After Dear Securities
Dear Ali Sina
There are people who claim they have seen heavens or given a choice to
select the heavens or get back to the world. and for the sake of
relatives, they chose to get back. What does your research say? If God
is love, why all this trouble?
Dear Abdul
Many people claim to have had near death experiences and saw their entire
life pass in front of them like slideshow. Some have reported going
through a tunnel and on the other side saw light, a loving being and even
met their dead relatives who told them their time has not come and that
they should return. Skeptics dismiss all that as brain function. I cannot
opine on that. The skeptics could be right. However, there have been
reports of people clinically dead who saw the operating crew working on
them and heard their conversation when they were unconscious. Some even
saw their loved ones in the waiting room of the hospital and remembered
their talk. There is no scientific explanation to these claims and diehard
skeptics prefer to deny the authenticity of such reports. I find that
quite dishonest. Remember that the self proclaimed skeptics are actually
believers in materialism. The basis of the materialistic faith is to deny
anything you can�t understand and the limited discovered science cannot
explain. I do not belong to these groups. I try to be a real skeptic and
not a fanatical materialist. I have not just rejected religion but all
faiths, including faith in materialism. Consequently I do not deny that
life after death may exist. However, I have no solid evidence that such
life exists. I cannot call all those who say they saw the doctors
operating on them as liar either. I remain an agonistic until we learn
more about this curious subject.
I am not rejecting life after death but Islam. I know for a fact that
Islam is a lie, and Muhammad was a conman. He had no understanding of God
and afterlife. His god is stupid, petty and evil like himself because it
is his own projection. His depiction of afterlife, his heaven and hell and
all those rivers of wine, milk and honey and celestial whores, who are
thirty meters tall and the pearly boys for the delight of the pedophiles
are more than ridiculous. They are shameful. Once you leave Islam you may
actually find the truth about many of the mysteries that boggle Muslims.
I do not believe in a deity. God as a person does not make sense to me and
I cannot in any shape or form accept that there is a conscious being out
there that controls the universe. This idea is illogical and puerile.
When I say God is love, I mean Love is supreme. Everything comes into
being through love. Love is the essence and the binding force of all
things, whether living or inanimate. Love in the inanimate world has an
entirely different manifestation. It is expressed in natural laws.
Therefore I believe in Love, which is the most august manifestation of the
natural law, but not in a deity. I believe in the law but not in a
lawmaker. It is much easier to believe that laws exist without a maker
than believing a lawmaker can exist without a maker.
Despite all this, I do not want to promote atheism. As long as your god
does not tell you that I must be subdued or killed, I will respect your
choice to believe in anything you choose to believe. I do not see the
solution to the human problems in atheism. Our problems are not rooted in
the belief in God but rather in intolerance. If atheists opt to be
intolerant of other beliefs, they can do just as much harm as intolerant
religions can do. Islam is a theistic belief and Communism is an atheistic
belief. Both are equally evil because both are intolerant beliefs and
absolutists. Militant atheism is just as pernicious and dangerous as
religious militancy.
Why there is so much trouble in the world?
What trouble? The world goes round according to the natural law and
there is no trouble there. If you are referring to the problems affecting
the human world, that is because we humans are law breakers. For example
Islam is contrary to the natural law and those who follow this doctrine,
not only hurt themselves they are also a menace to others.
Love in human world manifests itself in various forms including through
brotherhood of all mankind. A doctrine that preaches hatred of mankind
under the pretext that some people are infidels is a doctrine that is
against love. You break any law and you pay the consequence of that. This
is one of the reasons Muslims are the most wretched people in the world.
Which faith is right or if there is any
such thing as true faith is not a question. The question is "What
is destiny?" the question is "Is it all prewritten.
Faith is a powerful human faculty. If we use it in the right way we can
reap huge benefits, but if we abuse it we can harm ourselves greatly. If
you believe in your own creative power and potentials, if you have faith
that you will be able to overcome all hardships and that with your own
efforts you will beat all odds, you will benefit from your belief. But if
you choose to believe in hocus pocus and fairytales, you have misplaced
your faith and to the extent that your belief is against the natural law
you get hurt and hurt others. Faith is power. You can use it for good or
evil. Faith in Islam is utmost evil while faith in human potential is
utmost good. To the extent that you distance yourself from reason and love
for mankind and believe in absurdities and hatred taught by Muhammad you
are evil. The more you go against what Muhammad spewed the better human
you become. Those who follow Islam completely are completely evil. Islam
is like a disease. You don�t die from diseases. You only die if they
become extreme. Likewise, you don�t become evil just by being a Muslim,
however if your faith in Muhammad becomes strong you can be reduced into a
beast. Do you think Muslim jihjadis are human? Far from it! They are worse
than beasts. The difference between them and ordinary Muslims is in
degrees of their faith. The more you believe in Muhammad, the more you
evil you become to an extent that at some point you lose every trace of
humanity and became a true incarnation of evil. That is why I consider
those who promote �moderate Islam� as fools. It is like spreading a
disease in moderation. They argue that Islam taken in moderation is not
bad. Why not get rid of it completely?
