By: Ali Sina
Religions have been with us since the early days of
humanity. The belief in animism and spirits is present in very primitive
societies. Even today one can find the traces of animism in the isolated
societies like the inhabitants of the Amazon Jungles. But belief in the
unknown is not restricted to primitive cultures. We do not have to travel
to the Amazons to find people who believe in things for which there is no
evidence whatsoever. You can find believers, even in the most advanced
societies and the most civilized nations. People who are educated, who
have university degrees, who are our politicians and our leaders are
believers in things that have no logical basis.
Someone wrote: “People always have looked for
something to worship. This is true from the Aztecs and Africans to
Vikings, from 10,000 BC to 2001 AD. Mohammad was not the 1st person to use
religion for his own benefit; this is an old history. You can never wipe
out religion. The communists with all their power and influence could not
do it, what makes you think that you can?
My answer to this cyber friend was as follows:
It is true that people in the past have always looked
for something to worship. But past is no indication of the future. In the
past people lacked knowledge and understanding. They had not discovered
science and had no ways to understand the world. They invented myths,
gods, angels and demons to explain the unknown. There was a god of
thunder, a god of rain, a god of wind and a god of fertility. Many natural
phenomena had a god that was responsible for it. I was surprised when I
heard that Copernicus who rejected geocentrism and proposed heliocentrism,
(Sun as the center of the Solar system) who lived before Newton and still
ignorant of the gravity and therefore could not explain why the Earth
moves around the sun guessed that angels make the Earth rotate around the
If this story is true, it is surprising, especially
coming from a brilliant mind like Copernicus. But it just shows how the
human mind works. How they introduced gods and angels to explain the
unknown when faced with an unexplainable phenomenon. Our brain is a
complex organ. Parts of that may be very advanced yet other parts that
deal with beliefs can remain very much underdeveloped. So it is not
impossible to find a surgeon whose beliefs are puerile and naive. It seems
that all the academic qualifications of some people cannot curb the absurd
beliefs that were inculcated in him since his childhood.
However, humanity as a whole is growing out of this
childish way of thinking gradually. Beliefs are becoming outdated and
unfashionable. People are now discovering the value of doubt. Ambroise
Bierce puts it eloquently: "Faith,
is Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without
knowledge, of things without parallel."
The reason Communists did not succeedin eradicating
religion was because they wanted to replace belief in God with another
atheist religion. They also believed that they could indoctrinate people
by force. This approach is doomed to fail. The same method is used by the
Islamic Regime in Iran, and I am certain that those kids born after the
revolution and indoctrinated by the IR will be the ones that will abandon
Islam altogether just as the Russian indoctrinated in communism were the
ones that rebelled against it.
As freethinkers we are not replacing one dogma with
another. We are proposing the abandonment of all dogmas and accepting as
true only the facts that have been proven. In other words we believe in nothing. We are not proposing the replacement of
one illogical belief with another. We are questioning the validity of
belief itself. This definitely has more appeal and is going to succeed.
Richard Dawkins has an excellent quote on faith. He
said: "Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need
to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps
because of, the lack of evidence." The correctness of this statement
becomes further evident when we read a few assertions made by men of
“We should always be disposed to believe that which
appears to us to be white is really black, if the hierarchy of the church
so decides.”
-St. Ignatius Loyola (1500)
“Whoever wishes to be a Christian, let him pluck
out the eyes of his reason.”
-Martin Luther (First Psalm Lectures, Luther's Works, Vol. 11, p.285)
“Christ wants to slay reason and subdue the
arrogance of the Jews...”
-Martin Luther (Sermons on the Gospel of St. John, Luther's Works, V.22,
“Whoever wants to be a Christian must be intent on
silencing the voice of reason.”
-Martin Luther (Sermons on the Gospel of St. John, Luther's Works, V.23,
p. 99)
“If the bible had said that Jonah swallowed the
whale, I would believe it.”
William Jennings Bryan
“Evolution is a bankrupt speculative philosophy,
not a scientific fact. Only a spiritually bankrupt society could ever
believe it. ... Only atheists could accept this Satanic theory.”
-Jimmy Swaggart (former pop preacher)
“Sickness and disease will be a part of life of
this planet until Jesus comes back.”
-Pat Robertson (Answers to 200 of Life's most Probing Questions, Bantom
Books, 1984)
“If you go all the way back to the days just
following creation, men lived nine hundred years or more.”
-Pat Robertson (Answers to 200 of Life's most Probing Questions, Bantom
Books, 1984)
He [Jesus] had the ability to walk through doors, to
travel vast distances in an instant, and to ascent into heaven.
