




 Leaving Islam



12A 629 AD

By February 629 A.D. it was almost one year since the Hudaibiyah and Muhammad and his men looked forward to enter that town according to the stipulated agreement. This year the number of the pilgrims swelled to two thousands. They each carried their swords, in accordance to the clauses of the treaty. But Muhammad was a treacherous man and he judged everyone else based on his own standards. So fearing treachery from the Meccans he secretly brought along a large reserve of armor and lances separately by another route. Muhammad ibn Maslama, with one hundred horsemen marched one stage ahead of the Pilgrims. The sacrificial animals with their ceremonial red collars were also driven in front. Muhammad called this Umrat ul Qadha (complementary pilgrimage or the pilgrim of retaliation) because it was performed “in lieu” of the previous one that was not fulfilled.

When they reached Marr al Dhahran, one stage from Mecca , Muhammad left behind the caravan carrying the armor in the valley outside the sacred precinct guarded by two hundred armed soldiers and the rest of the Pilgrims advanced to Ka’ba.

To avoid confrontation, the Meccans deserted the town; some of them climbing on the nearby hills watched the proceeding. The cavalcade of the Muslims emerged from the northern valley with Muhammad at its head while one of his men walked in front of him holding the bridle of his camel al Kaswa and around him were his chief companions. This majestic and triumphant entry must have been a vindication for a man who escaped this town seven years ago fearing his life. When they reached Ka’ba they shouted Labbeik Labbeik  (I am here, I am here, oh God at your service), the customary words that Arabs used to mutter or cry out loud when they went to pilgrimage.

The circumvallation of the Ka’ba started and Muhammad bid his followers to run faster than usual so not to give the Meccans who were watching the whole procession, the impression of being fatigued. This point is so insignificant that really does not merit any mansion, yet the Islamic traditions have laid so much emphasis on it that seems to have been important thing. What is important to us is the fact that Muhammad was a master of manipulations and histrionics. What he lacked in logics and arguments he made up with theatrics. The primitive minded Arabs of his time were not also interested in logical arguments and proofs. They too were an impressionable folk who believed in him simply because others had done so. In fact I dare say that logics had never entered Arabian Peninsula and these people, unlike the Greeks for example, were not familiar with the whole concept. Therefore it was not Muhammad’s logical arguments that brought him success; he presented none; but rather it was his success that brought him more success.

A cursory look at Islamic da’wah (propaganda) Internet sites makes this point clear. After 1400 years of history and over a billion followers, and despite the emergence of innumerable Islamic scholars of high caliber, there is no logical argument presented in defense of Islam or as the proof of the claim of Muhammad’s prophethood. There is also no scriptural proof to support that claim. The adherence to Islam grew and still keeps growing, only through theatrics and impressionisms. The arguments presented to prove Islam, are all subjective and they all boil down to one thing: “If others are converting to Islam, then it must be true.” 

These theatrics and show of majesty accompanied by the profession of devotion of the Muslims to their master had its effects on many diehard enemies of Islam and several of them joined his army and converted to his religion.

After circumvallating the Ka’ba and touching the black stone, he sent Bilal on the top of Ka’ba to chant the call to prayer and he himself entered the building and stayed there for several hours. The group that had stayed behind with the arms was replaced and they too performed their pilgrimage.

After the pilgrimage he was offered Meimuna as the bride. She was already the third wife he married in this year. Meimuna was a widow and not very young. This is one case where Muhammad must have married not just for lust but to win the heart of his enemies. Meimuna was the sister of the wife of Abbas and the aunt of Khalid ibn Walid, the warrior of the Quraish who had turned the tide against the Muslims during the battle of Uhud.

The marriage had its desired political effect, for Khalid soon after that repaired to Medina and pledged his adhesion to Islam. Two others also followed suit; one was Amru ibn al Aas who had often annoyed Muhammad with his poetries and who was a prominent member of the Quraish, and the other was Othman ibn Talha. All these men, especially the first two, made valuable conquests for Islam is subsequent years. Othman was the son of Taha, an important chief and a custodian of the Ka’ba.


The reason these men joined Islam was not that they found Islam to be a true religion. No such proof was ever given nor was asked. They were attracted to Islam because of its success and its rapid pace of growth. They were young ambitious men who found Islam to be a perfect vehicle for their own clime to power. So not being able to defeat the enemy, they opted to join it and the payoff was immense. If they managed to stay alive, they were enriched beyond their wildest dreams. This of course does not discount the zealotry and fanaticism instilled in them through Muhammad’s promises of afterlife and heavenly rewards. The fear of pain and the lure of pleasure are two powerful incentives. These, rather crude methods of persuasion were employed to its full extend. Those who believed received worldly compensations and were promised otherworldly recompenses as well; and those who did not believe were punished brutally, lost their belongings, their wives, their children as well as their lives and were furthermore condemned to eternal damnation and a dreadful tortuous Hell.

The treaty allowed Muhammad three days to complete his pilgrimage. He was already in his forth day and was planning a sumptuous wedding in Mecca when Soheil and Huweitib, the chiefs of Quraish appeared before him and reminded him that he had overstayed his welcome already by one day and that he should leave. Muhammad in an attempt to win their affection responded, “And what harm if you let me to remain and celebrate my nuptials and make you a feast at which you might all sit down and be merry?" "No thanks!” Roughly answered the chiefs, “We have no need of your viands: The time has expired! Depart from us!'!”

Muhammad gave orders for departure and consummated his marriage with Meimuna on that very night outside the Mecca . Early next morning the cortege resumed the march and returned to Medina .

Meimuna is said to have been fifty one years old when she married to Muhammad. That is only ten years younger than him. But Muhammad was jealous even of his elderly wives. There is an anecdote that says: “A young man, Ziad, nephew to Meimuna, went to see his aunt. Muhammad coming suddenly into the house was disconcerted at the sight: his visage showed marks of wrath, and he turned to go away. "It is only my sister's son," cried Meimuna after him. So he returned.”  [Munir Ch. XXII p. 89]


The conversion of Khalid, Amru and Othman was a huge success for Muhammad. This added to his prestige and strengthened his position in Mecca greatly. The rest started wavering and all it was needed, was a little push for the entire city to come under Islam. Many others of lesser name also followed these leaders and offered their allegiance to the new cause. Islam was on the rise and its success was the magnet for more success. 

The citizens of Mecca were weary of constant wars and bloodshed. On the other hand the followers of the thriving new movement were feisty, aggressive and relentless. Mecca lacked a charismatic leader. The Muslims had a cause while the Meccans had no cause. They simply wanted to live in peace. The advocates of peace and compromise were growing in numbers and influence. Many had already deserted the town and had joined the rank of Islam. Those who stayed behind were tired and ready to capitulate. A rapid and bold stroke of policy was all it needed to bring the city down and make it surrender to Islam. Many citizens were ready for that, if it meant that the hostilities would end and peace would be restored.  Humans’ tolerance for hardship is not infinite. Under duress we all relent. We give in, even to evil, to be left alone and to be able to live in peace. Even though we know that peace may not be long-lived. 

Perhaps in this there is a lesson for us all. 1400 years later, the world is again facing the same feisty, vicious and unrelenting Islam. Islam has come back. Islamic terrorism is the same Islam brought by Muhammad. It is the same belief, the same fanaticism, the same fierceness and the same mindless savagery. The policies are the same, the only thing that is changed are the tactics. Today’s Jihadis are far more deadly than their ancestors, who where merely a bunch of savages wielding their swords and shouting Allahu-Akbar from their horseback. Our military might and sophisticated warfare are powerless in front of a handful of technologically savvy terrorists.  Just imagine how a few terrorists in Spain managed to overthrow a government by blowing a few passenger trains and killing a few hundred people. It did not cost them much to do that. Think of how a few terrorists, have succeeded to make the entire country of Philippines to capitulate and comply with their demand. All they had to do was to kidnap one of their citizens and threaten to kill him. How much it cost them to do that? Angelo dela Cruz, the Philippine hostage, even thanks his captors for his good treatment. He is not to be blamed. We would all do that under similar situations. This is part of human psyche. We become grateful to those who have spared our lives once the prospect of dying comes to haunt us. It is not uncommon for hostages released in this way to convert to Islam. Only a psychologist can explain this phenomenon. After 9/11 several people sitting on the edged converted to Islam at once. 

