Marwan,
O sons of Khatma. Withstand me if you can; don't keep me waiting."
That was the first day Islam became powerful among B. Khatma; before
that those who were Muslims concealed the fact. The first of them to
accept Islam was `Umayr b. `Adiy who was called the "Reader",
and `Abdullah b. Aus and Khuzayma b. Thabit. The day after Bint Marwan
was killed the men of B. Khatma became Muslims because they saw the
power of Islam.
Sirat Rasul Allah (Guilaume's translation "The Life of
Muhammad") page 675, 676.
I remembered how Medina converted to Islam when I heard a reporter
saying that while he was covering the news of the mob lynching in
Nigeria in connection of the 2002 Beauty Pageant of held in that
country. He was attacked by the mob. He started shouting Allahu Alabr,
Allahu Akbar and this saved his life.
In his letter to America Osama Bin Laden answers two questions:
Q1) Why are we fighting and opposing you?
Q2) What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?
We already discussed the reason he gave why, but what he wants is
related to our present discussion. He wrote: “The first thing that
we are calling you to is Islam.”
Forcing people to accept a religion by intimidating and terrorizing
them seem a very unorthodox way of preaching. Nevertheless this is how
Islam has progressed virtually everywhere in the world.
Today the Muslim terrorist are confident that by bombing buildings,
trains and air plains and killing a huge number of people eventually
they will instill terror in the hearts of the people of the world and
people will convert to Islam to save their own lives.
This of course is not a very improbable proposition. If the Islamic
terrorists get their hands on weapons of mass destruction and succeed in
killing a few millions of people, we may see mass conversions to Islam.
It is only enough to remember how by bombing the metros in Madrid and
killing about 200 people the terrorists dictated their will on the
Spaniards and decided for them what government they should elect.
Life is precious and once you are seriously in danger of losing it
you’d do anything to survive including embracing Islam that as Salman
Rushdie puts it, is the east huggable of religions.
Your conversion to Islam does not mean you have to agree with it. You
may even despise it, but that does not matter at all. In a few
generations, you’ll be dead and your children and grandchildren will
be just as brainwashed Islamists as are the Taliban.
Do not assume that that the Afghanis, the Pakistanis or the Iranians
embraced Islam willingly. They fought tooth and nail and many of them
were killed. The struggle in Iran lasted centuries. But eventually the
Iranians succumbed and had no choice but to convert or die. A few
generation later, their children became the apologists of Islam,
invented the oxymoronic Islamic philosophies and eventually became more
Muslims than the Arabs heralding the Islamic da’wa (propaganda)
There is a story about how people converted to Islam that is worth
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: If you gain a
victory over the men of Jews, kill them. So Muhayyisah jumped over
Shubaybah, a man of the Jewish merchants. He had close relations
with them. He then killed him. At that time Huwayyisah (brother of
Muhayyisah) had not embraced Islam. He was older than Muhayyisah.
When he killed him, Huwayyisah beat him and said: O enemy of Allah,
I swear by Allah, you have a good deal of fat in your belly from his
property. [Sunan Abu Dawud Book 19, Number 2996: ]
The biographers give a fuller account of this story. He says that
Muhayyisah in response to his elder brother’s protest exclaimed, “By
Allah should he who commanded me to kill the Jews command me to kill you
also, I would have done it”. “What!” Huwayyisah is shocked upon
hearing this. “Would you really kill your own brother at Muhammad’s
bidding?” cried Huwayyisah. “Yes even so, by Allah,” responds the
fanatic Muhayyisah. “Strange indeed” responded Huwayyisah, “By
Allah, a religion that has made you thus (fearsome) , it is verily
a wonderful Faith." and on that very moment
Huwayyisah converted to Islam. Waqidi,
191; Tabari, 339; Hishami, 251
Huwayyisah does not need any proof or arguments to decide whether
Islam is true or not. His brother’s savagery is all he needs to
convert. Did he convert because he was afraid for his own life or did he
really confuse his brother’s zealotry with the truth of his faith?
Astonishingly, Muslims consider the zealotry and the savagery of
their fellow coreligionists as the sign of the truth of their faith. In
the minds of the Muslims the strength of their faith is the testimony to
the truth of their faith. They see no difference between the two.
In the entire Quran there is not a single logical proof to the claim
of Muhammad, but there are hundreds of exhortations to believe.
People are asked to believe, just believe with no evidence and no proof.
You do not have to understand Islam. All you have to do is to believe.
No one understands Islam, there is nothing to understand. There is no
explanation of the claims made by Muhammad. No proof for his Allah and
no proof for his claim to be the mouthpiece of this Allah. Every time
the disbelievers asked for proof he retorted: They are “Deaf, dumb,
and blind, they are void of wisdom.” 2.171
Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not return (to the path).
The parable of those who reject Faith is as if one were to shout Like a
goat-herd, to things that listen to nothing but calls and cries: Deaf,
dumb, and blind, they are void of wisdom
Those who reject our signs are deaf and dumb,- in the midst of darkness
profound: whom Allah willeth, He leaveth to wander: whom He willeth, He
placeth on the way that is straight.
8. 22
For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the
dumb,- those who understand not.
Muslims are required to memorize and learn what they are told. This
is the scope of Islamic learning. Questioning, verifying, doubting and
thinking are strongly discouraged. The only proof Muhammad ever gave for
his claim to prophethood was a large mole between his shoulders.
Muhammad is said to have a rather large mole on his back. He claimed
that this birthmark was the seal of prophethood.
Narrated As-Sa'ib:
My aunt took me to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! My
nephew is ill." The Prophet touched my head with his hand and
invoked Allah to bless me. He then performed ablution
and I drank of the remaining water of his ablution and then stood behind
his back and saw "Khatam An-Nubuwwa" (The Seal of
Prophethood) between his shoulders like a button of a tent. (Sahih
Bukhari 7.574. see also Sahih
Bukhari 4.741
Sahih Bukhari 1.189 . Sahih
Muslim 4.5793)
This mole, as claimed by Muslims, to be the physical proof that
Muhammad is indeed a messenger of God. And the mole is the the
fulfillment of the biblical passage in Isaiah
9:6: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and
the government will be on his shoulders.”
The Bani Qaynuqa.
The Bani Qaynuqa was the first of the Jewish tribes that became the
victim of Muhammad’s cupidity and was banished from the land after
their wealth was confiscated.
The Muslim historians assert that the Bani Qaynuqa had broken their
treaty and were plotting and scheming against the Muslims. How this
breach has occurred, however is not explained. They have poured
unbounded vituperations at the Jews and tried to vilify them blaming
them for what befell them and justify Muhammad’s actions.
Saifur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri, for example in AR-Raheeq Al-Makhtum
describes how Muslims honored their side of the treaty and ads “The
Jews, however, whose natural disposition is closely linked to treachery,
betrayal and covenant-breaching, could not rid themselves of the
tradition of theirs, and started a process of intrigues and
troublemaking with the aim of producing schism in the growing solid
Muslim ranks.