Not all religions are the same. Some are more dangerous than others. I
don�t believe in Christianity but I see nothing wrong in the teachings
of Christ. He taught love, forgiveness and brotherhood of all mankind. On
the other hand the belief in Muhammad can reduce one into a murderous
I cannot tell you which faith you should believe. All I can tell you is
that I believe in my own limited and fallible intelligence. I have faith
in myself. I also know that everyone is fallible. Therefore I will not
follow others. I will try to learn from them but will only do what makes
sense to me. There is a big danger in being a follower. What if your guru
is wrong? There are so many religions and gurus, all contradicting each
other. How do you know the one you have chosen to follow is the right one?
Do you have any proof? We humans are endowed with intelligence and it does
not behoove us to abdicate it and follow someone else.
Destiny is a fallacy. Nothing is predestined. We are captains of our own
lives. Just as it is completely up to you to read this article or not and
this is not determined by destiny, you decide on all your actions,
thoughts and words and these are the things that ultimately determine your
future. Do not believe in Muhammad�s lies. It is not befitting for
intelligent people in this day and age to believe in his fairytales.
Predestination is an absurdity. If everything is predestined, then what is
the justification for hell and heaven? If every leaf moves by the leave of
God then how can you and I be responsible for doing what God has decreed
for us? We are following a script written by God, like actors. How can we
be responsible for our actions and why there should be a punishment for
doing what has been ordained for us to do? Do you see how easy it is to
disprove Muhammad?
Now, please do not confuse POTENTIALS with destiny. Each one of us is born
endowed with different potentials. These are mostly genetically
determined. Eventually with science we will be able to even change our
genes and replace the less desirable ones with better genes. I would not
be surprised if in future people sit in front of a computer (or what will
replace it) and choose the features of their children. We may one day be
able to eliminate all genetic diseases. We may even beat death and live
for hundreds of years. No, it is not a fantasy. It is something within the
realm of science.
July 4, 1999 (The Times of London Britain) -- Scientist believe they
have discovered a group of genes that hold the key to
"immortality." Experiments using fruit flies have identified
genes that have the capacity to make a cell last indefinitely by
repairing damage. When active, the genes make the insects live for up to
three (3) times their normal life span. Theoretically, the flies could
last longer -- if wear and tear of their wings and vital organs did not
cause death first. The researchers predict that the same mechanism
exists in humans, giving people born now the possibility of surviving
well into the 22nd Century by reaching ages of 140 or more.
Destiny is an absurd argument. As rational people we should not believe in
these silly antiquated tales nor waste our time discussing them. Any time
you believe in a lie you stand to lose. Why do you think Muslims lag
behind while all other nations are advancing in science and technology? It
is because instead of real science they waste their time trying to make
sense of Muhammad�s asinine statements.
Look at the consequence of believing in this lie. Muslims do not consider
themselves responsible for what happens to them but rather ascribe
everything to the will of Allah. As a result they do not endeavor to
change anything. Facts speak for themselves. Islamic countries are
poor to the extent that they follow Islam (unless they have found oil
under the ground). Other nations who do not believe in this lie know that
money does bubble from the ground. It is up to them to create wealth. When
faced with calamities and natural disasters, they do not hide their heads
under the sand saying it was the will of God. They try to find ways to
beat those calamities through science and technology. The belief in
destiny is the cause of the misery of Muslims.
Why do people report to have experienced
exactly the same events already?" the question is, "if
reincarnation has any truth in it, what is the way out?"
If you answer these questions satisfactorily, I am with you.
What you are describing is called d�j� vu. It is a French term
that means "already seen." You may experience an overwhelming
sense of familiarity with something that shouldn't be familiar. Say, you
visit a country for the first time and while touring a place it seems to
you that you have been there before. Or maybe you are discussing about a
current event with a group of friends and all of a sudden it seems that
you have had this discussion before with the same people in the same
Many researches have been done on d�j� vu. Some psychiatrists attribute
it to temporal lobe epilepsy. Those suffering from TLE often report d�j�
vu prior or during seizure. However, it can also happen to anyone. Over
70% of the people report having had d�j� vu experiences at some point in
their life. Although the phenomenon is not entirely understood, it is
clear that it has nothing to do with prior lives. If you have d�j� vu
while discussing a current event, you can�t say this same event happened
sometimes in the past as well.
Some psychiatrists ascribe d�j� vu to a mismatching in the brain that
causes it to mistake the present for the past. According to this theory, d�j�
vu is caused by the overlap between the neurological systems responsible
for short term memory (events which are perceived as being in the present)
and those responsible for long-term memory (events which are perceived as
being in the past). In other words, the events would be stored into memory
before the conscious part of the brain even receives the information and
processes it. (See Wikipedia) D�j� vu is therefore a brain anomaly and
not a paranormal experience.
As for reincarnation, this is an unsubstantiated claim. It is actually an
irrational argument. What is the point of returning to this world if we
are not told what mistakes we committed in our previous lives? How can we
avoid the same mistakes if we have no recollection of them? You know fire
burns because you retain the memory of the painful experience of being
burnt before. But if that memory is blotted completely, you may burn
yourself again. Without memory, no learning is possible. The idea of
reincarnation seems to be a fallacy. It explains nothing while it creates
more questions. Then again, I could be wrong. See
this amazing and strange story.
I hope you are satisfied with these answers. Are you with me yet?