Just like Spain and Philippines , the world will capitulate, one country at a time.  The good people of the world will become weary of war and resistance. They will give in to the demands of the Muslims fighters, one demand at the time. They will have to; they will have no options; resistance would be futile; surrender is inevitable.

The world will comply gradually. Not because they would want to, but because they would have to. There would be no choice. Unable to defeat the enemy, more and more people will try to be appeasers and will not criticize Islam and its associated evil to avoid hurting the “sensibilities” of the Muslims. They will give up their freedoms, one political correctness at a time. The politicians will remain silent, for the fear of provoking the Muslims. To avoid unrest they will pass laws that will curtail the freedom of their citizens to criticize “religion” but in reality the intent is to stop the criticism of Islam. Other religions are accustomed to criticisms and have defended themselves fairly well. They are not asking for censorship; it is the Muslims that are asking it. Writers will find themselves facing lawsuits and even go to Jail for disparaging Islam and violating “the anti hate” laws. Criticizing Islam, which is but an ideology, will be equated as bashing its adherents and condemned. India is not a Muslim country, but it banned Salman Rushdie’s book, the Satanic Verses to appease her Muslim citizens. Indians can’t criticize Islam openly. The writers, the journalists, the publishers in the civilized world, or what would be left of it, will not dare to speak out their minds for the fear of being branded as “racists” and “xenophobes”. Those daredevils who defy the public opinion and disregard the etiquettes of political correctness will be forced to shut up for the fear of being assassinated or their children harmed. Women will be obliged “voluntarily” to cover themselves with Hijab to save their faces from acids being thrown at them. This kind of violence has already started in many cities in Europe , where European women are molested and harassed if they walk unaccompanied and without Islamic attire in the neighborhood of the Muslims. The world will recoil while the enemy will remain completely hidden and undefeatable. This will embolden the Muslims. They will be invigorated in their zeal to take over the world.

These setbacks will only add to the Muslims resolve and they’ll increase the pressure. With each concession, they will be re-energized and will demand more power. Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. It is an inebriating enticer that will attract many, especially the young and the inexperienced, not just of Muslim birth, but also of non-Muslim parents. These youths will be driven to Islam to be part of its success. The societies in non-Islamic countries will be torn in their loyalties. The stupidity and irrationality of Islam would be obvious to many, but they would be under pressure from two other fronts. On one hand many of their own children and loved ones who have joined Islam, denounce them as unbelievers and have cut their ties with them; on the other, they would be weary of the continuous threat of terrorism and violence. Their economies would be in shamble, their lives in danger, their loyalties torn asunder, they will be too weak to hold to the truth and stand for righteousness. They’ll be worn out and crave for peace. But the only peace available to them is through surrender.

Terrorism will target their office buildings, their schools, their shopping centers, their water and power supplies, and will literally bring their lives to a halt. Their industries will be crippled, their economies will fall apart. The dark years of depression will cast its shadow over the horizons. Hope will vanish and fear will take over. And Muhammad’s cry of “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers” (8:12) will resound in their ears. 

While, the Muslim terrorists will continue to wreak havoc, the other wing of Islamic expansionism, i.e. the Muslim apologists and the so called Muslim “moderates” will be hard at work. They will inseminate lies and contaminate the minds of their victims through deception and false promises. They’ll continue presenting Islam as a religion of peace and they’ll continue seducing people and bringing them to their camp. These propagandas will lessen the fear of Islam and make it more palatable and even appealing. The intent is to weaken the resistance and create a fifth column within the dar al Harb (the non Islamic world). This fifth column; partly made of Muslim immigrants and partly of the converts, will strive to bring chaos, destabilize the governments and cause their fall.

At this stage, all it takes is a push and the world will fall under the sway of Islam and the banner of Allahu Akbar will be hoisted in every county of the world. Once one country succumbs, it will have a domino effect and one by one all of them will succumb.

Then Islam will take over the world; the civilization will die away; science will be demeaned; arts will be prohibited; women will be subjugated; dissenters will be executed, and the world will plunge into the 7th century darkness once again. Woe to humanity, if we do not take these warnings seriously and dismiss them as mere fear mongering. 


April, A.D. 629

After returning from the pilgrimage, during the spring and summer of the same year, Muhammad undertook several raids at various tribes of Arabia . Some were successful and some ended disastrously.

In April, about a month after his return Muhammad dispatched an excursion of fifty men to the Bani Sulaim, apparently for the purpose of demanding their allegiance to Islam. But the tribe, received the strangers with shower of arrows. Most of them were killed but their leader managed to escape to Medina . However, a year later the Bani Suleim seeing how other tribes succumb one after the other sent embassies and offered their submission to the Muhammad.

A few months later, a small expedition was sent against the Bani Hawazin at Al Syya for the sole object of plundering their camels and flocks, which was accomplished successfully. [K. Waqidi, 125.]

During the early summer of the same year a marauding party was expedited to Bani Leith near Kudeid. The population was attacked by surprise; many were killed and their camels were plundered. The men of Bani Leith regrouped and chased the Muslims but the thieves did good with their booty thanks to a flood that intervened between them and their pursuers. Muslims soon attributed this natural event to supernatural causes, claiming it to be a divine intervention to save the Muslims. [ K. Waqidi 124, and Hishami p.445.]

The Massacre of Bani Murra.

The reader may recall reading that after the conquest of Khaibar, Muhammad sent a few marauding expedition and one of them was commanded by Bashir with thirty men to Bani Murra near Fadak. This expedition was defeated and most of the Muslims were killed. Now a year later, Muhammad thought to teach the Bani Murra a lesson they would not forget. This time he dispatched a detachment of two hundred men to inflict upon them the heaviest chastisement. "If Allah deliver them into your hands;" he said to the commander of the expedition, "let not a soul of them escape.” The army fell on their victim by surprise, and executed the commission with total success. They massacred anyone they met and, drove their camels triumphantly to Medina .


Mishap at Dzat Atlah . July, A.D. 629.

Immediately after the raid of Bani Murra, a band of fifteen men was sent to Dhat Atlah, a place beyond Wadi al Qora, and on the borders of Syria . There they found a big gathering of people under the leadership of Sharhabil bin Amr al Ghasani, the governor of Baraq and a friend of Heraclitus and demanded them to embrace Islam. Sharhabil must have become suspicious of the strangers and taking them for spies, showered them with arrows killing all but one who escaped to tell the tale.



Battle of Muta Sept. A.D. 629

Muhammad decided to avenge the death of his men and two months later in September called an army of three thousand fighting men and dispatched them Moab or Muta on the borders of Syria inside the Roman territory to chastise them. Muhammad placed a white banner in the hands of Zeid ibn Harith and said, "Zayd bin Haritha will be commander and if Zayd should be killed, then it will be Ja'far bin Abu Talib. If Ja’far is killed, then Abdullah bin Rawahah will be commander. If he should be killed, then the Muslims should choose one from among themselves to appoint over them."

Then the army marched towards Syria and Muhammad accompanied them for a few miles out of town and bade them farewell with this prayer:  "May Allah protect you from every evil, and bring you back in peace, laden with spoil!"