It is said that Muhammad went to their quarter, shortly after his
return from Badr and after they had gathered to hearken to his message,
he summoned them to acknowledge him as the messenger of God. "By
the Lord!" he called upon them, "ye know full well that I am
the Apostle of God. Believe, therefore, before happen to you what befell
the vanquished Quraish!" Waqidi (p. 178)
It is interesting to note that Muhammad was not only sure that he was
the best and the last messenger of God but also he believed that
everyone else also instinctively could see the sign of prophethood in
him and the only reason they did not accept him was because they had
disease in their hearts and it was pride that stopped them from
Today Muslims’ outlook on why everyone is not embracing Islam is
the same as their prophet. They believe that Islam is such a clear
message that everyone instinctively knows it is true. The reason people
do not convert is either because they do not know Islam or they are
arrogant and have disease in their heart.
Further ahead we will read about the psychology of Muhammad in more
details. However it is important to bear in mind that Muhammad was
suffering from sever NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder)
One of the attributes of a narcissist is that “he feels entitled.
Expects unreasonable or special and favorable priority treatment.
Demands automatic and full compliance with his or her expectations “
Perspectives - Vol. 6, No. 1 - A Primer on Narcissism - Page 1
Sam Vaknin, Ph.D.
Narcissists are also extremely vengeful. They do not like to be
contradicted and if rejected they will not forget and forgive easily.
The Bani Qaynuqa rejected the invitation of Muhammad and did not
accept him as their prophet. This was an insult Muhammad could not
tolerate. He looked for his opportunity to punish the “insolent”
Bani Qaynuqa and the opportunity presented itself serendipitously in no
Meanwhile Ali was planning to marry Muhammad’s younger daughter
Fatima. But he was poor. He had two camels. He went to visit a goldsmith
from the quarter of Bani Qainuqa to sell him something and use that
money for his wedding party. While he was collecting equipments of
saddles for his camels, Hamza his uncle and the uncle of Muhammad got
drunk and slaughtered Ali’s Camels taking part of their meet. When Ali
returned he cried for the loss and upon finding who done it he took his
complaint to Muhammad. This story is reported in Sahih Buhari:
Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 340:
Narrated 'Ali:
I had a she-camel which I got in my share from the booty of the
battle of Badr, and the Prophet had given me another she camel from
the Khumus which Allah had bestowed on him that day. And when I
intended to celebrate my marriage to Fatima, the daughter of the
Prophet, I made an arrangement with a goldsmith from Bani Qainuqa
'that he should go with me to bring Idhkhir (i.e. a kind of grass
used by gold-smiths) which I intended to sell to gold-smiths in
order to spend its price on the marriage banquet. While I was
collecting ropes and sacks of pack saddles for my two she-camels
which were kneeling down beside an Ansari's dwelling and after
collecting what I needed, I suddenly found that the humps of the two
she-camels had been cut off and their flanks had been cut open and
portions of their livers had been taken out. On seeing that, I could
not help weeping. I asked, "Who has done that?" They (i.e.
the people) said, "Hamza bin 'Abdul Muttalib has done it. He is
present in this house with some Ansari drinkers, a girl singer, and
his friends. The singer said in her song, "O Hamza, get at the
fat she-camels!" On hearing this, Hamza rushed to his sword and
cut of the camels' humps and cut their flanks open and took out
portions from their livers." Then I came to the Prophet, with
whom Zaid bin Haritha was present. The Prophet noticed my state and
asked, "What is the matter?" I said, "O Allah's
Apostle, I have never experienced such a day as today! Hamza
attacked my two she-camels, cut off their humps and cut their flanks
open, and he is still present in a house along some drinkers."
The Prophet asked for his cloak, put it on, and proceeded, followed
by Zaid bin Haritha and myself, till he reached the house where
Hamza was. He asked the permission to enter, and he was permitted.
The Prophet started blaming Hamza for what he had done. Hamza was
drunk and his eyes were red. He looked at the Prophet then raised
his eyes to look at his knees and raised his eves more to look at
his face and then said, "You are not but my father's
slaves." When the Prophet understood that Hamza was drunk, he
retreated, walking backwards went out and we left with him.
This story is also reported Sahih Muslim Book
023, Number 4881 and several other hadiths
The Battle of Badr had given victory to Muhammad but not much in
matters of booty. The wedding of Fatima was coming up and Ali had
suffered a great loss that jeopardized his ability to maintain her.
Money was needed and the Bani Qainuqa seemed to be the ideal source.
The Bani Qainuqa’s allies were the Bani Khazraj. However many men
from the tribe of Khazraj had converted to Islam and hence Bany Qainuqa
was left in a vulnerable situation.
“An incident soon occurred which afforded the pretext for an
attack. An Arab girl, married to a convert of Medina, went to the shop
of a goldsmith in the market-place of the Qaynuqa, where waiting for
some ornaments, she sat down. A silly neighbor, unperceived, pinned the
lower hem of her skirt behind to the upper dress. When she arose, the
awkward exposure excited laughter, and she screamed with shame. A
Muslim, being apprised of the affront, slew the offending Jew; the
brethren of the Jew, in their turn, fell upon the Muslim and dispatched
him. The family of the murdered Muslim appealed to the converts of
Medina, who espoused their cause. Muhammad made no attempt to compose
the quarrel, nor any demand that the guilty should be singled out and
brought to justice. Without farther communication with the Jews, he
marshaled his followers, and placing the great white banner in the hands
of Hamza, marched forth to attack the offending tribe. Their settlement
was sufficiently fortified to resist the rude assault. It was therefore
invested, and a strict blockade maintained. This happened within one
month from the battle of Badr. Muir on the authority of Waqidi,
177; Hishami, 256; S. Waqdid, 105.
Muslim biographers claim that the Jews were arrogant towards the
Muslims and Muhammad. Al-Mubarakpuri says,
"They (the Banu Qaynuqa) started a process of trouble-making,
jeering at the Muslims, hurting those who frequented their bazaars, and
even intimidating their women. Such things began to aggravate the
general situation, so the Prophet (Peace be upon him) gathered them in
assemblage, admonished and called them to be rational, sensible and
guided and cautioned against further transgression. Nevertheless they
remained obdurate and paid no heed to his warning, and said: “Don’t
be deluded on account of defeating some Quraishites inexperienced in the
art of war. If you were to engage us in fight, you will realize that we
are genuine war experts.” [Saifur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri in
AR-Raheeq Al-Makhtum]
Knowing how Muslims biographers have tried to vilify the Jews and lay
all blames on them, we have to take the above account with a pinch of
salt. Nevertheless, whatever those few Jews retorted to Muhammad it was
not the official voice of their entire population. But for a man looking
for an excuse to strike it was a golden opportunity. Maududi says, “This
was in clear words a declaration of war.” Syed Abu-Ala' Maududi's
Introductions to the Quran Chapter 59. Hashr
But it wasn’t. These words did not come from the chief of the Banu
Qaynuqa and they were not threatening. They were shouted down by a bunch
of hooligans, to someone who tried to bully them while they were acting
on the instructions of their own religion and took a life for a life.
