The Fall of Islam
by: Ali Sina
Islam: The
Religion of Poverty
The greatest gift of Islam to its followers is poverty.
All Islamic countries with the exception of those that have oil are poor.
Amazingly even Iran that is oil rich and before the Islamic regime was a
prosperous country, is now a poor third world country. With over 20 billion
dollar revenue from the Oil industry, the per capita income of the Iranians
is $1200 annually. Just recently an 18-year-old girl burned herself. She
died within a few days. When questioned why, she replied that without her
there would be one less mouth to feed in her household and more food for her
younger siblings.
20 million Bangalis have immigrated to India in the
search of a better life. Bangladesh and Pakistan are languishing in poverty
while India is now experiencing an economical boom. As for Afghanistan, let
us not even mention it. Some Afghani women are forced to go “grazing”.
They go to the mountains looking for a blade of grass to eat and feed their
children. All Islamic countries are completely unproductive. Half of the
population, i.e. women, is virtually left
out of the work force. Those work waste one month of a year in a
quasi-hibernating state during Ramadan and the 5 daily obligatory prayers
rob the economy millions of valuable person-hours
of productivity. Instead of teaching real science, schools teach the Islamic
non-sense of Fiqh and Sharia
and brainwash the youth with mumbo-jumbo of creation, story of Noah and the
miracles of Muhammad. If it weren’t for oil all Islamic countries without
any exception would be the poorest countries of the world. Millions of
Muslims from all Islamic countries invade the West in the search of a better
One would think that at least those economical
refugees, who have escaped the hardship of their native land, would be
mildly aware that Islam was the cause of their poverty back home and they
would abandon it after amassing some fortune in the Kafir land. One would
expect that at least they would not slay the goose that lays the golden eggs
and would not try to infiltrate Islam in their new homes.
Unfortunately Muslims are bereft of that much
discernment. When Muslims go to non-Islamic countries and once they overcome
their economical hardships they start demanding special privileges to
practice and promote their religion. They take advantage of the democracy in
their host countries and start building mosques calling their hosts Kafir
and strive to eradicate that democracy, and impose the brutal laws of Sharia.
In the West, they have started converting the whites and inculcated in them
the hate of their own culture to the extent that these new converts harbor
the desire to destroy their own churches, loath democracy and capitalism and
endeavor to establish the rule of Islam and theocracy of Khalifat world
In a Statement laid on the table of the house of Assam
(India) Legislative Assembly under item no. 12 dated June.4.2000 Shri
Prafulla Kumar Mahanta the Chief Minister, Assam wrote:
“During the recent past, Assam Police has gathered
sufficient evidence to prove that the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI has
been actively involved in fomenting violence and terrorism in the State.
These activities are mainly in the following areas:
a. Promoting indiscriminate violence in the State by
providing active support to the local militant outfits.
b. Creating new militant outfits along ethnic and
communal lines by instigating ethnic and religious groups.
c. Supply of explosives and sophisticated arms to
various terrorist groups.
d. Causing sabotage of oil pipelines and other
installations, communication lines, railways and roads.
e. Promoting fundamentalism and militancy among local
Muslim youth by misleading them in the name of 'jehad'.
f. Promoting communal tension between Hindu and Muslim
citizens by way of false and highly inflammatory propaganda.”
This report goes on giving the details of various
activities of the ISI in Assam and how Pakistan is training the Muslims,
mostly the Bangali economical immigrants for their terrorist activities in
The World Reacts
to Islam
Many Indians justifiably are alarmed of the growth of
the number of Muslims in India and fear that this would eventually result in
another bloody civil war and further secession of their country. It is
unfortunate though, that this threat has forced them to form militant
fundamentalist groups to combat the spread of Islam in India.
A similar move has already started in England where the
Pakistani youth have clashed with the ultra right angry British youth and
even police in several occasions with much property damage to the shops and
private businesses.
