Cocooned in Lies
fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence
whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the
silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is
more likely to be foolish than sensible.” Bertrand
By Ali Sina
In every religion there is something good, something
bad and something terribly ugly. The good is what is being preached, the bad
is what is being practiced and the ugly is the outcome.
All religions preach honesty, modesty, detachment,
kindness, justice and other virtues. These are of course our own spiritual
heritage. We humans aspire to evolve spiritually and are attracted towards
these qualities. Even those societies that have had no religion at all (in
Americas and the Far East) have upheld these qualities. The societies that
did not have the tradition of receiving messengers from an invisible god
were not worse than those who had them.
But what religions practice is not what they preach.
Unfortunately, even the very
founders of some of the religions often fail to live an ethical life. The
Bible is full of stories of atrocities of Moses, his killings of innocent
people all sanctioned by his unfair god. We know very little of Jesus. The
Gospels were written 30 to 60 years after his death and cannot be relied as
authentic. Yet there are indications in the New Testament that show if he
had power, he would probably be as unfair as his predecessor (see `Luk
10:12,13 , 19:27
and Rev
2:22, 23 ) However we do have a lot of stories recorded from Muhammad.
Many of them are considered authentic
(Sahih) that can give us a good glimpse into the mind of the man who claimed
to be the prophet and the mercy of God to mankind. Yet the picture we get
from this last prophet is anything but holy.
He massacred and exterminated all the Jews from Arabia
and instigated hatred between his followers and the Jews that has lasted for
over 1400 years and has cost millions of lives. Prior to him Arabs and Jews
lived in harmony and were allies.
He sent assassins to kill his critics in the middle of
the night, who committed no other crime than composing poetries ridiculing
his holiness, even if they where old or mothers of several infants. (*)
He raped Jewish
girls 40 years younger than him whom he captured in his raids in the
same day that he killed their loved ones and their relatives.
He enriched himself by looting caravans, killing the
men, usurping their properties and SELLING their wives and daughters as
After his affluent wife Khadija died and after he
enriched himself with spoils of his wars on defenseless people, he invaded
the boundaries of decency and performed sex with twenty women, some only 9
years old, some he married, some he captured in wars, some were his slaves
and maid servants and some just “offered” themselves to him. He did even
lust after the beautiful wife of his own adopted son.
Muhammad founded a religion that has brought nothing
but hatred and discord between his followers (among themselves) and his
followers and the rest of mankind. So much war, so many killings that took
place in the name of Islam and are taking place still in various corners of
the world.
He heralded a misogynistic religion that has undermined
the rights of women and subjected them to mistreatment and abuse. Contrary
to the claims of the Islamic apologists Islam has actually took away the
rights of women and women in Arabia were better off before Islam than after
Islam. This is of course much more true in the case of other today’s
Islamic countries like Iran where in the life time of Muhammad a Queen
As I write these notes, a couple of Muslims are being
prosecuted for blowing the Pan Am flight killing 280 innocent people and
ruining the lives of 280 families. While the accused deny the charges and
blame the Palestinians for this cowardice attack, we have to question
ourselves, where these Islamic terrorist, that are now burgeoning from
Philippines to Timor, from Indonesia to Afghanistan, from Iran to Libya,
from Canada to US, got their inspiration to kill? Do you think that Islam
has nothing to do with that? There are many verses of Quran that encourage
the believers to kill the non-believers. In Islam the end justifies the
Modernist Muslims prefer to live in denial than come to
terms with the fact that Quran is responsible for all these atrocities
perpetrated by Muslims. They call for peace, tolerance and freedom of
speech. They condemn the extremists and the fundamentalists for
misinterpreting Quran. Yet they are the ones who are misinterpreting it, and
are not willing to let go the book that promotes war, hatred and suffocation
of thoughts.
It is time that we questioned ourselves, when we accept
Islam as a legitimate religion, aren’t we promoting a doctrine that rears
terrorists? What we THINK Islam is, is irrelevant, what we WANT Islam to be
is inconsequential. What Islam REALLY is matters.
Islam is not a religion that promotes peace. It orders
its believers to kill all those who do not accept its dogma, without mercy.
It instructs its followers to subdue the Christians and the Jews and make
them pay Jizyah (penalty tax).
Islam is not a religion that promotes equality of
genders. Muhammad said women are “deficient in intelligence”, that
majority of them go to hell because they are disobedient to their husbands,
that they should be beaten if they fail to please their husbands.
Islam is not a religion that promotes equality for all
humanity. It clearly regards the non-Muslims as second-class citizens and
for those who are not either Jews or Christians it prescribes death. It also
allows slavery.
Islam is not a religion that promotes freedom of
thought and speech. It curtails the right of all the non-Muslims to teach
their religion, to congregate and to celebrate their belief. It instructs
killing all those who decide to break rank and think freely and
If what I write offends you, it is not because there is
anything offensive in my writings. It is because we Muslims have been
cocooned in lies for so long that now the light of truth is blinding us.
Religion is compared to opium and we are so much intoxicated by it that any
attempt to wean us from it will be faced with hostility and anger.
I am not attacking or insulting my fellow Muslim
brothers and sisters. They are in my blood and I am in theirs. I am trying
to wake them up, to shake them up, to bring them to their senses and show
them the hidden and dark side of Islam. I don’t do that because I want to
hurt them, I do that because I love them. Because our peace and security,
our prosperity and happiness, our unity and integration with the rest of our
brothers and sisters in humanity cannot be achieved as long as we are
cocooned in the lies of Islam and shackled in hate towards those who do not
agree with us..
My writings are my gift of love to my fellow human
beings. I do not profit from them nor I seek fame thereof. On the contrary I
am being hated by the majority of my Muslim readers and if found I will be
put to death. I am not a sadist and tormenting others does not give me
pleasure. I feel the pain of every suffering person. I cry like a child when
I see the atrocities that some of us inflict on the rest of us. I am at lost
when I see the apathy and indifference of some for the misfortunes of
others. I am a human, part of humanity, feeling the pain of humanity. It is
our responsibility to make each other see the truth. No one will do that for
us; no one can do that for us; and no one should do that for us.
I earnestly invite you to study the Quran and question
it. Read this book and think with open mind. If you think I am mistaken,
show me; I am open to change. Otherwise please join me in this spiritual
undertaking. Let us wake up our brothers and sisters. Let us not look down
at the unbelievers with disdain. Let us quench this hate that is burning in
our hearts. Let us embrace all humanity as our kin. Let us demolish the
walls that have separated us from the rest of mankind. Let us descend from
this pedestal of self-righteousness. Let us regard women as equal, Let us
forget what Muhammad said and listen to the voice of reason. And let us love
humanity above any doctrine or deity.