The defiant words of a few youth cannot be interpreted as the
declaration of war made by the entire Jews against Muslims. It is the
ultimate injustice to punish an entire population with the pretext that
few of them killed one man in retaliation of him killing one of theirs.
That is despite the verse that says "... no bearer of burdens
can bear the burden of another" ( Q.
53: 38)
If the Jews jeered, that is not a crime. But by paying a little
attention to the response of the Jews, if that is what really they said,
it is not difficult to see that Muhammad did not go there to counsel
them but to threaten them.
The following verse that was issued for that occasion reveals the
Muhammad’s hostile tone towards them.
“Say [O Muhammad to those who disbelieve: ‘You will be
defeated and gathered together to Hell, and worst indeed is that
place to rest.’ There has already been a Sign for you (O Jews) in
the two armies that met (in combat - i.e. the battle of Badr): One
was fighting in the cause of Allâh, and as for the other (they)
were disbelievers. They (the believers) saw them (the disbelievers)
with their own eyes twice their number (although they were thrice
their number). And Allâh supports with His Victory whom He pleases.
Verily, in this is a lesson for those who understand.” [ Q.3:
Incidents like these often happen in primitive societies. As a matter
of fact even in very civilized societies many people are killed over
something as trivial as road rage. Humans are not completely rational
beings. Most people react in a very unpredictable way often with dire
consequences. Any wise man, in similar situations would have eased the
tension and would have calmed the mob without taking sides. But that was
not what Muhammad had in mind. Already emboldened by his victory at
Badr, he had his eyes on the wealth of the Jews and was looking for an
excuse to make his move. This incident presented the golden opportunity
that he was waiting for and he marched out with his soldiers and laid
siege to the Jews’ forts for 15 days. Without the water, the Bani
Qainuqa was forced to surrender and defer to the Prophet's judgement on
their lives, wealth, women and children.
Maududi writes, “Consequently, the Holy Prophet (upon whom be
Allah's peace) laid siege to their quarters towards the end of Shawwal
(and according to some others, of Dhi Qa'dah) A. H. 2. The siege had
hardly lasted for a fortnight when they surrendered and all their
fighting men were tied and taken prisoners. Now Abdullah bin Ubayy came
up in support of them and insisted that they should be pardoned. The
Holy Prophet conceded his request and decided that the Bani Qainuqa
would be exiled from Madinah leaving their properties, armour and tools
of trade behind. Syed Abu-Ala' Maududi's Introductions to the
Quran Chapter 59. Hashr
The details of b. Ubayy's intercession with the Prophet is reported
in the first Islamic history book, Sira.
"Asim b. `Umar b. Qatada said that the B. Qaynuqa` were the
first of the Jews to break their agreement with the apostle and to go to
war, between Badr and Uhud, and the apostle besieged them until they
surrendered unconditionally. `Abdullah b. Ubayy b. Salul went to him
when God had put them in his power and said, 'O Muhammad, deal kindly
with my clients' (now they were allies of Khazraj), but the apostle put
him off. He repeated the words, and the apostle turned away from him,
whereupon he thrust his hand into the collar of the apostle's robe; the
apostle was so angry that his face became almost black. He said,
'Confound you, let me go.' He answered, 'No, by God, I will not let you
go until you deal kindly with my clients. Four hundred men without mail
and three hundred mailed protected me from all mine enemies; would you
cut them down in one morning? By God, I am a man who fears that
circumstances may change.' The apostle said, 'You can have them.'
[Sirat, p. 363]
The biographers also add that Muhammad had sullenly said "Let
them go. God curse them, and God curse him also!" So Mohammad
pardoned their lives provided they were sent into exile.
The reason Muhammad reluctantly conceded and let the b. Qaynuqa live,
was not because of any compassion. He was a calculating man and knew
that at this moment the enmity of the Khazraj could jeopardize his
plans. He was afraid of b. Ubayy and cowered before
his increasingly peremptory and threatening attitude.
In the words of al-Mubarakpuri "Banu Qaynuqa‘ handed over all
materials, wealth and war equipage to the Prophet (Peace be upon him),
who set aside one fifth and distributed the rest to his men. After that
they were banished out of all Arabia to Azru‘a in Syria where they
stayed for a while and soon perished away." [Saifur Rahman
al-Mubarakpuri in AR-Raheeq Al-Makhtum]
No one ever asked, why? Why a trivial incident should become an
excuse for the “mercy of God on Earth” to banish a whole population
and confiscate their entire belongings. Not even Milosovic who is now a
war criminal put hand on the properties of the refugees of Kosovo. And
the Jews did not have a UN refugee camp set for them out of Medina with
Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations waiting to alleviate
their pain. How any decent human being could justify these ruthless
genocides of the Prophet? How can any person call himself a Muslim after
learning these historic truths about Muhammad? The fact that Abdullah
bin Ubayy, whom the Muslim biographers vilify and call
"hypocrite" came to the prisoner's support pleading that they
be pardoned demonstrates that Muhammad’s original plan was to execute
them all. It was bin Ubayy’s intervention that saved their lives. How
is it that a "hypocrite" was more compassionate than the
Messenger of Allah and Allah himself who was happily watching this
injustice take place and never intervened? Wasn’t he a superior man to
Muhammad and his Allah?
After his victories in Badr and against the Bani Qaynuqa, Muhammad
put in high gear his marauding activities. During the summer and fall of
the same year (624 AD) he invaded the nomad tribes of Suleim and
Ghatafan, who inhabited the plains of Najd, to the east of Medina.
His spies informed him that some of the men of Quraish had assembled
at Carcarat al Qadr. Muhammad hastened to surprise them, at the head of
200 men. He reached the spot when the assembly had been dispersed. But
he found a herd of 500 camels attended be a single boy. He took the
camels and the boy and later released him after forcing him to profess
belief in accept Islam.
K. Waqidi ; 103; Waqidi, 182; Tabari,
831; Hishami, 246.
A month later, he invaded Bani Ghatafan at Dzu Amr, in Najd. Having
noticed of his approach, b. Ghatafan sought refuge in the hills, and
secured their families and cattle. He met one of them on the road. His
life was spared also after his conversion.
Waqidi , 193,
In the fall of the same year he led another attack, at Bani Suleim.
They too were alarmed and escaped.
Muhammad’s marauding gang had rendered the road to the Syria
unsafe. The Quraish depended on the Northern commerce. Farut a men
familiar with the rout through Iraq, accepted to guide them. They
secretly sent a Caravan this avoiding the coast. Muhammad’s spies
informed him of the prey and he sent Zeid, the son of Harith in pursuit.