The anti Islamic sentiment is also brewing in Italy,
France, Denmark and Germany. I cannot say that this fear of Islamic
expansionism is unfounded. Islam must be confronted though violence is not
the right method. In fact it is quite counterproductive and dangerous. This
would make Muslims feel martyred and strengthens their resolve making them
go deeper into their ignorance, become fundamentalists with the inevitable
escalation of violence and terrorism. The world should know that terrorism
for a true Muslim is a religious virtue. Jihad was prescribed by Muhammad
and killing the non-believers is regarded a service to Allah (Q.4:84).
The problem here is not Muslims but Islam. It is Islam
that prevents Muslims from mingling with their hosts in amity, and integrate
with the culture of the country where they reside. It is Islam that teaches
them to separate the world in two quarters of Dar-al Harb and Dar-al Islam.
The solution to this problem cannot come from the non-Muslims but from the
Muslims themselves.
What Feeds
Islamic Frenzy?
It is a fact that Muslims are encouraged by the news
that their number is growing. This is of course a total misrepresentation of
the truth because their number is not actually growing by conversion but by
procreation. It is true that Muslims are the fastest growing population but
they interpret this, as ISLAM being the fastest growing "religion”
and they delight even in such an obvious self-deception. In one of my essays
called Who Feeds Fundamentalism
I quoted an article that reported the case of a woman born and raised in a
middle class Muslim family of doctors in Malaysia. She becamea terrorist and
a jihadi after reading a book telling the stories of the Western women
converting to Islam. Those stories blazed her religious fervor making her
conclude that Islam must be a true gem that now the Westerners are
discovering it. She started to wear hejab, started throwing dye at women not
wearing the Islamic veil, was encouraging her husband to take a second wife,
had many brushes with the law for her subversive activities and proudly told
the reporter that she wants her sons to grow with gun in their hands. Any
news of the success of Islam, make Muslims dig deeper in their
fundamentalism and foments their religious zeal transforming them into
terrorists, killing and hating machines.
It is a fact that Islam is kept alive because Muslims
look at each other telling themselves: "not all these people can be
wrong". This is what is called sheep mentality. One sheep jumps; the
other jumps too. Even Muhammad was aware of this weakness in human psyche
and took full advantage of that. In the early days of Islam he targeted the
influential Meccans like Omar and Abu Bakr. Many early Muslim’s faiths
were fortified when they learned that these two important personalities have
also accepted Islam and it made it easy for others to join. “If important
persons like Omar and Abu Bakr have accepted Islam, then it must be true”,
they reasoned. Today Muslims use names like Cat Stevens and Dr. Bucaille
(who is not even a Muslim) to impress themselves and their victims. They
even claim Neil Armstrong is a Muslim, though he himself has categorically
denied this rumor.
The Other Side of
the Coin
However, this coin has another side too. Just as the
news of the growth of Islam and its alleged successes kindles religious
fervor in Muslims, transforming them into zealot fanatics and terrorist
zombies, the news of the failure of Islam disheartens and discourages them.
Just as the news and even the rumors of the conversion of a great number of
people to Islam strengthen the Muslims in their faith, the reverse is also
Islam, especially in recent years, has had many
setbacks, but they have not been publicized. There is a great number of
Muslims who leave Islam, most of them among the intellectuals and the crème
de la crème of the society. But unfortunately these dissenters are not
organized and often do not wish to endanger their lives and their peace of
mind by going public. In Islam the punishment of apostasy is death. Thomas
Paine and Bertrand Russell would not have lived long if they were Muslims
critics. Ahmad Kasravi was murdered brutally and Ali Dashti was jailed at
his advanced age and died in the prisons of Khomeini. So the field is left
open for the Muslims to inseminate their lies about Islam being the fastest
growing religion. The truth is that many Muslims are turning against Islam
and their numbers is increasing. From a statistic of the Iranians in
Scandinavia we learn that 50% of them call themselves atheists or agnostics.
40% say they are Muslims but do not follow Islam. Only 10% consider
themselves to be practicing Muslims. This statistic did not take into
account those Iranians who already belonged to other religions or those
Muslims who converted to other religions after they left Iran. The
anti-Islamic sentiment in Iran can be detected by conversing with the
Jewelers in that country. They say that only 5% of those who buy gold chain
necklaces want Islamic emblems like Allah, Muhammad and Ali carved in their
necklace. 95% now ask for Iranian emblems like the edict of Cyrus on human
rights, the Hakhamanish soldiers, Persepolis and other Iranian national
icons. 23 years ago this percentage was completely the other way round.