When the news of the approach of this formidable army reached Sharahbil he summoned the tribes of the vicinity to meet them. The tidings of Muhammad’s marauding activities and his ruthless treatment of the conquered, along with his repetitive attacks on Duma and the destruction of Khaibar had put the inhabitants of this northern territory on the alert and quickly a large number of “coalition of willing” rallied round Sharahbil to repulse the aggression. Muslim historians say the number of Arabs gathered was one hundred thousand strong and a Roman regiment of a similar number also joined the army. These numbers seem to be grossly inflated. The actual number might have been only a fraction of what has been reported. It makes no sense to array an army of two hundred thousand soldiers to ward off an army of three thousand.  The reason for this obvious exaggeration is for Muslims to save face and justify their defeat. Were the number of the Romans and the coalition any close to what Ibn Ishaq and Waqidi reported, the Muslims would not have had any chance to escape. 

When the Muslims encamped in Ma’an, they were taken aback by the glittering array of the army of the enemy. Apprehension increased by the rumor that the Emperor himself was commanding the army. It is likely however that this army was brought together by Theodorus, brother of Heraclius the Emperor.  

Zeid called the chiefs to discuss about the situation. Many advised to send a letter to Muhammad asking him for advice. They had come to chastise a tribe for killing of their emissaries and take home some spoils, hoping to take their enemies by surprise and for a swift and decisive raid. Facing a mighty Roman army was not part of the plan. While they were discussing about informing Muhammad and asking for either reinforcement of instructions, Abuallah Ibn Rawaha encouraged the crowd and said, "Folks, I swear by Allah that what you fear is the same thing you went out seeking, which is martyrdom. Is it in our number or in the help of Allah that we trust? So let us set forward. We will have one of the two blessings, either triumph or martyrdom. We do not fight others by numbers or force or multitudes. We only fight them with our faith." People said, "By God Ibn Rawaha is telling the truth," and they set out.

Here we can see the degree of fanaticism that Muhammad had instilled in his followers. Many of them had joined Islam because they coveted the booty but fanaticism is a contagious disease and soon everyone was affected. The Arabs are known for their chauvinism and bravado. The pre Islamic poetries provide us a glimpse into the Arab mind and there we can see his blusterous and bombastic nature. It was not unusual for a warrior to launch into the camp of the enemy and in defiance of death and as a token of his resolve to fight until death, maim his horse. In the battle of Khandaq, Amr ibn Abd Wudd the warrior of the Quraish did that and fought until he was slain by Ali and in this battle Ja’far did the same. Muhammad took full advantage of this Arab trait and capitalized on their haughtiness and pomposity encouraging their zealotry and adding to it an element of faith.

However there is more to fanaticism than cultural traits. We will discuss this point in detail when we are going to talk about the subject of religious fanaticism in its own chapter.

Muhammad was a man bereft of conscious. He would goad his followers to be valiant and face death with courage but he himself would never put his own precious life in danger. Muhammad never took active part in any battle. He would stay behind stirring his followers to be valiant and embrace death with valor.

Inspired by the fanatical fervor instilled in them by Abdullah’s speech the army of Muslims resolved to offer battle. The solid phalanxes of the Roman army along with throngs of Arabs on their flank moved steadily upon the Muslims. Zeid carrying the white flag fought valiantly but this time the angels were nowhere to be found to help the Muslims when they really needed their help. Zeid body was pierced by lances and he fell to the ground. Ja’far then picked up the banner, hamstrung his horse and urged forward the attack, like Zeid he too succumbed to various wounds that he received. His hands were cut off and his body was cut in two by the Romans. Tradition says that during the last moments of his life he was heard reciting the following line:

"Hail to paradise approaching, its waters fine and cool. The punishment of the Romans is near, unbelievers of doubtful decent. It is up to me to strike them when we clash" Ibn Hisham, p. 350.

Although these tales of bravery are most likely apocryphal, they are indicative of Muslims’ desire to be fanatical and their disregard for life, including their own.   

After Ja’far’s fall, Abdullah seized the banner only to suffer the same fate in no time. The chiefs of the army gathered in a hastily council and chose Khalid bin Walid, the new convert, as their leader. Khalid was an astute warrior. He realized the But all he could do was to regroup the scattered army and astutely elude to avert its total destruction. 

Muslims suffered great casualties in this war and when they drew near Medina , the citizens came out to meet them and reprimanded them for fleeing before the enemy. But Muhammad, who had also come out riding on his mule and carrying the little son of Ja’far in front of him, put a stop to their reproaches and reassured the defeated troop saying:

"Nay, they are not runaways; but they are men who will yet again return unto the battle, if the Lord will."

There are reports that Muhammad informed his followers of the martyrdom of his men even before the army returned. Muhammad made it sound as if the information was given to him through divine intervention. For one day Muhammad was grieved and after saying the prayers in the Mosque he did not speak with others as it was his custom. But next morning, he entered smiling into the Mosque, and when people enquired he said: “"That which you saw in me yesterday was because I learned about the slaughter of my companions and I sorrow for their death, until I saw them in Paradise , seated as brethren, one opposite to the other, upon couches. And in some I perceived marks, as it were wounds of the sword. And I saw Ja’far, an angel with two wings, covered with blood, - his limbs stained therewith." Thence- forward Ja’far is known as "the winged Martyr." K.Wackidi 126. 126

But what Muhammad did not say to his audience was the fact that the report of the battle of Muta was brought to his expeditiously by Abu Aamir whom Muhammad sent to Syria and on his way back; he passed the battle-field, and watched the fate of the Moslems. He saw their leaders fall, and the army was pursued and scattered. He said: - "Then I went to Mahomet and gave him tidings of the event, and it grieved him sore, so that after the mid-day prayer, instead or conversing (as was his wont) with the people, he returned straightway to his house; and so he did at the other prayers that day.” K.Waqidi 126. 126

Through these deceits Muhammad managed to fool his followers making them believe that he had supernatural information of the events. [Sira, p.350]




Martyrdom of Farwa



Muhammad’s fame was on the rise. His rapid clime to power was interpreted by many as the proof of the truth of his mission.  Obviously this is a logical fallacy. Genghis Khan’s rise to power was also swift. But this was not the proof that he was divinely assisted. Nevertheless there is no want to people who still regard Muhammad’s success as the proof of his truth. One such person might have been Farwa, an Arab of Bani Judhyam, and the Governor of Amman. He is said to have become impressed by the zealotry and suicidal bravery of the Muslims and the rapid expansion of Islam taking this as the proof that Muhammad must be a messenger of God.


This is a post hoc fallacy. The success of Muhammad had nothing to do with divine assistance but rather with his cunning ability to manipulate the gullible and incite them to do murder, break the rules of ethics, raid, loot and plunder. Muhammad’s rise to power was aided by the fanatical zealotry of his sycophant followers and their absolute devotion to him to the extent that they were ready to kill even their own kith and kin to please him. Muhammad was a successful cult leader.


Islam owes it growth to numerous logical fallacies. The above is the fallacy that is brought up by Muslims even today. One of the reasons they present as the truth of Islam is the claim that “it is the fastest growing religion”. Muslims grow in number through rapid procreation, but more Muslims leave Islam than those who convert to it. Furthermore Falun Gong, with over 100 million fresh converts in just 10 years is actually the world’s fastest growing religion. But even if this claim was true, it still is not the proof of the truth of Islam.  Many people converted to Islam being fooled by this logical fallacy. Farwa was one such person.


He sent gifts to Muhammad and pledged his allegiance. And Muhammad wrote him a letter instructing him of his duties. Then he rebelled against the Roman Emperor, stopped sending the collected taxes to the central government and organized an attack on Ghaza from Sinai. He was caught and put to death. Muslims claim that he was martyred for his faith. They have even fabricated traditions saying the Emperor offered to promote Farwa should he leave Islam and reconvert to Christianity, to which Farwa responded “I will not quit my faith to Muhammad. You yourself know that Jesus prophesied before of him. But it is the fear of losing your kingdom that deters you from confessing the new faith." And because of that he was crucified.” [Sirat, 429]

The story reported by Theophanes is different. He writes that about this period there was a secession of Arabs employed in guarding the Syrian frontier, as occasioned by the insolent refusal of a Roman officer to pay them their perquisites. The rebellious governor was subdued and put to death. [Theophanes, 278-9]

History is the mirror of the future. Studying history is necessary to avoid repeating past mistakes. George Santayana, a Spanish-born American author in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.  The lesson from Farwa is that Muslim’s allegiance is not to their own government but to Islam. Muslims who are employed in the sensitive positions in non-Islamic countries should not be trusted. Muslims are the fifth column in every non-Muslim country that they reside, irrespective of their nationality. This is not a politically correct statement, but failing to heed to it will only make the non-Muslims more vulnerable to Islam.


