Islam and economic development
By John Perkins
Many in the Muslim world perceive that their economic
circumstances lag behind that of the "West". They may also be
aware that in the golden age of Islam, Muslim societies led the world in
science, philosophy, culture and prosperity. Since then, Muslim empires
have been defeated, Muslim countries invaded and colonized, and
humiliation has been suffered at he hands of the Christian West. Since the
age of imperialism, independence has been gained, but many Muslim
countries still fall into the category of "less developed
country". Those that are not in this category generally owe their
status to their fortunate possession of natural resources, oil in
particular. Many Muslims regard their relative poverty as something that
in part at least, has been imposed upon them by the West. They see the
distribution of wealth in the world as unjust.
It is possible that some Muslims may see the continuing
lack of Muslim economic success as partly a result of incompetence or
corruption on the part of their governments. The success of many East
Asian countries, with their rapid economic growth, shows that it is
possible to narrow the gap in living standards compared to western
countries. But many Muslims point to the failure of economic development
in their countries as a failure of western policy. They also see Western
society as decadent, immoral, inequitable and as something they have no
wish to emulate. A return to Islamic values is seen as a solution. To what
extent then is the relative poverty of Muslim countries self inflicted or
caused by outside factors? To investigate this we first need to review
some basic economic findings, the nature of economic development. We need
to review the process of wealth creation and the role of Islam in this
The economics of wealth generation
The level of income in an economy is related to the
volume of goods and services produced. The amount of this production in
the long term is determined by three main factors: the availability and
exploitation of natural resources; the quantity of productive capacity
available in the form of buildings, infrastructure, machinery plant and
equipment; and the availability, ability, education, training and
resourcefulness of the workforce. In the short term there may be
additional factors such as recessions, shortages, price imbalances natural
disasters or wars that may also affect the level of production and income.
Essential to income producing capacity then are three
"factors of production": natural resources, physical resources
and human resources. The natural resource endowment of a county is a
matter of circumstance. Such resources must be extracted, processed,
exploited or acquired by trade as required. Physical resources however are
man-made. The availability of these resources depends on the past
accumulation of physical investment in building construction, purchase of
equipment and maintenance of the stock of these assets. It is here that
culture and religion, Islam in particular, may play a role.
Physical productive assets are what economists call
"capital". This represents the physical wealth of society.
Without it, income cannot be generated. Creating it is a long process of
planning, risk taking, vision and enterprise. Individual investments are
not taken in isolation but may require a number of inter-dependent
factors. The financial return on such investments may not be realised for
years into the future. Undertaking such activity may require an intangible
sense of business confidence as well as individuals with business acumen.
Governments may see it as their duty to directly participate in such
investment themselves or otherwise encourage private investment. An
effective financial market is necessary to facilitate it. Accumulating
income-generating capital is something like growing a garden � it needs
planting and careful nourishment and maintenance for it to flourish. Does
Islamic society provide a hospitable environment, or a desert, for the
cultivation of this essential factor of production?
The third factor of production is human resources. This
is not just a matter of population. People need to be educated and trained
in order to make use of the physical capital, as well as maintain society
in a situation of security and fulfillment. Education is a form of
investment in "human capital". This requires not just technical
training but a full range of education serving the enlightenment, service
and entertainment of society. It is in the interests of society to
maximize the potential of every individual. The capacity of society�s
human resources to generate income will be diminished to the extent that
those resources are not utilized to their potential. Religion may play a
role here � possibly a negative one.
All these factors determine what an economy may
produce, and what income it may generate, at a particular point in time.
Underlying all these factors is the dynamic driving force of technical
progress. The nature of this progress is improvements in physical capital
over time that deliver increased output for given amounts of material and
labor input � higher productivity. This is the fundamental reason for
the success or industrial society and for modern prosperity. It is the
fruit of scientific research and development. Historically, freedom of
thought was required for the development of scientific knowledge. Science
and technology provided the basis for the industrial revolution. This
technical progress has for over last two hundred years has provided more
or less continuous growth in industrial productivity. Religion may also
have an economic impact on this process, again possibly a negative impact.