He headed one hundred well armed men and fell on it. The men
accompanying the caravan, with the exception one fled and Zeid brought
home the booty valued at one hundred thousand dirhems home. After
appropriation of Muhammad’s fifth, eight hundred dirhams fell to the
lot of each soldier. Furat, the captive, was sentenced to death for
acting as a guide to the caravan trying to make them escape Muhammad’s
onslaught. But he was released after confessing faith to Islam.
Ibid. K. Waqidi 105; Hishami, 248; Tabari; 341.
This was the year the Muhammad assassinated Kab ibn Ashraf. He was
young, handsome and a poet. He is said to be the leader of Bani Nadhir,
another Jewish tribe that lived in Medina. The killing of the noble men
of Quraish in Badr and the exile of the Banu Qaynuqa deeply mortified
He proceeded to Mecca, and with his elegies stirred up the Qurish to
avenge their heroes killed in Badr. His concerns were not paranoia. The
recent events and mindless killings had given him ample reason to worry.
To justify the murder Muslims have also accused him of composing amatory
sonnets addressed to their women.
Muhammad was mindful of the influence and charm of Ka’b and he
dreaded poets and men of letter more than he feared those who opposed
him physically. He knew he could withstand physical attacks, his men
could fight back and this would give him further justification to rouse
his men to greater violence and portray himself as the victim. However
he could not resist intellectual attacks.
1400 years later, the situation has not changed. Islam thrives with
violence. Islam needs enemies to survive. Even when all the media, the
politicians and the majority of uninformed people say Islam is a
religion of peace and everyone is treating the Muslims with utmost
fairness and equality they still claim they are being persecuted.
The popular Islamic site published re response from Sheikh
Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid who wrote:
The Muslims have suffered
persecution and harm because of how others perceive them and because of
their adherence to their religion
This is plain lie. Muslims have never suffered persecution unless it was
in retribution of what they did to others but never for their faith.
So why is it that they like to portray themselves as victims? Because
in this way, they rouse the faithful to hysteric levels of violence.
Islam thrives with violence. No one can win against Islam using
violence. This is their expertise, their turf, their domain.
You have to find your enemy’s weak spot and hit him there. The weak
spot of Islam is logics. Muslims are extremely weak when it comes to
logics. That is the only way to defeat this beast.
Muhammad feared poets. He was afraid of criticism. You’d wonder how a
120 year old man and a helpless mother could hurt Muhammad more than Abu
Sofyan. Abu Sofyan was the arch enemy of Muhammad and yet his life was
spared, while those who critiqued him were eliminated. That is why
apostates are executed, That is why Salman Rushie was so dangerous to
Muslims. Islam’s weak spot is logics.
We learn about the assassination of Ka’b from Sahih Bukhari.
Allah's messenger said "Who is willing to kill Ka`b bin
al-Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His apostle?" Thereupon Maslama
got up saying, "O Allah's messenger! Would you like that I kill
him?" The prophet said, "Yes". Maslama said, "Then
allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Ka`b). The prophet
said, "You may say it."
Confucius said: You can judge a man by how his words match his deeds.
Lying is considered to be sin by all religions and Islam agrees on that.
Yet Muhammad ordered his followers to lie.
The story narrates how Maslama (his complete name was Muhammad ibn
Maslama) enters upon Ka’b and deceives him with tales about Muhammad
being an abusive man and when Ka’b lowers his guards, they ambush him
and stab him to death.
Abu Na'ila who accompanied Maslama and took part in this heinous act
was a foster brother of Ka’b. Arabs honored these agreements. They
prided themselves in their words and never betrayed each other when they
promised one another to be brothers. With Islam all norms of decency was
The presence of Abu Na’ila put to rest Ka’bs fears. The party
asked for provisions and pledged to mortgage their arms with Ka’b.
Later that night the band of conspirators assembled at the house
of Muhammad and he accompanied them to the outskirts of the town and
bade them God-speed; and, parting from them, called out, "Go!
The blessing of God be with you, and assistance from on high!"
They reached the house of Ka’b and called on him to meet them. Ka’b
was newly married and his bride got caught him by his garment and begged
him not to go. (Muslim biographers delight in recording every detail of
the cruelty by which their fellow believers dealt with the enemies of
Islam). "It is but my brother, Abu Na’ila;" he said and
descended to meet his assassins.
They walked away from the home in the moonlight while the men of
Muhammad complained about him and his abusive ways. As they walk Abu Na’ila
taking advantage of their trust and familiarity threw his arm around Ka’b
and drawing his hand through his long locks, praised his sweet scent,
which Ka’b said was that of his bride. Suddenly Abu Na’ila dragging
Ka’b to the ground, shouted,- "Kill him! Kill the Enemy of
Allah!" All drew their swords, and fell upon their victim. The
wretched man clung to his foster-brother so closely that he was with
difficulty put to death.
Ka’b’s scream woke up the slumbering neighbors and the assassins,
fearful of being caught escape leaving the beheaded body of their victim
behind. As they approach the where Muhammad was holding vigil, they
utter a loud Takbir (Allahu Akbar). Upon hearing that Muhammad rejoiced
as he knew this meant that they had succeeded.
He told them,-" Welcome; for your countenances beam with the joy
of victory." And thine also, O Prophet," they exclaimed, as
they threw before him the ghastly head of their victim. Then Mahomet
praised God for this success.
Maslama went to Ka`b and said, "That man (i.e. Muhammad)
demands Sadaqa (i.e. Zakat) [taxes] from us, and he has troubled us,
and I have come to borrow something from you." On that, Ka`b
said, "By Allah, you will get tired of him!" Maslama said,
"Now as we have followed him, we do not want to leave him
unless and until we see how his end is going to be. Now we want you
to lend us a camel load or two of food." Ka`b said, "Yes,
but you should mortgage something to me." Maslama and his
companion said, "What do you want?" Ka`b replied,
"Mortgage your women to me." They said, "How can we
mortgage our women to you and you are the most handsome of the
Arabs?" Ka`b said, "Then mortgage your sons to me."
They said, "How can we mortgage our sons to you? Later they
would be abused by the people's saying that so and so has been
mortgaged for a camel load of food. That would cause us great
disgrace, but we will mortgage our arms to you."
Maslama and his companion promised Ka`b that Maslama would return
to him. He came to Ka`b at night along with Ka`b's foster brother,
Abu Na'ila. Ka`b invited them to come into his fort and then he went
down to them. His wife asked him, "Where are you going at this
time?" Ka`b replied, None but Maslama and my (foster) brother
Abu Na'ila have come." His wife said, "I hear a voice as
if blood is dropping from him." Ka`b said, "They are none
but my brother Maslama and my foster brother Abu Na'ila. A generous
man should respond to a call at night even if invited to be
So Maslama went in together with two men, and said to them,
"When Ka`b comes, I will touch his hair and smell it, and when
you see that I have got hold of his head, strike him. I will let you
smell his head."