The defeat of the Muslims in Muta had affected the prestige of Muhammad. In the eyes of the primitive Arabs might was right and as long as Muhammad kept winning his faith kept gaining new converts. But the reverse also meant loss of credibility and status. There were rumors that Bani Qodhaa had assembled in great force and were even threatening to descent on Medina . To offset this defeat, on October, A.D. 629 Muhammad sent an army of three hundred men commanded by Amru ibn al Aas, with instruction to subjugate the hostile tribe and harass the Syrian border. After asking for reinforcement of another two hundred Amru passed through the territories of the Bani Odhra and Bali, receiving their allegiance and by the time he reached their farther limits, the enemy which had assembled to oppose upon seeing the superiority of the Muslims army over their own him fled in alarm.  This was the first battle Amru fought for Islam, which proved his abilities as a general and there were many more. Thus the influence of Muhammad on the frontiers of Syria was re-established.

On the following month of November 629 AD Muhammad sent Abu Obeida at the head of three hundred men to chastise a refractory branch of the Bani Joliena on the sea-coast.

In December he sent another petty expedition against Bani Khudhra a tribe of the Ghatafan, in Najd , which yielded large plunder in camels, flocks, and prisoners. A fair woman was among the prisoners, she was given to Muhammad who offered her to one of his followers. [K.Waqidi, 126]

These conquests alarmed the Arabs and many of the Beduin tribes in the direction of Syria tendered their submission and started paying tributes. Among these were the Bani Abs, Murra, and Dhobian; and the Bani Fezara with their chief Uyeina, who had so long caused concern and alarm at Medina . The Bani Sulaim that like the Fezara, had taken part in the siege of Medina , also offered their adherence to Islam. The marauding chief was rapidly gaining influence and tribe after tribe, the Arabs went to him offering their allegiance. The choices were few. They either had to submit or perish. 

The Bani Ashja, who had joined in the siege of Medina , gave in their adhesion shortly after the massacre of the Coreitza; they told Mahomet that they were so pressed by his warring against them, that they could stand out no longer. [K. Wackidi, p.60]  After defeating the Kheibar other tribes sent deputation to Muhammad tendering their allegiance. These were the Bani Ashar from Jedda, the Bani Khushain, and the Bani Dous. [Ibid. 67, 68]. Many other tribes followed suit. Most of them were pagan Arabs but some also were Christians. The chief of Bani Judham visited Muhammad to offer the adherence of his tribe to Islam and carried back a letter from Mahomet to his allied tribes, of this tenor: "Whoever accepts the call to Islam, he is amongst the allies of the Allah. Whoever refuses the same, a truce of two months is allowed him for consideration." All the tribes of the vicinity accepted the invitation. [Ibid. 68]

Most of the tribes in the vicinity of Medina , as the Bani Aslam and Ghifar, the Mozeina, Ashja, and Joheina, also recognized the supremacy of Muhammad. The courteous treatment which the deputations of these various clans experienced from the Prophet, his ready attention to their grievances, the wisdom with which he composed their disputes, and the politic assignments of territory by which he rewarded an early declaration

This is how Islam rapidly expanded through Arabia . Islam’s success is owed to terror and the threat of terror. These were instruments that made Islam a world religion. Today the same instruments are at play again. Will they succeed to subdue the entire world? “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.





The Conquest of Mecca . January, A.D. 630.



Pretext arises for attacking Mecca

Two years had passed form the truce signed in Hudaibiah between Muhammad and the Meccans. During these two years Muhammad had destroyed the Khaibar and had subdued many tribes. His influence had grown and now he felt it was time to face his arch enemies and conquer Mecca which was the grand object of his ambition. In order to attack Mecca he had to find pretext to declare null the treaty.

Those two Arab tribes used to be hostile to each other, and Quraish used to be supportive to Bani Bakr. So, Bani Khoza’a sought the protection of The Prophet (PBUH) . Accordingly, the two tribes had to abide by the item that said that fights were to stop for ten years. In the meantime both Quraish and The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), also according to the treaty, were responsible for observing the tribes under their protection. Nevertheless, Bani Bakr initiated fights against Bani Khoza’a. Quraish supplied Bani Bakr with weapons, and some of its members shared secretly in the fight. That was a direct violation of the Hudaibya treaty. When the news reached The Prophet (PBUH) , he was sure that Quraish defiled the truce. He took the decision of invading Quraish in its homeland making it clear for his companions and followers that he did not aim for war and blood shedding but for putting an end to fights that were taking place in the holy Macca.

In the vicinity of Mecca there were two tribes with a long standing feud between them. One was Bani Bakr and they were the allies of the Meccans and the other was Bani Khoza’a. They sought the protection of Muhammad when he stationed in Hudaibiah. Several men of the Bani Bakr, in their traditional custom of hostility, effected a petty raid on their enemies, the Bani Khoza’a and killed a few of them. The victims took their complaints to Muhammad to punish the aggressors. Entreaty was hardly necessary. The opportunity that Muhammad had been waiting for had finally arrived. He immediately gave his word to avenge their blood:  "If I assist you not with the same aid as if the cause were mine own, then let me never more be assisted by the Lord!" But it was the invasion of Mecca that Muhammad was really coveting.  

Muhammad started making preparation to attack Mecca . Now this was a continuing war between to unrelated tribes. The treaty of Hudaibiha was signed between Muhammad and the Quraish. In no logical terms one can find an excuse for Muhammad declare the treaty null and attack Mecca . To justify this war Muslims accused the Meccans of furnishing the weapons to Bani Bakr. The history is written by the Muslims and we have no way to verify their claims against their enemies, but even if this accusation was true, still one can find no justification for Muhammad invading Mecca .  


Unsuccessful mission of Abu Sofian to Medina

The Quraish were alarmed of this turn of the events and they sent Abu Sofian to Medina to remove the misunderstanding extend the pact of peace. But as far as Muhammad was concerned there was no misunderstand of his quest. He had planned to conquer Mecca and establish himself as the supreme despot of the Arabia . Abu Sofian returned failing in his mission. Muhammad was not a man of compromise nor had he any desire for peace. Domination was what he craved for and was ready to sacrifice everyone else to pursue his ambitious hunt.   

Foiled in his endeavor to change Muhammad’s mind, he stood in the court of the great Mosque and pleaded with his followers in a loud cry:  "Hearken unto me, O people! We seek peace and peace and protection I guarantee for all." To which Muhammad answered: "This is what you say, not any one of us, O Abu Sofian."

Today the world is calling unto the Muslims and crying out what Abu Sofian cried out in that mosque and Muslims echo what their prophet retorted. How can you make peace, with a people who do not want to make peace? 

Ibn Ishan reports: "Arrived at Medina ; Abu Sofian entered the house of his daughter Omm Habiba, Mahomet's wife. He was about to seat himself on the carpet or rug spread upon the floor, when she hastily drew it away and folded it up. "My daughter!" he said, "whether is it that thou thinkest the carpet is too good for me, or that I am too good for the carpet?" "Nay, but it is the carpet of the Prophet," she replied; "and I choose not that thou, an impure idolater, shouldst sit upon the Prophet's carpet." "Truly, my daughter, thou art changed for the worse since thou leftest me. ", So saying, he went straight to Mahomet, but could get no reply from his lips.” Sirat, p.354

The story goes on to say how each person he met and pleaded to intercede mocked him and turned him away. In the chapter called Religions Fanaticism we will explore what makes the followers of cult behave in such fanatical way to disown even their own family and friends.