Today the government pays people to go to the Mosques. Some go because they
are in dire poverty and need the money and the food that is served there,
but still the mosques are empty. The dislike of Islam among Iranians is
evident from the fact that now they prefer traditional Iranian names for
their newborns. Just 5% of them choose Islamic (Arab) names. In earlier
generations this percentage was over 80%.
Iran has traditionally played a decisive role for
Islam. It provided it with its philosophy. Most of Islamic philosophers are
Iranians. Sufism is an Iranian invention, and even the founders of the 4
Sunni schools of thoughts were Iranians. Without the Iranian input Islam
would be a primitive cult. Islam owes its greatness, architecture philosophy
and culture to Iranian luminaries. The Islamic revolution of Iran gave a
boost to Islam and Islamic fundamentalism in the entire world.
The Ebbing of the
Today, however, the fortunes of Islam are ebbing. Islam
is hated in Iran, especially among the generation born and raised after
Islamic Revolution. Iran is pregnant with history-making events. Before
long the Iranian younger generation is going to rebel and Islam will
suffer its biggest setback ever. It is enough to visit any Iranian forum on
the Internet to see the level of hate that the Iranians feel for Islam. The
Iranian students inside the country feel the same way, though they are
unable to vent their anger now. As soon as this atmosphere of terror is
lifted, all that anger will come to the surface and Islam will die in Iran
with the same swiftness and perhaps violence that it was imposed 1400 years
ago. As Iranians start attacking Islam openly and blame it for all that went
wrong in their country it will have a domino effect in all Islamic world.
The immediate outcome of the fall of Islam in Iran is that the Islamist
terrorist groups in Lebanon, Palestine, Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Philippines and other countries will have their financial supply
cut off. This in itself will hamper their
activities and dampens their fervor. But the biggest blow on Islam
would be psychological. Throughout the centuries, Iran has been a major
player in the Middle East and it has always set the standard. After the
demise of Islam in Iran, Muslims in the neighboring countries would feel
disheartened and their faith will weaken.
Attack of Hindus or Christians on Islam makes Muslims
defensive. I was amazed when a freethinking friend of mine who constantly
writes against Islam retorted when a Christian Reverend of an evangelical
church posted his criticism of Islam in our freethinkers forum. Of course
this good friend of mine is himself critical of Islam but instinctively he
felt that he had to respond to this other Christian fundamentalist by
defending Islam. If an atheist like my own friend is moved to defend a
religion that he loathes when it is attacked by another non-Muslim
fundamentalist, then it is not unreasonable to believe that the opposition
of the Hindu and Christian fundamentalists of Islam is counterproductive.
Islam can be eradicated only from within. It seems that
Muhammad was very much aware of this and that is why he was so unforgiving
towards the dissenters. If the ex-Muslim freethinkers get organized and
attack Islam systematically we will have much more success than if Islam is
attacked from outside by other groups whose own curriculum is often marred
with the same sins they accuse Islam of. These other groups lack
credibility. They are guilty of the same faults that Muslims are. But we, as
freethinkers do not subscribe to any ideology. We can be theists, atheists
or agnostics and still disbelieve in Islam. Unlike the members of other
religions we have no hidden skeletons in our closets to fear a counter
attack. Islam can, and it has survived the attacks of other religions, but
it cannot and will not survive the attack from its own renegades. Just as
Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism are waning not because of the onslaughts
of other religions but because of the rebellion of their own freethinkers,
Islam will not be weakened by the attacks of fundamentalist groups of other
religions but by the criticism of its own freethinkersWe should also be
aware that fundamentalism in one religion encourages the rise of
fundamentalism in other religions. This is a vicious circle. The formation
of Hindu and Christian fundamentalist groups does not only not reduce the
rise of Islamic fundamentalism, but it actually throws gasoline on their
fire. This will only hardens the Islamist fanatics and strengthens their
resolve. It creates an atmosphere of competition among the fundamentalists
of all the religions. In this mindless race the winner is the loser. This is
the race of ignorance. The runners are heading towards the precipice and an
Armageddon is awaiting them at the end of the lane. The best thing
non-Muslims can do to stop the Islamic fundamentalism, is to stop
fundamentalism in their own religions.
