Ali Sina
Muslims choose a few verses
from the Quran and reinterpret them to correlate with the modern science
and then ask, “how could Muhammad in the 7th century have known all
these things”.
This is called petitio
principii. In other words the premises are as false as the conclusion.
Here is one such claim:
"And Your lord
inspired the bee, to build your dwellings in hills, on trees, and in
(human’s) habitations. Then, to eat of all the produce and follow the
ways of your Lord made easy. There comes forth from their bodies a drink
of varying colour, wherein is healing for men: Verily, in this is a sign
for those who give thought."(The Quran, 16:68-69)
The imperative "build" above is the translation of the Arabic
word "attakhithi", which is the feminine form (Arabic grammar
unlike English, differentiates between the sexes). The feminine form is
used when all of those it refers to are female, whereas the masculine is
used when a group consists of at least 1 male.
Therefore the Quran is in fact saying "build, you female bees.."
A swarm of bees , which collect honey and build the hive, are female only.
Thus, the phrasing of this command is in agreement with the scientific
fact that male bees do not partake in the construction of the hive.
Microscopes were not invented until 1610, when Galileo invented one of the
first microscopes almost a thousand years after Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him). It is only Allah, the Creator of all things, who revealed such
details over 1,423 years ago. This one word of the Quran is sufficient to
prove that Quran is from non other than Allah! (source)
The belief that worker bees are female existed at least from a time dating
back to Aristotle and perhaps much before him.
Describing the various theories about the bees
prevalent in his time, Aristotle wrote: “Others, again, assert that
these insects copulate, and that the drones are male and the bees
female.” [History of Animals Book 5
Aristotle observed that the brood of drones appears
even when there is no ruler bee in the hive. This is an accurate
observation. As we know today, unfertilized female workers can lay eggs in
the absence of a queen, but the eggs develop into drones. Aristotle gave a
fairly accurate description of the bees with only few mistakes like
confusing the gender of the Queen and calling it King.
Aristotle lived in 350 BC or
1000 years before Muhammad. Therefore, the concept of bees being
female was not an invention of Muhammad. In fact the word bee in Arabic
What Muhammad said about
”And thy Lord taught the Bee to build its cells
in hills, on trees, and in (men's) habitations;”
That is all the information there is in the Quran
about the bees. There is nothing ground breaking in what we see in this
verse. This is something that not only people, but also the bears and the
birds know. So Muhammad states something obvious known to everyone
including animals. What is the miracle in this verse? The “miracle” as
Muslims claim is that Muhammad refers to bees in female gender.
The word bee in Arabic is nahla. This word was not invented by Muhammad. This is an Arabic
word used by everyone who speaks Arabic. The word is feminine. In Arabic
some words are feminine some are masculine. The fact that Muhammad uses an
Arabic word that happens to be feminine is no indication that he was the
first who discovered bees are female. In fact not all bees are female.
The gender of the worker bees
was already known to everyone at least for 1000 years before Muhammad. All
Arabs used the same word even before Muhammad. Why Muhammad should be
called a miracle-maker and they who taught Muhammad the word should be
called "ignorant", as Muhammad disparagingly referred to all
those who lived before him?
More Miracles in the Quran