Abu Sofian departed home and told of his fruitless discussions with Muhammad and his plans. It was clear to them that they very in an evil plight but they did not suspect that Muhammad would attack them immediately.

Preparations for an advance upon Mecca

Muhammad started preparing for the attack, but he kept the destination a secret. He was the man who coined the phrase “war is a game of deception”. He knew that success depends on taking the enemy by surprise and not allowing him to prepare for an adequate defense.  Ibn Ishaq reports that even Even Abu Bakr was kept in the dark. One day when he entered in Aisha’s house, he found her busy preparing the accoutrements of Muhammad; and inquiring the cause, she told him about the prophet had resolved for an expedition, but she did not know in what direction. [Sirat, 355]

To divert attention, Muhammad sent a small group of men under the command of Abu Qotada to the valley of Idham , three marches from Medina . The population surrendered and embraced Islam. On their return they learned that Muhammad had already left for Mecca and they hastened to reach him. Meanwhile, he summoned all the allied Bedouin tribes surrounding Medina to prepare for war and join him at a certain place as soon as possible. Once the army was ready to march he announced his intention and enjoined the army to not let any spy inform the Quraish of their plan and prayed: “O God! Let not any spy draw near with tidings unto the Quraish: take away their sight, that they see me not until I come suddenly upon them and seize them unawares! [K. Waqidi, 126]


Notwithstanding this injunction, Hatib, one of Muhammad’s confidants who had acted as his ambassador to Egypt , dispatched a woman with a letter to his friends and relatives in Mecca informing them of the imminent assault. The information that a woman hastily leaves Medina came to the ears of Muhammad. Not willing to take any chance he sent Ali and Zobair to track down the messenger. They soon found her and upon inspecting her they found the letter carefully hidden in her locks. Hatib was called and he excused himself by the natural desire to save his family at Mecca . In recognition of his previous services to Muhammad, he was not chastised and his apologies were accepted. To further impress his followers, Muhammad credited himself by claiming that the information of this perfidy was given to him “from the Heavens”. [Sirat 355]

The Surah sixtieth is about this incident. The title of the Surah is Al-mumtahina (she that is to be examined, examining her) referring to the woman mentioned above and it starts by admonishing the believers not to take the enemies as friends, offering them love because they have rejected the truth.

“O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love, even though they have rejected the Truth that has come to you, and have (on the contrary) driven out the Prophet and yourselves (from your homes), (simply) because ye believe in Allah your Lord! If ye have come out to strive in My Way and to seek My Good Pleasure, (take them not as friends), holding secret converse of love (and friendship) with them: for I know full well all that ye conceal and all that ye reveal. And any of you that does this has strayed from the Straight Path.

If they were to get the better of you, they would behave to you as enemies, and stretch forth their hands and their tongues against you for evil: and they desire that ye should reject the Truth.

Of no profit to you will be your relatives and your children on the Day of Judgment: He will judge between you: for Allah sees well all that ye do. [60:1-3]

Despite these admonitions, nothing was farther from the truth. The Meccans had no enmity with the Muslims. It was Muhammad who was instilling in his followers the fear of the non-believers instructing them to dislike them, not take them as friends, do not trust them and kill them wherever they find them. Muhammad was a narcissist cult leader and like all cult leaders he was paranoid. He had divided the world between those who believed in him and obeyed him and those how were his enemies.

1400 years later, Muslims view the world with the same jaundiced visions of their prophet. You are either a Muslim or an enemy. If you are not a Muslim and a “brother” then Muslims are instructed to not take you ad friend or protector, do not offer you their love and do not trust you. But rather hold you as the enemy, dislike you kill you. It makes no difference whether this Muslim is your brother, son or friend. He is instructed to hate you and he will, as long as he believes in Islam.

On the 1st of January, A.D. 630, eight to ten thousand men had gathered in or near Medina . It was the largest army Medina had ever seen. The black tents of the Bedouins could be seen pitched on the plain as far as the eye could see. Two of the tribes, formerly inimical to Muhammad joined the army. Mozeina and Sulaim; each contributed a thousand men. The massive army was set on motion advancing rapidly towards Mecca .

Meanwhile Abbas who heard Abu Sofian’s report and had seen that the tides are turning and Muhammad’s star is rising, left Mecca with his family, to join the rank of the Muslims and claim his share of his nephew’s success. He met Muhammad on the way and joined his army, now heading back to his own town this time as the enemy. Abbas is therefore remembered as the last Refugee (Muhajir), for after the conquest of Mecca , there was no point of leaving that town anymore.  

Power is a magnet for the weak; they are dawned to it like mosquito to rotten meat. Once Muhammad gained the upper hand, his enemies; one after the other came to him on their own and tendered their allegiance. Abbas waited till the supremacy of Muhammad was beyond a doubt and at the last moment he abandoned his people to join the conqueror. Abbas was an opportunist who sailed with wind and tide. After the treaty of Hudaibiah, and despite remaining in Mecca pretending to be with the Quriash, he secretly was in touch with his nephew, acting as his eyes and ears in Mecca .  

In later years, during the Caliphate of Umar, we find him fighting with his other nephew Ali over booty and both of them go to Omar asking him to judge between them. 

“Abbas said [to Umar]: Commander of the Faithful, decide (the dispute) between me and this sinful, treacherous, dishonest liar.[Ali] The people (who were present) also said: Yes. Commander of the Faithful, do decide (the dispute) and have mercy on them. ... [Sahih Muslim 3. 4349]

This was the quality of the men who flocked around Muhammad and now are seen as holy men by the Muslims.


Muhammad and his army reach Marr al Zahran ten miles north-west of Mecca by dusk. During all this time he had kept a vigil of the traffic between Medina and Mecca to make sure the news of this invasion does not reach the Meccans. Now it was the time to give the intimation of his presence at their door stepped with alarming grandeur and fill their hearts with terror and prove the hopelessness of their position. He ordered every man kindle a fire that night on the heights above the camp. Ten thousand fires blazed the mountain of Marr al Zahran .  

On this very night Abu Sofian accompanied by couple of others goes out of town to reconnoiter the situation and Abbas riding on Muhammad’s white Mule and with his leave also parts from the camp wandering in the direction of Mecca ostensibly with the intention of meeting "some hewer of wood or seller of milk," to send as emissary to Mecca and announce the arrival of the army, in the hope that they may realize the futility of resistance and surrender.

Muhammad’s hope was to conquer Mecca with no fight. This was after all his own city and its inhabitants were the relatives of his followers. The verses that that related to this episode make it clear that he ordered his men not to kill people indiscriminately as they were accustomed to, like what they did in Khaibar and elsewhere but rather let those who surrender unscathed and murder only those who resist conversion.  

Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.
And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.
But if they cease, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression. [Q. 2:190-193]

The above verses are frequently used by Muslim apologists to claim that the wars waged and prescribed in Islam are only of defensive nature and that Muslims are given permission to fight only against those who fight against them. Nothing can be farther from the truth. As we can see, Muhammad and his army were on top of Mecca , demanding surrender or face destruction. Those verses make it clear that resisting Islamic aggression is interpreted as fighting against Islam and then killing those who defend themselves becomes mandatory. 

The men meet on the dark, Abu Sofian after recognizing Abbas enquires about the fires “Yonder, is Muhammad encamped with ten thousand followers” responds Abbas. “Don’t you see the myriad fires which they have kindled in their camp? Believe and cast in your lot with us, else your mother and your house shall weep for you!" Abbas invites Abu Sofian to the camp to visit Muhammad. "Seat upon the mule behind me; I will take you to the Prophet, so you can seek protection from him."