This productivity � more output for a given level of
material and labor input � over time has provided improvement in the
standard of living, or an underlying long term increase in average
incomes. This role of technology in the economy was not anticipated by
anyone at the dawn of the industrial era, including the by classical
economist Karl Marx. The class conflict he predicted was avoided by the
potentially universal economic improvement provided by technology.
The nature of the modern industrial economy is not
inherently immoral or necessarily unreasonably inequitable. Taxation and
welfare benefits can be used to redistribute income from rich to poor. The
extent to which this is done is a political matter. The prosperity
generated by such economies may benefit all citizens. Muslim customs and
religious rules and practices may assist a more equal distribution of
income, but in doing so may have some unnecessary and negative effects on
the successful operation of the modern economy. Muslim society centuries
ago surrendered its scientific leadership due to the strictures of Islam.
The same forces are still to some extent at work today contributing to the
relative impoverishment of Islamic societies.
Religion and income distribution
By analysis of current international financial data it
is possible to calculate the average per-capita income for almost all
countries in comparable terms. It is also possible to assign most
countries to religious groups, depending on the dominant religion in each
country. This process highlights the great inequality in income between
the peoples of the world. It also shows a great discrepancy in income
between the Muslim world and the Christian world. The richest countries in
the world are those of Europe, North America and East Asia. Only a small
number of Muslim countries approach their income levels, and this is only
due to their oil wealth. Data for the last two decades show that in almost
all countries, living standards, (average income levels) are rising over
time, as a long-term trend. In some cases the incomes of poorer countries
such as China, are increasing rapidly, narrowing the gap between them
selves and the rich countries. In many poor countries, including many
Muslim countries, income growth is low, so that the gap is widening. What
factors lead to such differences?
It is possible that the differences in incomes between
countries could be caused by factors entirely unrelated to religion.
However the nature of income generation indicates that cultural factors
including religion may provide some explanation. In understanding the
current distribution of income between countries, it is important to
recognize the process of wealth generation. The level income of each
country for that year does not just represent productive efforts made in
that year. It also represents extent to which each country has been able
to utilize past income to accumulate productive resources (capital), which
are now used to produce current income. In this ability of a society to
accumulate productive resources � economic development � that religion
and culture may have an influence. It is apparent from the current
situation that the Christian countries in general, and over some time,
have been more successful at achieving this task and the Muslim countries
less so.
The balance of wealth today is largely determined by
the location of productive physical capital. The rise in the importance of
capital over the last two centuries is the major reason for the relative
decline of the Muslim countries. The capital accumulation process,
together with wars and depressions, has continued until we arrive at the
geographical pattern of global wealth seen today. Because of industrial
wealth, the global and religious imbalance in income distribution is
greater now than at any time in history.
How did the "Western" countries manage to get
into this favorable position? It is not a matter of recent circumstance.
The sequence of events � Renaissance, Protestantism, exploration,
colonialism, imperialism, Enlightenment, culminating in the industrial
revolution and economic development � started in Europe and then spread
around the world. No other prior civilization had been able to achieve the
momentum of this sequence of historical developments that has lead to such
current prosperity, albeit unevenly spread. It occurred in Christian
countries, but what were the essential ingredients that generated it? The
territorial gains via imperialism no doubt provided some assistance but
were not the main factor.
Principally, the necessary historical ingredients were
scientific method and the rule of law � market forces then did the rest.
The application of scientific method gave rise to discoveries that made
the industrial revolution possible. The rule of law, in particular the
notion that the that actions of rulers themselves should be bound by law,
and the protection of private property rights and later individual rights,
enabled a climate whereby the fruits of labor were relatively free from
confiscation and destruction. In this benign legal environment, market
forces then gave rise to the process of accumulation of physical capital
and wealth. The major role that Christianity played in this, by
constraining the use of scientific method, was to prevent it happening for
centuries. It was the forces of the Enlightenment that finally weakened
the power of religion to interfere in this process. The role Islam played
in this process was to prevent it developing in its own societies, despite
its early lead, and then do delay and hinder is introduction and
importation from the West.