-Pat Robertson (Answers to 200 of Life's most Probing Questions, Bantom
Books, 1984)
You say what's going to happen on this earth when the
Rapture occurs? You'll be riding along in an automobile; you'll be the
driver, perhaps; you're a Christian; there'll be several people in the
automobile with you, maybe someone who is not a Christian. When the
trumpet sounds, you and the other born-again Christians in that automobile
will be instantly caught away, you'll disappear, leaving behind your
clothing and physical things that cannot inherit eternal life. That
unsaved person or persons in the automobile will suddenly be startled to
find that the car is moving along without a driver, and suddenly somewhere
crashes. Those saved people in the car have disappeared.
-Rev. Jerry Falwell (broadcast excerpt on National Public Radio cassette
Ronald Reagan and the Prophecy of Armageddon by Joe Cuomo.)
The Bible tells us that the unbelievers will go into
endless punishment.
-D. James Kennedy (Why I Believe, World Publishing, 1980)
These are examples of the thinking of religious
people; people who believe but do not think. This attitude is changing.
Yes people are still in the search of their spirituality, but they no longer believe in the above gobbledygook. They are now
searching for answers, for the meaning of the universe, for the purpose of
their lives. This is the quest of today’s “religious” men and women.
Cultures are colliding and the Internet has made it
possible for people from all over the world to exchange ideas and question
each other’s beliefs. This will only debilitate the beliefs that are
founded on shaky grounds. They will eventually crumble. All beliefs, all
religions that are based on illogical premises and blind faiths will fall.
But instead of going from one religion to another and from one dogma to
the next people will learn to think.
For centuries belief was the king. Men of faith were
respected and praised. Having faith and believing in something was
considered to be good. There are still those who say, one must believe in
something. But that is not right. One need not believe in anything. Today
the world honors skeptics; people who can think, who can reason, who can
question, not those who believe what they are told when they were
Of course there is another “fundamentalist” group
on the other side of the spectrum who totally deny our spiritual essence.
Naturally they will not succeed to convince those who know and sense their
own spirituality. We are spiritual beings and we need no one to convince
us otherwise. Just as those who have eyes can see and will not be swayed
by all the mocking, denial and foot stumbling of the blinds, those who are
aware of their spiritual dimension that is as real to them as is their
sight, will not accept the materialistic views of a few-pseudo scientists
who see with clarity the dirty bathwater but are unable to see the baby in
It was this spiritual thirst that led the primitive
humans to invent gods and demigods in the first place. The thirst is real,
even though those gods are not. Now gradually we are coming to terms in
accepting ourselves as spiritual beings, but without the need of clinging
to antiquated beliefs, irrational religions, and tyrannical and absurd
gods. We are discovering our own spirituality without the mumbo jumbo of
Let me give you one example of that discovery: The
past religions told us to pray, for who prays with sincerity, his prayers
would be answered. And sure enough many experienced miracles in prayers
and this made them believe in the power of prayer and in a god who answers
those prayers. For example, when people were sick and they prayed or they
were aware that others are praying for them, this gave them assurance that
they are going to recover and sure enough they did. Now we know perfectly
that visualization and autosuggestion stimulate the brain to produce a
chemical known as endocrines that cures the disease. There is no god
answering your prayer but it is your brain that activates those chemicals
and cures you.
Human mind is a powerful tool. There has been a case
that a man caught in a refrigerating wagon of a train was found
“frozen” to death, while the refrigerator was not working. The man
“believed” that it was working!
In another case a doctor was allowed to experiment
with a prisoner on a death role. He blindfolded the man and while pressing
a sharp metal on his wrist, he poured warm water on it telling him all the
time that he is going to bleed to death. Sure enough the man’s heart
stopped to beat exactly as the doctor had told him. This man’s wrist was
not cut and he did not lose even one drop of blood. His belief killed him.
People have seen miracles and they think it is from
their religions. You cannot just tell them everything is false. They have
seen the evidence and you will not be able to convince them otherwise.
There is certainly a reality that we have to acknowledge and instead of
denying it, explore it and understand it.
Once you adopt this approach, it is much easier to
put aside the religions and their gods and instead find ways to discover
the power within the human spirit and tap into the enormous energy that is
hidden within each one of us, free from the shroud of mystery and the
hogwash of religions.
In conclusion, worshipping is a thing of the past.
New humans do not worship anything. That antiquated terminology will no
more exist. We doubt, think, reason and question. This is what
distinguished the modern man from the primitive man.
May 11, 2001