Abu Sufyan mounted the mule behind Abbas and, so mounted, they rode to the Muslim camp, arriving there after nightfall. Umar who was walking around the camp and inspecting the guards, upon recognizing Abu Sofian exclaimed: "Ah! Abu Sufyan, enemy of Allah! Praise be to Allah that you have come into our camp without a safe conduct." He then ran to the tent of the Prophet, and Abbas, guessing Umar's purpose, urged his mule forward. The three of them arrived at the tent simultaneously. Umar asked the permission to cut off the head of Enemy Number One, while Abbas was insisting that he had given protection to Abu Sufyan, and so he could not be harmed until he had been heard. Muhammad dismissed all three of them, “Take him to your tent” said Muhammad to Abbas; "and in the morning come to me with him again." [Sirat 359]


In the morning they went to see Muhammad, “Woe to you, Abu Sofian” cried out Muhammad as the great chief of Quraish entered his tent. "Have you not discovered yet that there is no god but Allah?" 


If other gods in whom I believed had existed, they would certainly have helped me." Responded Abu Sofian!   

"And do you not know that I am the Messenger of Allah?"

Abbas now turned fiercely on Abu Sufyan. "Woe to you, O Abu Sufyan!" he hissed.it is no time for hesitancy, Submit and testify at once, or your head will be cut off!"

It was, indeed, no time for idle pride or scruple. Abu Sofian had either to pronounce the shahada formula of Islamic faith or die.

"I bear witness", said Abu Sufyan hastily, "that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah!"

This must have been the moment of exultation for Muhammad. After so many years finally his archenemy was a suppliant believer at his feet and submitting to his absolute authority! "

It was time to make a show of his magnanimity, “Haste to Mecca!" said the Prophet; "Whoever enters the house of Abu Sufyan shall be safe. And whoever stays at his home or at the grand mosque shall also be safe.” 

Abu Sofian hastened to retire to Mecca . Before he could leave the camp, the forces were already under arms, and were being marshaled in their respective columns.

Standing by Abbas, Abu Sofian watched in amazement the mighty army that Muhammad had assembled with each tribe defiling into its proper place. One by one, the different clans were pointed out by name, and recognized. "And what is that?" asked Abu Sofian pointing to a cavalry with dark mail and shining lances" "It is the elite cavalry," replied Abbas,- "that guards the person of the Prophet." "Truly;' exclaimed the overwhelmed chief, "this kingdom of you nephew is a mighty kingdom." "No, Abu Sofian!” responded Abbas! “He is more than a king,- he is a mighty Prophet!"


Abu Sofian hurried back to Mecca , and once he entered the city, he cried out at the pitch of his voice: "O Quraish! Muhammad has come with power that you cannot match. Submit to him and be safe. Whoever enters my house shall be safe.Whoever stays in his house and locks his door shall be safe. Whoever remains in the mosque shall be safe."

Upon making his proclamation, Ibn Ishaq says that Hind, Abu Sofian’s wife grabbed his mustache and shouted, “Kill the fat old fool!” she screamed at the crowd." He has turned away from us." He shook her off and pointed to the futility of resistance and walked away to his house. [Sirat p.360]


The army moves forward upon Mecca

At the same time the army of Muhammad was on the march towards Mecca . Mecca lies in a Valley and is surrounded by black, rugged hills which rise in places to over 1,000 feet above the valley floor. The town was then approached over four routes, each one going through a pass in the hills. Muhammad divided his army into four columns, one to advance on each route. The main column was commanded by Abu Ubaidah behind which he himself traveled, was to enter Mecca along the main Medina route, from the north-west, via Azakhir. The second column, under Zubair, would enter from the south-west, through a pass west of the Hill of Kuda. The third column, under Ali, would enter from the south, via Kudai; and the fourth, under Khalid, would enter from the north-east, via Lait and Khandama.

Muhammad already knew that the Meccans would surrender, however these measured were taken as precaution. If opposition were offered to any column, one of the other divisions could take the enemy in the rear.

It is said that on approaching Medina Abu Ubaidah started singing: "Today is the day of slaughter; there is no security this day for Mecca !" On hearing this Muhammad took the Medina banner from his hands, and gave it to Kays, his son.

The aged and blinded father of Abu Bakr, climbed with the help of his daughter one of the taller houses and anxiously observed the advance of the army as his daughter would describe what she could see. When the army approached the town they descended and as she was guiding her father’s tottering steps towards their home, the soldiers burst into the city and one of them snatched her silver necklace.  

Muslims entered the city with no resistance excepting column lead by Kahlid who were faced with an opposition led by by Safwan, Suheil, anid Ikrima son of Abu Jahl. As the battalion of Khalid approached it was greeted by a shower of arrows. But the improvised resistance was no match to the army of Muhammad and the resistance was quickly subdued. Fired with their victory the Bedouins ran into the streets killing more than tow dozens of the citizens. 

When Muhammad saw this he cried out. "Did I not strictly command that there should not be any fighting?" He was told that some of the Meccans had put on some resistance, to which he said:  "That which the Allah decrees is the best."


Muhammad entered the town triumphantly and at as spot not far from the tombs of Abu Talib and Khadija he directed his tent of leather to be pitched in the open space to the north of the city without entering his own house. He entered his tend to repose and savor his victory. The rejected and outcast refugee, once derided, humiliated and called a lunatic, now saw the city at his feet. He was now the lord of Mecca .  


Destroying the idols

Soon he emerged out of his tent, mounted his mule and proceeded towards Ka’ba. He saluted and kissed the sacred stone and circumvallated the edifice seven times. Then with his staff pointing at the idols arrayed around the temple, he ordered them to be hewn down.

Pushing the great image of Hobal, the tutelary image of Mecca to the ground he exclaimed: “Truth hath come and falsehood hath vanished; for falsehood is evanescent." [Q.17.81]And so three sixty idols were smashed as Muhammad repeated the above verse. Then he sent Bilal to fetch Othman ibn Talha, the son of the key holder of Ka’ba who had converted to Islam and opening the door of Ka’ba he entered and again performed prostration and stayed there for a while. Then he emerged and facing the throng of his followers told them that every one who believes in Allah must destroy every image in his house. He gave assurances to the Meccans that he respected their temple and even ordered the boundary pillars that were landmarks approaching the town to be repaired. In this way he won the hearts of the Meccans and eased their alarms.

When Muhammad retired to his tend Abu Bakr brought his father who was bowed with age to visit his prophet. Muhammad was most courteous with Abu Quhafa, sat his next to himself and affectionately pressing his hand upon the old man's breast, invited him to accept Islam, which he readily did.

Muhammad had promised general amnesty to the inhabitants when Abu Sofian visited him on the night before. But there were ten or twelve that he excluded. These were men and women who had composed poetries, sang mocking songs.

Among them was Abdullah Sa'd Abi Sarh, who was the secretary of Muhammad and had apostatized on the account that he had believed Muhammad was not receiving any revelations but making them up. This he had to believe because on occasions he would suggest better wording of a verse and Muhammad would readily agree. If the verses were from God, then how could he change them? His story had embarrassed Muhammad and that is the reason he was excluded from the amnesty. He was spared thanks to Othman’s intervention.

Another was Abdullah ibn Khatal. He had become a Muslim and had apostatized. He had two singing-girls Fartana and her friend who used to sing satirical songs about the apostle. All the three were ordered to be put to death. ibn Khatal had also killed his own slave for disobeying him, but he was not to be put to death for that. He was to be killed for apostatizing and for ridiculing Muhammad with his satirical verses. [Sirat, p. 550]


Alarmed of Muhammad’s decision, Ibn Khatal clung to the curtains of Ka’ba hoping the sacredness of the temple would dissuade him from his evil design. Bukahri narrates:


Allah's Apostle entered Mecca in the year of its Conquest wearing an Arabian helmet on his head and when the Prophet took it off, a person came and said, "Ibn Khatal is holding the covering of the Ka'ba (taking refuge in the Ka'ba)." The Prophet said, "Kill him." [Bukhari Volume 3, Book 29, Number 72]


"As for Ibn Khatal's two singing-girls, one was killed and the other ran away until the apostle, asked for immunity, gave it her.” [Sirat p. 551]


"Another [ordered to be killed] was Miqyas Hubaba. This man’s brother was murdered by an Ansari. He traveled to Medina to revenge and pretended to be a Muslim seeking the bloodwit, but when he met the killer, he slew him and escaped to Mecca . He was killed mainly for apostatizing.  [Sirat, p. 492]


Some of the condemned by Muhammad to be killed escaped execution after a friend pleaded that they be spared. 