Ka`b bin al-Ashraf came down to them wrapped in his clothes, and
diffusing perfume. Maslama said, "I have never smelt a better
scent than this." Ka`b replied, "I have got the best Arab
women who know how to use the high class of perfume." Maslama
requested Ka`b "Will you allow me to smell your head?"
Ka`b said "yes." Maslama smelt it and made his companions
smell it as well. Then he requested Ka`b again, "Will you let
me (smell your head)?" Ka`b said "Yes". When Maslama
got a strong hold of him, he said (to his companions) "Get at
him!" So they killed him and went to the prophet and informed
How a man can hurt Allah? How can God be hurt by one of his
creatures? If he is so hurt and needs to revenge by killing the person
who hurt him can’t he kill that person himself? Why he needs to ask
his messenger to send one of his followers to do his dirty work? This is
more befitting of a mafia godfather than the God. To lie and commit
murder are not godly deeds.
The stories of Muhammad's plots and assassinations are among the most
damaging stories about him. Modern Muslims prefer to deny the
authenticity of these hadithes. However, this is not that easy. These
hadithes are classified as Sahih (authentic). Why should anyone forge
such hadithes in the first place? It makes no sense that Muslims, who
fabricated so many false stories about Muhammad’s “miracles” to
make him look saintly and a superior being, would fabricate stories that
implicate him as an assassin. Muslims know assassination is bad, and
that is why they have tried so hard to vilify the victims in order to
justify these dastardly acts.
Would a believer say such damaging things about Muhammad if they were
not true? In fact Muslims in their fanatical zeal disregard even human
reason to save Muhammad from blemish. While their loyalty is noteworthy,
their intellectual honesty is deplorable. Why in the world believers
would fabricate so many stories about assassination plots and murders of
their prophet? Why Bukhari and Muslim would collect and write hadithes
of such horrible nature if they had any suspicion of their authenticity?
Why so many Muslims read them for so many centuries and no on denied
them? If you pay attention to the details in those stories you would
admit that they couldn’t be fabricated. There are names of the people
involucrated and there are so many of them. These were people known to
There are many phony hadithes that anyone could have made-up. Like
the one that says water flew out of the fingers of Muhammad, or the
stones moved around to hide him when he went to answer the call of the
nature, or that he started to praise Allah as soon as he was born. These
are unintelligent stories that have no base. Nevertheless the believers
loved to hear them because they strengthened their faith. But the
accounts of his assassinations are not the kind of stories that someone
would willingly fabricate for the person he loves most.
It is not just one story that portrays Muhammad as an assassin. There
are many of them, reported by several people and preserved by several
Hadith collectors and historians. All of them corroborate each other.
Those who don’t believe in hadithes as religious source of guidance
must accept them as historic sources. The stories of Muhammad's
assassinations do not contain religious guidance, (though it became the
standard of conduct for Muslims throughout the history) but they are “historic”
There are two categories of Muslims. The first are those that
unabashedly defend Muhammad and whatever he did irrespective of any
consideration for decency, rightness or justice. The second group, are
those that dishonestly deny the facts about him and try to twist the
evidence to make Muhammad palatable to modern morality and values.
I don’t want to pass the judgment as which one is better, but I
certainly admire the honesty of the first group that the second group
lacks. Sometimes ago I had a debate with someone representing the first
category. He had no difficulty accepting the stories of Muhammad’s
assassinations and tried to prove Muhammad’s greatness by reminding me
that the assassin who had hurt his ankle and Muhammad touched it and it
healed. This gentleman could not think that if Muhammad had powers to
heal he would have been able to kill his enemies by remote control and
would not have needed to recruit an assassin.
However in my view the greatest enemies of democracy and reform are
those pertaining to the second group. These are the ones disguised as
intellectuals and modernists. They deceitfully try to present Islam as a
peaceful and tolerant religion. They lie. They twist the facts. They
hide the evidence, not because they truly believe that Islam is a
religion of peace, for anyone who reads that book knows it is not. They
lie to gain advantage and advance Islam through deceit.
This deceitful preaching of Islam will continue until Islam is weak.
As soon as Islam become powerful, all that sweet talk of tolerance is
put aside, the mask will come off and the real face of Islam will become
manifest. Then the phony smiles give way to brandishing of the fangs.
When Muhammad was in Mecca and weak, he spoke of tolerance, but as soon
as he had gathered a few men who were ready to kill at his behest he
forgot all that sweet talk and started his campaign of murder and
It would be unfair to suggest that these crimes perpetrated by
Muhammad and his followers did not startle the Arabs. Such acts of
perfidy go against the very fiber of human nature which even the lose
morality of that time must have condemned.
In a story narrated by Waqidi, Marwan, the Governor of Medina, asked
Benjamin, a convert from the Bani Nadhir (Kab's tribe) how Ka’b was
killed. "By guile and perfidy," responded Benjamin. Maslama,
now an aged man overheard. "What, O Merwan! could the Prophet of
the Lord, thinkest thou, be guilty of perfidy?” shouted Maslama. “By
Allah! we did not kill him but by command of the Prophet.” And then he
issued the threat “I swear that no roof, save that of the Mosque,
shall cover thee and me at once."
Benjamin remained fearful of Maslama and would not go out prior to
making sure his nemesis is not around. His enemy finally caught with him
in a funeral and seizing a bundle of date branches
from a woman passing by, broke them every one over the face and back of
Benjamin. Those who doubt the infallibility of Muhammad or question his
actions were silenced from early days of Islam. Waqidi p. 192
It was on the morrow of the beheading of Ka’b that Muhammad ordered
anyone finding a Jew should kill him. And it was thanks to this order
that Muhayyisah killed his Jewish boss Ibn Sanina. This incident
was not recorded by the biographers because a Jew as murdered. Many such
acts must have happened and no mention of them is made in any book. It
is unlikely that only Muhayyisah obeyed the instruction of his master
when we know how Muslims competed with each other to endear themselves
to Muhammad and appease him. Many Jews must have lost their lives in
this fashion, especially for the fact that the murderer would get the
properties of his victim. The reason the murder of Ibn Sanina is
mentioned is because this act of perfidy inspired his brother Huwayyisah
to embrace Islam and not because a Jew is murdered. To a Muslim bigotry,
cruelty and even murder committed in the name of Allah is the sign of
the inherent truth of Islam. These stories did not trouble the Muslims
or cause them to lose their faith. On the contrary they rejoiced hearing
how the infidels were murdered mercilessly and were dispatched to their
On the other hand one does not have to assume everyone took what
Muhammad said to heart. We do not hear that the streets of Mecca were
turned into rivers with the blood of the Jews. Then, as today, the
majority of the Muslims read the orders of Muhammad, knew about them,
but did not practice them.