The End Is Nigh
I know many of you are pessimistic about it but I
foresee the end of Islam in sight. I am not concerned about the ignorant
mass of Muslims. The intellectuals of Islam are turning against it and it is
the intellectuals that chart the course of the history not the ignorant
mass. A billion ignorant Muslims can do nothing to stop the momentum that a
few of their enlightened intellectuals who have turned against Islam can
generate. They eventually will have to give in and follow their
intellectuals or they will be annihilated under the pressure of poverty like
Afghanistan and Iran.
Many Muslim intellectuals feel that they have hit the
bottom and even though they still are unable to cut their umbilical cord
from Islam, they admit that Islam cannot bring prosperity, democracy and
peace and they openly call for the separation of Mosque from State. This
admission that Islam has failed, at least in political front, is a great
step forward. Whether these people are aware or not, they are tacitly
acknowledging that Islam is a failed paradigm; because Islam unlike
Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism is a religion that seeks power and
pretends to be the religion of the state. Islam becomes meaningless once it
is reduced into a mere set of moral codes. Islam has very few moral codes.
The essence of Islam is to fight and promote the religion of Allah until it
becomes the sole religion of mankind. (Q.3:
85), (Q.2:193) Without this expansionist drive, Islam will wither and die. The
whole message of Islam is not: to do good, be kind, loving and honest, but
to “believe” and make others believe in Allah and his messenger. In
Islam the words "righteousness" and "virtue" do not mean
the same as defined in dictionaries. They mean belief in Allah and obedience
to his prophet. Unlike other religions, Islam is not a religion of
individual salvation but of the state domination. Secularism in Islamic
countries does not work. Turkey became a secular country in 1912 but now the
fundamentalists are fighting hard to regain the power and convert that
country once again into an Islamic state. Reza shah in Iran imposed
secularism and tried to modernize that country. 50 years later the
fundamentalists came back with revenge and reversed the cloak 1400 years.
Muhammad Ali Jinah aspired a secular Pakistan but that country is now caught
in the claws of the fundamentalists digging deeper and deeper in ignorance.
Islam cannot survive without power. The separation of the state and religion
in Islam does not work. If Islamic countries desire secularism, freedom and
democracy, they have to get rid of Islam altogether. They have to decide
between democracy and Islam. Just as you cannot house the sheep and the
wolves in the same fold, you cannot have democracy and Islam in the same
Today, we can make history. For the first time the
dissenters of Islam are reuniting and are getting organized. Our number is
growing rapidly. There is not a day that I do not receive an email from
someone who claims having left Islam. Many of them are Iranians. This is
despite the fact that I don't know much about search engines and my sites ( does not show
in many of them. I notice that there is a great anti-Islamic momentum
building up especially among the ex-Muslims.
Christianity vs.
There is a fundamental difference between Muslims
leaving Islam and the Christians leaving their religion. Most born and
raised Christians when leaving Christianity, become critical of the Church
and the Bible but still respect Christ. In fact, Christ as described in the
New Testament is a loving person. Many Christians also cannot get rid of
Christianity because their god is the god of love. At least this is what
they are being told and this is the idea they have of their god. Muslims on
the other hand believe in Allah through fear. The god of Muhammad is not a
loving god but a dreadful and an unforgiving god of vengeance (Q.4:84).
When Muslims learn the fallacies of Islam and discover the real face of
Muhammad, they hate that religion and despise its founder. Therefore
although Christianity in the West, in the last two centuries, has been in
demise it has managed to survive and perhaps it will survive for another two
or three centuries. Christianity still has spiritual lessons to give. It can
still be a source of guidance and inspiration to its followers. Christianity
as taught and lived by Christ is a moral religion. Christianity may be
logically wrong but ethically it is not. A few letters written by Paul are
discriminatory towards women. But that can be easily overlooked when one
pays attention to the overall message of love and tolerance taught by Jesus.