Huweirith and Habbar were the two ruffians that had pursued Zeinab, Mahomet's daughter, on her way to Mecca and by injuring her camel they had caused the premature abortion of her infant. He was put to death by Ali. Habbar concealed himself for some months later he went to Medina , a repentant convert. Since he had not launched the spear, he was forgiven.

Safwan, Ikrima, Hind, and Sarah escape

Safwan and Ikrima the son of Aba Hakam, after eluding the pursuit of Khalid, fled to sea-shore tying to escape to Yemen, the wife of Ikrima converted to Islam and pleaded protection for her husband. The protection was granted to both of them and they were on the point of embarking, when the assurance of forgiveness reached them and they returned. Hind, the wife of Abu Sofian, and Sarah, a singing girl also escaped the sentence of death after professing their faith to Islam. “Sara, who lived until in the time of `Umar a mounted soldier trod her down in the valley of Mecca and killed her." [Sirat p. 551]

Another was Abdullah ibn Zibara, a poet who used to write satirical verses against Muhammad. He fled to Najran. Later he was forgiven and went to Medina .


Wahshi, the Abyssinian slave, who slew Hamza, was one of the condemned. He fled to Tayif, and eventually obtained pardon.


Apart from these few cases, Muhammad’s treatment of the Meccans was singularly magnanimous. Unlike other towns he did not plunder Mecca and kept the bloodshed to a minimum. This was after all his own town and these were his own people. Apart from the fact that a general killing and looting would have strained the loyalty of his companions many of whom had families and friends in Mecca , he was also aware that blood is ticker than water and needed the Meccans to stand by him and support his cause.


His generosity was rewarded. The whole population of Mecca gave their adherence to his cause and espoused the new faith with alacrity and devotion. In just a few weeks, a few thousand Meccans heed to his call and prepare themselves to fight by his side.


In the following days he sent various armed parties to different directions around Mecca to demolish the images and idols of the deities. Generally, asking the former worshippers to demolish their own idols. The destruction of the status of Buddha in Bamian , Afghanistan by the Taliban was inspired by these injunctions.  

 After this Muhammad was more magnanimous. It is said that he send Khalid with a large detachment to Bani Jadhima to demand their adherence to Islam. They surrendered and laid down their arms. And Khalid, after tying them started massacring them, till some of the older companions of Muhammad stopped him. Upon hearing this, Muhammad was annoyed and paid the bloodwit and restituted the stolen property. Nonetheless, the ruthlessness of Khalid and his military prowess won him the title of The Sword of Allah.

The Fall of Mecca


One question worth analyzing is what really made a powerful city like Mecca coil before Muhammad without putting any fight? Sir William Muir offers a theory that if true becomes poignant in our times. Is it possible that the non-Islamic countries suffer the same fate of Mecca ? The idea seems outlandish and even improbable. But that was how secure the Quraish felt about Mecca . The problem is that the world does not know Islam and this lack of knowledge contributes complacency and complacency is what brought the strong and mighty tribes of Arabia to their knees. Muhammad conquered his enemies one by one and all of them were stronger than him. What made that possible was their complacency and Muhammad reliance on deceit and surprise attacks. On September 11, 2004 it took only 19 Muslims to kill three thousand people cause billions of dollars in damages and expose the vulnerability of the mightiest country in the world. Since then billions of dollars have been expended on securities and fighting terrorism. These are all costs that could have been put to better uses.


Muir believes that the reason Mecca fell had to do with treachery of the Meccans who had become sympathizers of Muslims and worked to lull the alarm from inside. As we saw Muhammad’s influence in Mecca was growing and several youth including ambitious and opportunistic men such as Khalid ibn Walid and Sa’d ibn Aas left Mecca to join Muhammad, but there were many more who stayed behind and treacherously called the fear of Islam in the population. One such person, was Abass, the uncle of Muhammad, who despite being part of the council of the elders in Mecca , used to furnish his nephew with the insiders information and acted as his spy.


What is most surprising is the fact that the Meccans did not prepare for the war after Abu Sofian brought the dire news of Muhammad resolution to invade Mecca . Muir is of the opinion that after He visited Muhammad in Mecca and it became clear to him that if Mecca resist the Muslims there would be a blood bath and many would die, he, perhaps spurred by his patriotic zest and his desire to avoid further bloodshed agreed to hand over Mecca to Muhammad under the condition that the Meccans be spared. So the agreement of the surrender of Mecca was reached in Medina . This must have been a very secret agreement of which not even Omar and other close companions of Muhammad were privy.  So when Abu Sofian returned, he also kept the information secret from the Meccans. Muir finds it too much of serendipity for Abu Sofian going out in the direction of Mecca miles away from his town just to reconnoiter and see whether the Muslims are coming and then Abbas. What seems odd is why this mission was carried out by the chief when it would have been wiser to send a younger and more agile man mounted on a horse. Abbas’ departure from the camp going towards the Mecca to find "some hewer of wood or seller of milk," to carry the message of the arrival of the army of Muslims that up until now was kept in total secret does not seem also a good alibi. Muhammad had taken every city by surprise and he had kept the invasion of Mecca also a top secret, why would he want to give the Meccans a chance to prepare themselves in the last hours and even send messengers to their neighboring allies asking for re-enforcements. That is highly uncharacteristic of Muhammad. Then the next surprising thing is that Sofian after learning of the presence of the enemy instead of rushing back to Mecca and telling them to prepare for the war, he mounts the mule behind Abbas and spends the night in the camp of the enemy. 

Katib al Waqidi writes that the Meccans deputed Abu Sofian, that if he meets Muhammad to “take from him a pledge for our security." [K. Waqidi, 127]. So obviously even though the whole population was not aware of the invasion, the chiefs already knew.

According to Muir: “unless Abu Sofian, and one or two other influential men, had so acted as to quiet suspicion, the city would have bristled with arms, as it did two years before, when Muhammad came with peaceful, and not as now with hostile, intentions. Where were the Bani Bakr and the numerous citizens who had good reason to dread the vengeance of Muhammad?”

All this suggest that there was some sort of collusion between Muhammad and Abu Sofian, were Abu Sofian got assurances of the safety of the people and their property and Muhammad the assurances of taking the city off guard and with no resistance.

The question that should concern the non-Muslim counties today is whether there are not people of influence among them that lull them, lie to them and calm their concerns about the dangers of Islam. Unfortunately the answer is yes. Whether because of ignorance, the desire to be politically correct or through misplaced loyalties, there are many people of influence, writers, historians, or politicians who present Islam in the best light, claim it to be a religion of peace, are apologetic of its dark history of violence lull the concerns of the people of the dangers that Islam represents to their society.    

There is no question that the civilized world is waging a war against Islamic terrorism. But to be able to fight this enemy, the first thing we must do is to understand him. Who is the enemy? What are his values? What are his beliefs? What he wants from us?

When you do not know and cannot see your enemy; and all you can do is to shoot in the dark your technological and military superiority is not going to avail you, especially when your enemy can see you perfectly and can stab you from the back. 

The apologists of Islam, many of them of them westerners and non-Muslims, have been writing books and creating documentaries that are based on nothing but lies.