Today Muslims have changed. The majority of them are disturbed by
these stories. They deny them trying to keep their heads under the sands
as much as possible. Only a small percentage of them still cheers and
jeers when they hear non-Muslims are murdered in the hands of the
The question that this big majority has to ask itself is whether they
actually belong to this religion. Why believe in a religion that
advocates murder, assassinations and genocides?
Commander of the Khobar Terrorist Squad Tells the Story of the
The impact of Muhammad’s teachings and his examples hare felt up to
this day. Attacking unarmed civilians and murdering them just because
they are not Muslims was thought and encouraged by Muhammad. The
following is the communiqué of Al Qa’ida, after their attack at
Khobar that resulted in the killing of 22 people. This extract was
translated and published by MEMRI (The Middle East Media Research
Institute and was published in their website on June 15, 2004
The 18th issue of the Al-Qa'ida-identified journal 'Sawt Al-Jihad'
included an interview with Fawwaz bin Muhammad Al-Nashami,
commander of the Al-Quds Brigade that took responsibility for the
May 29, 2004 attack at Khobar, Saudi Arabia, in which 22 people were
killed. The following are excerpts from the interview: [1]
Sawt Al-Jihad: "Praise be to Allah … and gratitude be
to Him … and prayer and peace upon him [the Prophet] who, when asked,
'What on the part of man makes the Lord happy?' answered, 'That he [the
believer] should engage in face-to-face combat with the enemy while unarmored.'
"With us today is the commander of the Al-Quds Brigade, which
carried out the unique qualitative operation in the eastern Arabian
Peninsula [i.e. Saudi Arabia], so we can learn details about the
operation and what took place during it. First, we want to welcome our
brother, and ask him to review for us some of the preparations for this
Al-Nashami: "By the name of Allah, and prayer and peace
be upon the Prophet: May Allah bless you. At the battle of Khobar there
was no choice but to carry out suicide operations. The brothers, may
Allah preserve those who remain alive and receive those who were killed.
All took into account that none would return, and that they would fight
until they were killed and [thus] realize the idea of plunging
themselves into the midst of the enemy. [They thought this] because of
the strength of the targets and the tight security around them.
"In effect, the entire place was like [foreign] colonies, as if
you were in a Western country, such that you can hardly walk 200 meters
before encountering heavy firearms, Hummers, search points, arms, and
armed troops.
He explains how every day after dawn prayers they sat and rehearsed
their terrorist attack.
"Our plan was that when we finish with the first two places,
that is, the two oil companies, we will go to the residential compound
where the emergency forces will have gathered, and our decision was that
I should go in [in the car] and blow up the car amongst them, so as to
open the way for the brothers."
The First Attack: 'We Tied the Infidel by One Leg [Behind the Car]…
Everyone Watched the Infidel Being Dragged'
Sawt Al-Jihad: "How did you begin [the
Al-Nashami:"We left the apartment at precisely a quarter
to six. We drew near the site, and we changed our clothes and belted on
the ammunition pouches and weapons. We asked Allah to help us, and make
things go easily for us.
"The company [compound] had two gates, and we went to the first.
Our brother Nimr and the other brothers went and ordered the guard to
open the gate. There was a man behind the gate and the fence. Two
security personnel were outside the gate, and one was inside, and he was
the one who could open [the gate]. [So] the brothers told him: 'Open the
gate!' but he refused. The brothers wanted to break in, but he hid
behind the counter.
"We were in a hurry, because we had to finish with this company,
and go on to the other [company]. [So] we turned to the second main
gate, broke through it, and finished dealing with the guards that were
"As soon as we entered, we encountered the car of a Briton, the
investment director of the company, whom Allah had sent to his death. He
is the one whose mobile phone on the seat of his car, with the blood on
it, they kept showing [on television]. We left him in the street.
"We went out, and drove our car. We had tied the infidel by one
leg [behind the car]. We left the company [compound] and met the
patrols. The first to arrive was the jeep of a patrol, with one soldier,
and we killed him. With the rest we exchanged fire, and we got through.
After killing several people in this company, the terrorists drove to
the second company- a distance of four kilometers while dragging the
body of their victims all along.
"The infidel's clothing was torn to shreds, and he was naked in
the street. The street was full of people, as this was during work
hours, and everyone watched the infidel being dragged, praise and
gratitude be to Allah.
"When we arrived at one of the bridges, we encountered an ambush
of jeeps of the Tawaghitdogs [i.e. Saudi government troops] and
the guards of the Americans, and we exchanged fire with them. [2] When
we crossed the bridge, the rope [by which the Briton was tied] snapped
and the body of the infidel fell in the middle of the intersection,
between the four stop signs, and everyone who was stopped at the stop
signs saw the infidel on the day that he fell from the top of the
"The brothers had exchanged fire with the patrols, all the while
shouting, 'Allah Akbar,' and 'There is no God but Allah.'"
The Second Attack: 'We Are Mujahideen, and We Want the Americans…
We Shot Him In the Head… We Slit His Throat'
"Allah be thanked, we overran this ambush, and continued on our
way to the second company, the Petroleum Center, which is also a
compound with a number of companies. We arrived at the gate and got out
of the car. Allah be thanked, the brothers were wonderfully calm and
serene, as if they were on a hike.
"We entered and found youths from the Arabian Peninsula [i.e.
Saudi Arabia] wearing the Aramco uniform. They asked, 'What is going
on?' We told them, 'Calm down, don't be afraid, we don't want you. We
want only the Americans.'
"The four of us entered the company together. We met the Arab
clerks, and greeted them. We asked them: 'Where are the Americans?' They
were all in shock, and said: 'What's going on? Who are you?' We told
them, 'We are Mujahideen, and we want the Americans. We have not
come to aim a weapon at the Muslims, but to purge the Arabian Peninsula,
according to the will of our Prophet Muhammad, of the infidels and the
polytheists who are killing our brothers in Afghanistan and Iraq. We
want you to show us where they are.'
"We turned to go upstairs. The building included a number of
companies, and there were a number of doors. Each time we opened a door,
we found a large hall, and in it several offices and a head office with
a glass window.
"We entered one of the companies' [offices], and found there an
American infidel who looked like a director of one of the companies. I
went into his office and called him. When he turned to me, I shot him in
the head, and his head exploded. We entered another office and found one
infidel from South Africa, and our brother Hussein slit his throat. We
asked Allah to accept [these acts of devotion] from us, and from him.
This was the South African infidel.
"We went out from the company [offices] and found our brother,
Nimr the hero, standing at the entrance to the company and guarding us,
drinking a little water as though he were on a hike. [He acted this way]
because of his great courage - may Allah have mercy on him.