None of that can be said about Islam. Quran is replete
with intolerance, violence, discrimination and hate. We could have
overlooked the logical absurdity of Islam's holy book but how can we fail to
see its intolerance and its message of hate? Moreover the person of Jesus as
is reported in the Bible, is sanctified from any blemish. Muhammad on the
other hand was a violent man. He was a lustful, pervert, ruthless, arrogant
and a maniac mass murderer. A man who wishes to emulate Muhammad in this day
and age is a man that should be locked in jail. Those who follow truly the
example of the Prophet of Islam are terrorists. They are dangers to society.
One can be a good Christian and still be a good person. But one CANNOT be a
good Muslim, follow all those hate mongering teachings of Muhammad, and be a
good human being at the same time.
To compare Islam with Christianity and assume that
since Christianity has survived the attacks from its dissenters and
enlightened freethinkers, Islam would do the same is a mistake. This is like
comparing apples to oranges. The only thing that Islam and Christianity have
in common is that both are called religion. But the similarity ends there.
To understand the difference between Muhammad and Jesus is enough to compare
how they reacted to two very similar incidents.
John 8:3-7
”The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman who had been
caught committing adultery, and they made her stand before them all,
“Teacher.” They said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the very act
of committing adultery. In our law Moses commanded that such a woman must be
stoned to death, Now what do you say?” They said this to trap Jesus, so
that they could accuse him. But he bent over and wrote on the ground with
his finger. As they stood there asking him questions, he strengthened
himself up and said to them, “Whichever one of you has committed no sin
may throw the first stone at her.” Then he bent over again and wrote on
the ground. When they heard this, they all left, one by one, the older ones
first. Jesus was left alone with the woman standing there. He straightened
himself up and said to her, "Where are they? Is there no one left to
condemn you?"
"No Sir" she answered.
"Well, then." Jesus said, "I do not condemn you either. Go
but do not sin again."
Volume 2, Book 23, Number 413:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar :
The Jew brought to the Prophet a man and a woman from amongst them who
have committed (adultery) illegal sexual intercourse. He ordered both of
them to be stoned (to death), near the place of offering the funeral
prayers beside the mosque."
Now let us compare the teachings of Christ with those
of Muhammad:
Luke 5:27
“But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who
hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who ill-treat you.
Q. 9:
"O ye who believe! take not for protectors your fathers and your
brothers if they love Infidelity above Faith: if any of you do so, they do
Q. 3:28,
Let not the believers Take for
friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that,
in nothing will there be help from Allah
Luke 5:37
“Do not judge others, and God will not judge you; do not condemn others
and God will not condemn you; forgive others, and God will forgive you.
Give to others and God will give to you
Q. 9:29,
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that
forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor
acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the
Book, until they pay the Jizya with
willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
It is clear why Muslim dissidents hate intensely
Muhammad and his fictitious Allah. It is because the essence of the message
of Jesus is love, but the essence of Islam is hate. That is why
Christianity, despite its illogicality has survived the age of enlightenment
and has been able to adapt itself, somehow, to the changing world. But Islam
would not survive the light of reason and will die a quick death.
Christianity is illogical but it elevates the human spirit. Islam is
hodgepodge of gibberish too, but provokes terror, advocates strife, calls
for blood and foments hate. It sinks the human spirit and brings out the
worst of the animal instinct of its followers. Once Islam is proven false,
there is nothing else left for its followers to cling to. The only thing
that keeps Muslims clinging to it is fear. Once the light of knowledge
dissipate the darkness of ignorance and the fear of this revengeful monster
called Allah is vanished. Islam will die a quick death. I can give this
assurance that Islam will not see the next century and even go as far as to
say we may see its death in our own lifetime. You may call this a wishful
thinking, but I call it a gut feeling.