Dr. Maurice Bucaille, who was the chief of the surgical clinic of the University of Paris In 1976 published a book entitled "The Bible, The Qur’an and science”. In this book he claimed that the Quran is “scientific”. That book is an insult to science and human intelligence. Yet the lies concocted by this so called scientist have fooled many into thinking that Quran is indeed a book containing scientific miracles. What few knew is the fact that Dr. Bucaille, despite making these absurd claims about the Quran and its miraculous nature never converted to Islam which makes one question his sincerity. Shouldn’t he be the first to embrace Islam after realizing how miraculous is the Quran? So why would he write such an absurd book? The answer is that Dr. Bucaille was appointed the family physician of the late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia . He was aware of the de-humanized image of Islam outside the Islamic world. He wrote that book and presents it to the King who lavished him riches that he could not have made by practicing his profession alone. Dr. Bucaille was a scientist but a charlatan at that.

Another great charlatan who sold his professional integrity to forge miracles for Islam was Dr. Keith Moore. He was the former President of the Canadian Association of Anatomists and professor Emeritus, Department of anatomy and cell biology, University of Toronto .  When he was offered a faculty position in King Abdul Aziz University , right away he smelled the sweet scent of petro-dollars. He worked with the embryology committee of the King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah. His job was to interpret the many statements in the Qur’an and Sunnah referring to the human reproduction and prenatal development. Moore , like Bucaille never converted to Islam, but complied with the Saudi’s demands and wrote at a conference in Cairo , he presented a research paper and stated: 

"It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Qur’an about human development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God, or Allah, because most of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later.  This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messenger of God or Allah".  

Moore was handsomely rewarded for making the mockery of science and these bogus claims.

There are more western “intellectuals” and writers that although are not Muslims are more defensive of Islam than most Muslims. Prof. John Esposito is an avowed apologist of Islam that even goes as far as to defy the Muslims and say Islam is compatible with democracy. Of course Islam is not compatible with democracy, no true Islamic scholar would every say that or even would tolerate such insolence. Democracy is the rule of the people over the people, i.e. people must devise their own law. Islam means submission to the rule of Allah. The laws governing the lives of the people are giving by Allah through his revelation. Islam and democracy contradict each other even in the names. Then why Esposito is so adamant to present Islam for what it is not? It is because this sounds more pleasing to the ears of the Westerners and it lulls their alarm vis-à-vis Islamic expansionism in their countries.

Another academician who clearly tries to portray Islam in the best light is Prof. Michael Sells of the University of North Carolina who wrote a book titled, "Approaching the Qur'an: The Early Revelations", thus hiding completely the real violent verses of the Quran that belong to the later “revelations” that Muhammad wrote after he went to Medina. Writing a book that focuses only on the early verses written during a period that Muhammad was weak and his words were benign is deceptive to day the least. Most of the early “revelation” is abrogated by the more violent and sanguinary alter writings of Muhammad. So why Prof. Sells would try to deceive his students with a book that portrays only the goody verses of the Quran? His response was: “in a college course on Western civilization, students are more likely to read Biblical passages from Exodus than the gruesome accounts of slaughter in Joshua.” So Prof. Sells is completely aware of the gruesome verses of the Quran but deliberately chose to present only the “nicer” part.


I wrote to both these gentlemen inviting them to debate and defend their views of Islam. Needless to say that neither one responded.

Then we have Karen Armstrong, the self proclaimed scholar of Islam that talk about Islam in the most glorifying way which makes one wonder why she has not embraced Islam yet. I asked a young man who had left Islam after converting to as to why he became a Muslim in the first place. He said: “The answer to your question is two words – Karen Armstrong.” His experience with Islam was traumatic but he eventually managed to see the light and untangle himself from this web of lies.

Unfortunately many are not as lucky as him. Many Americans have converted to Islam, thanks to the intellectual dishonesty of the Islamic apologists such as those mentioned above falling prey to their deceptions and lies. They were attracted to Islam lulled by the Islamic apologists into believing that Islam is a religion of peace and gradually, when indoctrinated they sided with the terrorists and have risen to kill their fellow citizens.

John Walker Lindh, the so called American Taleban; Adam Gadahn, the interpreter and collaborator of Al Qaida; Richard Reid, the shoe bomber; Jose Padilla the dirty bomber; Spc. Ryan G. Anderson the U.S. Guardsman who tried to reach al-Qaida operatives through the Internet, offering them information on U.S. military capabilities, Capt. James Yee, a former Fort Lewis chaplain, accused of mishandling classified information from the U.S. prison for suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay;  Sgt. Asan Akbar, an American soldier, who killed and injured more than a dozen of sleeping fellow American soldiers and officers while shouting:  "You guys are coming into our countries, and you're going to rape our women and kill our children"; are just few examples that shows Muslims do not have loyalty to their own country. The loyalty of a Muslim is with Islam.

Only two months after the 9/11 disaster, the Italian embassy in Saudi Arabia announced that Torquato Cardeilli the Italian ambassador to that country converted to Islam. Italians may consider this as a non-issue as the choice of the religion is personal and no one’s business. I wholeheartedly agree with the concept. Had the ambassador converted to Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or any other religion it would have been no one’s business. But he converted to Islam and that is the source of concern.

We saw how Farwa the Governor of Amman, rebelled against the Roman Empire , and attacked Ghaza. Once he became a Muslim, he turned against the Empire that he was representing and became an agent of Islam.


Re-establishing the Khalifah

Let there be no doubts as what Muslims want. They want to topple the present governments and establish the rule of Khalifah in the world. To know what they want, all we have to do is listen to them. The following is an extract from islamic-state.org/west/ 

 “What can Muslims in Britain and other non-Muslim countries do to re-establish the Khilafah?

The Prophet said: “The Muslims are one Ummah, their land is one land and their war is one war."

O Muslims in Britain and Muslims in the West, we must take heed from these words of Rasuululah [the Prophet].  We must realise that we are part of the global Muslim Ummah and not British Muslims or Western Muslims. We should not localise our vision and forget the problems of the Muslims worldwide whether they are in Palestine , Chechnya or Pakistan . We should not become integrated into the corrupt Western society and accept their diseased notions of democracy, freedom and Capitalism.

Allah (swt) warned us in the Quran, "The Jews and the Christans will never be pleased with you until you follow their Millah (their way or their religion)"

So what can the Muslims of Britain and the West do to aid the work for the re-establishment of the Khilafah and the resumption of the Islamic way of life? No-one is seriously attempting to re-establish the Khilafah in the UK . The role of the Muslims in Britain and other Western countries is to support the work of the Muslims in the Muslim lands. There are a number of things we can do to facilitate the dawah.”

After explaining the methods that Muslims could employ to establish the Khalifah this article ends with the following exhortation:

“Dear brothers and sisters we invite you to work with Hizb ut-Tahrir and participate in achieving its noble aim of liberating the Ummah from the shackles of colonialism and implementing Islam. I hope you can see that there is a lot we can do to support the work to re-establish the Khilafah and that being here is not life in the slow lane or a marginal role in the dawah”

Let us recall the words of Omar Ahmad, the Co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant...The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth," 

And Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s spokesperson:

"I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future...But I'm not going to do anything violent to promote that. I'm going to do it through education."


The question we have to ask ourselves is how to balance the respect for human rights of the Muslims living among us with our own security. There is no easy answer to this question. Inevitably, giving emphasis to one undermines the other. These two choices are mutually exclusive.

Unfortunately the options are few. We either, bite the bullet and discriminate against the Muslims, barring them from occupying sensitive jobs, thus violating everything we stand for, our values and standards of liberty and democracy or live with constant fear and the prospect of potential enemies infiltrating into our society and government institutions attacking us from within.

Imagine how wise it would have been for the U.S.A. to recruit a declared Nazi as the National Guard during the height of the WWII or employ a KGB operative in the Department of Defense. The loyalty of Muslims to America or any other country that is not Islamic is just about that much.  






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