Developing country economics
Economists have long theorized about the economics of
developing countries, how their situation differs from developed countries
and how they may best achieve development. Various development stages are
described for the developing economy such as moving from subsistence
agriculture, the building of transportation and other social
infrastructure, and the developing of export revenue to finance capital
imports. The rate of growth that can be achieved is determined by the
amount of savings � the surplus of income over consumption. These
savings can then be used for investment in physical capital. Over riding
this is a constraint imposed by the balance of payments � the surplus of
exports over imports. Additional factors such as the natural resource
endowment, constraints due to climate and population as well as the
institutional environment may also have an impact. This may define a
certain income growth potential associated with a region or nation state.
Whatever potential a nation may be considered to have,
it may be realised to a greater or lesser extent. When an economic
potential is not realised, the reasons may be internal failure or external
constraint. Internal or domestic reasons are those for which the domestic
government is responsible. This could be a failure of economic policy,
misdirected policy or a failure of implementation due to institutional
failure such as corruption. Any of these internal factors may possibly be
related to religious policies or practices. An external factor may be
related to trade, where a country faces barriers to its potential exports,
depriving it of financial resources necessary for capital accumulation.
In matters of trade, there are often conflicting
economic viewpoints. Since the contribution of David Ricardo, it has been
recognized that international trade is not just a game of winners and
losers. Through the benefits of specialization, and the international
redistribution of production to countries with natural comparative
advantage, all parties can benefit from trade. In this view, no country
should have barriers to trade, in the form of import restrictions, quotas
or tariffs. The 1930s depression was partly caused by a collapse or world
trade due to protectionism. The General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade
(GATT), now the World Trade Organization (WTO) was set up to safeguard
against this.
Current trading rules do not benefit developing
countries, but have been manipulated by developed countries to suit
themselves. For many developing countries their only hope of exports is
that of agricultural goods. Yet the EU, the USA and Japan have
systematically prevented the rules of free trade as defined by the WTO
from applying to agricultural goods. Instead they subsidize farm
inefficient production in their own counties to the value of US$350
billion annually, depriving poor countries of this production, market, and
income. By comparison, foreign aid is only US$50 billion. This immoral
policy can be described as amounting to a kind of extortion by rich
countries against the poor. Many developing countries are quite justified
in complaining that for this reason their relative poverty is not their
fault. The global distribution of income, and inequality between
countries, is partly caused by this inequitable trade policy. But it is
not a policy specifically directed at Islamic countries. It is a case of
vested interests and national interests overriding what is best for the
welfare of the world community.
By policies such as this, many developing countries are
constrained from achieving greater economic development by circumstances
beyond their control. There are many other circumstances however that are
within the responsibility of a developing country government that also
lead to development failure. These range from well-meaning mismanagement,
to inappropriate objectives, to ruinous corruption. In the first category,
many countries have attempted paths of self-reliant development with mixed
success. The accepted method now is to try to attract industries that use
"world best practice" production techniques to generate export
industries. The area of inappropriate objectives is one where religion may
have an influence.
Economists have identified a range of social factors
that assist development. These include the rule of law, education, health
and low rates of fertility. Being more controversial, the status of women
and religion have not received the same attention as factors limiting
development. These factors are inter-related. If women achieve a high
level of education and workforce participation, they may have fewer
children. Female employment provides higher family incomes, while lower
fertility assists in achieving higher per-capita income growth. Society
can then devote more resources to capital "deepening" rather
than capital "widening". This means for example that rather than
building more roads, houses and schools for a higher population, more high
technology factories can be built. Therefore the role of women in society
is a critical factor in development.