The Oil Factor
It is in fact more than just a gut feeling. In 25 years
the oil reserve of the Islamic countries will finish. The world may also
find an alternative source of energy This research is already on the way and
indeed this alternative source is in operation. Many busses in Canada are
powered by Fuel Cell Power Generators. It is absolutely feasible to have our
cars, our houses, our cities and our factories powered by this new
technology, which is much more cleaner and environmentally friendlier than
carbon based fuels within a decade or two. The implication of this new
technology for oil dependent Muslim countries are disastrous. Islamic
countries are not productive. They lack technology and they suffer from
brain drain. Today a lot of Islamic terrorism and expansionism are financed
by oil rich countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia. When the oil wells dry out
or another source of energy make them superfluous, the life-blood of Islamic
expansionism/terrorism will also come to an end.
The Mighty
Another important factor is the Internet. The internet
has been a great tool of communication in the West, but for Islamic
countries it is revolutionary. People in the West could easily communicate
among each other and exchange ideas freely even before the advent of the
Internet. But for Muslims especially in Islamic countries the Internet
provides for the first time, a medium to exchange thoughts candidly and
without the fear of the consequences.
Islam is a religion that is founded on ignorance and
fear. When people can openly exchange thoughts, the ignorance will be
dissipated. The safety of the Internet also shelters them against fear. When
Muslims start talking to each other, they will learn about the real Islam,
the Islam that was taught in Quran and lived by Muhammad. This would shock
them. Up until now they blamed the Mullahs for misinterpreting and
misrepresenting the "pure" teachings of Islam and not being the
legitimate representatives of the "real Islam". They had created a
romantic idea of Islam in their minds that was not real. But Internet will
demolish that romantic idea and the true Islam will be know to everyone.
It is true that faith blinds and many Muslims would not
be shaken even if it is proven to them that Muhammad was an assassin, a
rapist, a thief, a ruthless mass murderer, a pedophile or a highway robber.
The light will startle those who have eyes. No amount of light will ever
affect those who have no eyes to see. I have had many debates with Muslims
who after having received the irrefutable proof that Muhammad was all the
above and more, have said that they don't care who Muhammad was and his
person is absolutely unimportant to them. They claim what really matters is
the Quran and not the messenger. Of course this response would have been a
legitimate response had Allah written his book with his own hand, signed and
sealed it and Muhammad was nothing but a mailman. In this case the Prophet's
character would have been insubstantial. But as it is, no one can vouch for
Muhammad. Therefore his character is very important. What if he lied? Can we
really trust a man who is deprived of human qualities? Can we trust the
words of a man who has demonstrated lack of moral values, who has not been
able to control his sexual and animalistic instincts? How can we believe a
person who has acted like a mafia godfather sending his gangsters to
terrorize his enemies? How can we believe in one who has broken all moral
and ethical codes by initiating war in holy months, desecrating holy places,
murdering prisoners of war in cold blood, raping his war captives, enslaving
free people and trading them, and sleeping with a 9 year old child at the
age of 54? Could God really choose a man of such low moral fiber to be his
messenger among the people?
All these questions were never discussed among the
Muslims. How could they? Muhammad created such an atmosphere of terror that
any whisper of doubt was dealt with mercilessly. But now Muslims can talk
about these issues. They can question what was taboo. They can even
criticize and reject Islam and live to see the next day. This is new! The
Internet has provided a unique opportunity for the Muslims that was
unthinkable since the inception of Islam and that is to question it.
But Islam has no answers. Islam's answers to criticism
has been imprisonment, and execution. In Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan you
can even lose your life if you are found with a Bible, let alone books that
are critical of Islam. How Muslims could have found the truth is such an
atmosphere of mind control and terror?
The Internet is going to make a revolution. This would
be the revolution of minds. Muslim countries cannot prevent their subjects
from using the Internet. As the Internet make its way in the homes of the
Muslims, Islam will be weakened and eventually will die out.
That is why I am confident that many of us would see
the end of Islam in our own lifetime. This is nota dream nor wishful
thinking. No matter how dark is the night, it cannot stand the light of the
day. No matter how dense the ignorance, it cannot survive the shattering
impact of knowledge. For 1400 years ignorance was safeguarded by Mullahs.
Today the Mullahs are powerless. They can no longer control the minds. One
enlightened mind is more powerful than a billion ignorant ones.
Aug. 2001