The Third Attack: 'Brother Nimr Cut Off His Head and Put It at the
Gate of the Building… We Found Hindu Engineers and We Cut Their
Throats Too'
"We turned to the third site, which was the most fortified
center of all the compounds. Our plan was to remain in the car until we
were alongside the American Hummer. When we were next to it, the
brothers appeared from the windows [of the car] and began shouting
'Allah Akbar,' and shooting them. And I saw the skull of the soldier
standing behind the machine gun explode before my eyes. Allah be
praised. I think the driver was also killed.
"It was our [original] plan to enter through the exit gate, and
immediately upon entering I would blow up the car amongst them [the
guards], while the brothers will go on to charge [into the compound].
"As soon as we arrived, we passed the Hummers and exchanged fire
with them. At one of the gates, Allah brought to us a security guard,
whom we had seen in the street. We ordered him to open the gate and thus
we did not need to blow up the car.
"We went to one of the buildings. Brother Nimr, may Allah's
mercy be upon him, shoved the door until it opened. We entered and in
front of us stood many people. We asked them their religion, and for
identification documents. We used this time for Da'wa [preaching
Islam], and for enlightening the people about our goal. We spoke with
many of them.
"At the same time, we found a Swedish infidel. Brother Nimr cut
off his head, and put it at the gate [of the building] so that it would
be seen by all those entering and exiting.
"We began to comb the site looking for infidels. We found
Filipino Christians. We cut their throats and dedicated them to our
brothers the Mujahideen in the Philippines. [Likewise], we found
Hindu engineers and we cut their throats too, Allah be praised. That
same day, we purged Muhammad's land of many Christians and polytheists.
"Afterwards, we turned to the hotel. We entered and found a
restaurant, where we ate breakfast and rested a while. Then we went up
to the next floor, found several Hindu dogs, and cut their throats. I
told the brothers to leave them on the stairs so the troops of the Taghut
would see them when they burst in, and be terror-stricken. [3]
"We utilized the time for [teaching] the Koran to the Muslims
who remained. We taught them how to read [Surat] Al-Fatiha
properly. They were amazed by us, [and said], 'How are you able to do
this in such an inflamed atmosphere?' Thanks be to Allah for enabling us
to do so.
"The Indian Muslims told us that their manager was a vile Hindu
who did not permit them to pray, and that he would arrive shortly. When
[the manager] arrived, we verified his religion by means of his
identifying documents, and we kept him with us for a short time.
"Then I phoned Al-Jazeera television, and they
conducted an interview with us, that they did not release. I told them I
was speaking with them from the compound, and that only the infidels
were our targets.
"At two o'clock, they [the military] broke in, headed by an
officer. We saw them from our positions, and threw bombs at them. The
officer was killed, Allah be thanked, and his soldiers were wounded. The
soldiers screamed to their brothers in the rear: 'We want to leave, by
Allah, take us out, get us out!' We were shouting, 'Allah Akbar' and
'Allah is our God. You have no god. Go to Hell and evil is your fate!'
"Nimr, may Allah have mercy upon him, told one of them: 'Come
nearer, oh coward, come here!' But he fled from him.
"They began heavy arms fire on the hotel and continued until the
afternoon hours. At the same time, we slaughtered the vile Hindu who had
prevented his employees from praying. We brought the Muslims up to the
top floors so that the shooting and shelling of the emergency forces
would not harm them. We remained downstairs, and we waited for these
"At the same time, brother Hussein was on the stairs and noticed
an Italian infidel. He aimed his gun at him and told him to come closer.
The infidel came closer. We saw his identifying documents and decided
that he should call Al-Jazeera and talk to his people and send
them a warning about the war of Islam and its people, and that
afterwards we would cut his throat and dedicate him to the Italians who
were fighting our brothers in Iraq and to the idiotic Italian president
who wants to confront the lions of Islam.
"We called Al-Jazeera and I told the broadcaster to speak
with him. "He [the Italian] spoke for several minutes. I asked the
broadcaster, 'Did you record that?' He said, 'Yes,' and then the hero
Nimr cut his throat." [4]
The coward terrorists who shot and killed unarmed office workers,
goes on bragging about their “heroism” and how they escaped the
scene and on the significance of this operation that they saw as clear
victory he added:
"Praise be to Allah. The truth is that this operation is
considered a great victory from Allah. Dozens of people knew the demands
of the Mujahideen and saw this with their own eyes. Many [of the
Arabs and Muslims at the compound] prayed for our victory and success.
Some of the Pakistani and Indian Muslims shouted 'Allah Akbar' with us,
and when they found out the name of our brigade was Al-Quds [i.e.
Jerusalem], they said, 'Allah Akbar, we want to go with you to
"When we were in the hotel we taught some of them the Koran.
When we encountered an Arab or Muslim dressed like the infidels or with
un-Islamic facial features, we advised him to stay away from the
compounds in which the infidels live. Likewise, we advised them to wear
Islamic clothing so no one would have to ask whether they were Muslims
or not. We encountered an Iraqi Muslim who had American citizenship. He
trembled before us but we told him that we had not come to kill Muslims…
"When we looked for the infidels, we passed the offices where
some from the Arabian Peninsula waited for us apprehensively. We spoke
with them and told them: 'Oh brothers, do not fear, we are not killing
Muslims, we want the foreigner infidels. Oh fellows, how are you?' We
did this until their fear was gone and they began to joke with us and to
direct us to the sites of the infidels…."
Sawt Al-Jihad: "Praise to Allah for your well-being, and
we ask Allah to inscribe your reward, and to give your hearts the
satisfaction of vengeance [against the infidels] in the same way that
you gave satisfaction to the hearts of Muslims all over the world."
[1] Sawt Al-Jihad,
Issue No. 18, June 2004. The transcript can be found at
[2] This word is a Koranic expression that signifies idolatry and
devil worship, and is used by modern Islamists for the oppressive rulers
who, while nominally Muslim, have betrayed the true Islam.
[3] See above, Note 2.
[4] Al-Jazeera channel announced that it had received a
phone call from an unknown individual claiming that he was speaking from
where the hostages were being kept, and that he had one hostage with
him. Al-Jazeera said that it had refused to deal with this matter
because it does not deal with conversations from unknown sources whose
credibility cannot be verified. Al-Rai Al-'Aam, (Kuwait), May 31,
The above interview demonstrates several things.
The Muslim terrorists or the Mujahideen are inspired by the Quran
and the examples set by Muhammad.
They are fanatical zombies programmed to kill and have no
conscience and no feelings. They have no regards for life including
their own.
They are effective. They are trained terrorists and a small group
of them can kill a large number of civilians who are unarmed, are
caught by surprise and have no combative trainings.
They have great impact on the Muslims who either through fear or
for gratitude (because the terrorists did not harm them) sympathize
with them. The perceived bravery of these terrorists in defying
death and killing civilians and their victories over the
unbelievers, while leaving the Muslims unscathed raises them to
heroic stature.