Islamic constraints to development
In Islam, women are inferior to men, Quran (4:34). No
alternative quotations or excuses can prove otherwise. Recent figures from
the International Labor Organization, published by the World Bank,
indicate that in the Middle East and North Africa, women comprise 28% of
the total labor force whereas the world average is 40%. As a group, these
countries have the lowest female labor force participation rate in the
world. One of the lowest figures is Saudi Arabia with 16%. As distance
from the Arabian Peninsula increases, so does the proportion of women in
the labor force. In Pakistan the figure is 28.6 percent, whereas in
Bangladesh and Indonesia the figures are close to world average. This is a
reflection of cultural values regarding women in Muslim countries, values
inseparable from religious values. It is also associated with higher birth
rate in these countries. This religiously prescribed role for women in
society has profound economic consequences.
The major economic impact of low female participation
is due to the fact that one-income families have lower incomes than two
income families. If these women were engaged in paid employment,
increasing the labor force by 30%, it is not unreasonable to assume there
would be an additional contribution to national income of around 10%.
Whatever the figure may be, if a large proportion of the potential
workforce does not work, total national income is reduced by a
considerable amount. Furthermore, this is a percentage of national income
that is forgone every year. This relative income loss persists every year.
Therefore income continually forgone represents an accumulating loss in
potential national prosperity.
The limitation on the labor force participation of
women reduces potential production and income. The role of women in
Islamic society, with its focus on domestic responsibilities, may lead to
a high birth rate and population growth rate, a correspondingly lower
per-capita income growth rate, further contributing to relative poverty.
The role prescribed for women in Islam as outlined in the Quran conforms
with Arabic customs in the 7th century. It does not conform to
modern standards of equality and objections to sexism. Discrimination
against women also contravenes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and other international agreements. It also contravenes modern standards
of morality.
There are many other practices and teachings of Islam
that inhibit economic development. The nature of Islamic education may not
be helpful in developing open minded citizens fully equipped to fulfill
their ambitions and potential. The time devoted to daily religious
observances and annual festivals such as Ramadan may detract from time
available for economically productive activities to a greater extent
compared with other religions. The religion contributes to an attitude of
fatalism and complacency. Even in countries with oil wealth, there has
been a conspicuous failure to effectively use revenues for the purpose of
industrial development.
The constraints and costs imposed on financial
institutions by the nominal prohibition on interest payments may preclude
a free market in financial capital, causing inefficiency, moral hazard in
banking, and limiting the funds available for investment. The prohibition
on interests serves no beneficial purpose. Apart from it being banned by
the Quran, there is no reason in modern times for the charging of interest
to be considered immoral. In ancient times unscrupulous tax collectors may
have forced people to pay exorbitant and unreasonable interest on unpaid
taxes. Today, there is no compulsion, but rather competition between
lenders to offer attractive rates. Those that borrow money receive a
service and those that lend it provide one. Elaborate schemes to
circumvent such transactions because of their supposed immorality or due
to their prohibition in Islam serve no purpose except to increase costs
and increase inefficiency.
Islamic tax regimes may negatively effect resource
allocation, productivity and innovation. Conflict between secular and
sharia law may contribute to an ineffective rule of law, a lack of trust
in judicial institutions, moral hazard in judiciary, limitation on
property rights and contract law, all of which have negative economic
consequences. Religious constraints on the freedom of speech and on the
power of the legislature, may impinge on democratic rights, institutions,
political freedom and the ability to expose and eradicate corruption,
again with negative economic impacts. These can generally be described as
factors leading to a lack of motivation. In Islam, it is considered more
important to prepare for the next life, by conformance to Islamic
morality, than to be concerned with material gain in the current life.
This results in an effective and immoral denial of welfare and communal
prosperity. This derives from a misplaced belief that the Quran, and its
definition of morality, is the truth.
Where religion contributes to the order of society and
a feeling of well being amongst citizens, its benefits may seem
considerable. When it contributes to ignorance, inefficiency and poverty
it becomes a cost to society and a liability. There is no doubt that Islam
is an economic hindrance ands a barrier to prosperity and fulfillment of
human ambition, potential and welfare. Like all religions it is outdated,
unnecessary and divisive. A greater awareness of its deleterious effect on
human welfare may help to weaken its unfortunate grip on the hearts and
minds of humanity. For no religion is this more relevant than Islam.
(C) Copyright 2003 John
L Perkins