Note how the Indian Muslims complained to the terrorists about their
Hindu manager who would not let them have extra breaks every now and
then with the excuse of performing prayers. Why would they hand their
own boss to these criminals to be executed?
It is foolhardy to believe that they hated him so much for this that
they secretly desired his death. However in that situation, overwhelmed
by fear, the first thing that occurred to these wretched souls was to
badmouth their Hindu boss in order to ingratiate themselves with the
terrorists. What they wanted to do was to save their own lives and to
show that they are good Muslims and that they agree with the terrorists.
We can’t blame them harshly for this. This is human nature. Most
people do not have the strength of character to withstand evil. They
give in. And if they can’t beat it, they join it.
This is exactly how Muhammad strengthened his dominion in Medina. He
assassinated his critics and created an atmosphere of terror in the city
that the choice was clear. The choice was either keep your independence
of thought and perish or assimilate.
The strategy works every time. Terror always wins. The only times the
good has won is when the evil has been weak.
The reason Iran’s Islamic revolution of 1979 was successful is
because Shah felt weak and abandoned. He did not want to kill too many
people for a cause that he believed is lost. Had he had the guts to kill
a few hundred demonstrators, the Islamic revolution would have stopped
in its track. After all people do not want to die. Not all those who
marched in the streets knew what they were doing. I heard some saying
that they went just because it was fun.
The Mullahs think Islamicly. They think like Muhammad and know
"might is right". They are ready to kill any number of people
just to stay in power. As long as they remain unwaveringly brutal, they
can remain in power indefinitely. The reason communism fell is because
Gorbachev wanted to give to communism a humane face. Had he thought like
Brezhnev or Stalin, communism would have been still in power.
Non-violence works only with people who have conscience. If the news of
the massacre of the Indians had not outraged the voters in England and
if the British military had had a carte blanche to deal with the
situation as they pleased, Gandhi would have been executed, millions of
Indians would have been massacred and India would still be a colony, of
UK. Gandhi’s non-violent civil disobedience succeeded, because the
British commoners who rule that country had conscience.
The militant Islam is without conscience. They are trained to kill. A
million, a billion or six billion… It really does not matter how many
people they kill. If they can kill, they will and there is no
contrition, no pang of conscience, no second thoughts.
Islam is a different world. Muslims live in a different reality
paradigm. Good and evil have no meaning here. Everything is measured on
the bases of “forbidden”, “permitted” and killing innocent
people for their belief or disbelief is not only permitted but also a
religious duty.
As much as normal humans, naturally wish to live, militant Islamists
seek death. This renders them fearless, while make us fearful. And this
difference is the crucial factor that will determine who is going to win
in this war.
Those who love to live are afraid of dying. And those who fear
surrender to the brutal force for safety. Terrorized people cooperate
and tyranny always wins.
Those who think the Islamization of the world is a farfetched idea
are deluded. Muhammad and his followers, through fear and terror,
conquered first Medina and then the rest of Arabia and using the same
method extended its domain across 57 countries of the world. Arabia
prior to Islam was a tolerant place. Arabs used to live with each other
with harmony. When they fought, they fought over trivial things, such as
tribal pride and other silly skirmishs. The thought of genocide and
total destruction of their opponents was alien to them. With Islam they
changed. Those tolerant people were transformed into hatemongering
killing zombies. The Iranians had also a very tolerant culture. 1100
years before Muhammad, Cyrus the Great freed the Jews and wrote the
first declaration of human rights. After Islam took over, these very
tolerant Iranians also changed. They too were converted into bigoted
hatemongering zombies, torturing people for their beliefs and murdering
them in huge numbers. Islam also transformed the gentle soul of the
Indian Hindus. Hinduism is by nature a tolerant religion. All
polytheisms are tolerant naturally. Yet when these Hindus were forced to
convert to Islam, they too started acting with savagery and hysteric
It is foolish to believe that the rest of the world will not go the
same way. This kind of naiveté is due to the fact that people do not
read the history and do not learn from the past. The history teaches us
that nowhere is safe; that even Europe and America can succumb to Islam
just as Persia, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, a great part of India and for a long
time Spain did.
Masses can be controlled through terror. When we are afraid we
surrender and obey. When our lives are in danger we do anything to stay
safe. We become appeasers. We even become violent towards those who do
not comply and endanger our lives with their resistance. We collaborate
with the enemy, not because we like them but because we fear them. We
become informers and report our own people to those whom we fear to
ingratiate ourselves.
Muhammad knew about the power of fear and he used it to his
advantage. He made people submit to his cause by creating terror. The
only way to remain safe was in joining him. Then he controlled their
minds with the fear of hell.
Only a handful of terrorists have succeeded to scare all the
foreigners to get out of Saudi Arabia. This is a huge victory for the
terrorists. This is just the first step. They will continue with their
terrorist activities until the country is paralyzed completely and
When in late December 1977, the United State President Jimmy Carter
visited Iran; he applauded Iran as "an island of stability in one
of the most troubled areas of the world".
Iran was not an island of stability; nevertheless no one would have
imagined that it would fall in the hands of the terrorists. In August
1978 the Islamists locked the gates of the Rex Theater in Abadan and set
it on fire with nearly 400 people inside.
This carnage had its desire effect. It caused fear among the people and
set in motion a series of terrorist activities that eventually
culminated in Islamic revolution. The unthinkable happened and the
monarchy fell. The terrorists came to power and the mastermind of that
heinous act of carnage in Cinema Rex is now the supreme leader of Iran.
Iran prior to 1979 was not an Islamized country by any stretch of
imagination. But that changed overnight. Women found very soon that they
have to toe the line and wear the veil or they would be disfigured with
acid thrown at their face. Men throw away their ties and left their
beards unshaved. This was not done voluntarily. They were harassed and
threatened until they found their safety is in their compliance.
The image of Iran was suddenly changed. People started to look
Islamic overnight. Not because they wanted to but because they were
afraid for their safety. Even after the revolution there were
resistances that were dealt with harshly and mercilessly. There are
horror stories of how Islam was imposed on people. The revolutionary
guards reconnoitered the offices, factories and the schools to make sure
everyone is complying with Islamic dress code. In one occasion a nine
year old girl refused to wear the veil. They smashed her scull with the
butt of the gun in front of her classmates. Terrorism paid off. The
secular Iran was transformed into an Islamic republic because of fear.
It was this triumph of terrorism in Iran that inspired Osama Bin Laden
to launch his own terrorist activities.
Those who believe that the war on terror is coming to an end are
foolhardy. Terrorism will succeed unless it is not eradicated also
ideologically. With this much hate inculcated by Islam in the minds and
hearts of millions of young and old Muslims, the supply of terrorists is
never-ending while our resources to fight them is limited. Unless the
cause of terrorism is not eliminated, Islam will take over the world
through terrorizing people.
The Islamic terrorism is the real face of Islam. Terrorism finds its
raison d'être in Islam. The cause must be eliminated before the effect
could go away.