A Letter To Allah From A 10 Year Old
By: Ayesha
Allah: Moulavi Saheb (Mulla in Pakistan) in the mosque told us about the
ordeal our beloved prophet had to go through to convince the truth of his
message and the great problems he had spreading that message. He told us
that even his own loving uncle and guardian Abu Talib thought he was full
of shit and never converted. Moulavi said that in the first 13 years
only 70 people were convinced, and that they were either very close
relatives and friends or destitute morons. Although I am very young
and it is after the fact, but my thoughts about the whole affair are as
- In their first
meeting Jibraeel (Gabriel) kept shouting "Read" and our poor
prophet kept replying, "I cannot read". Why didn’t you
send the Quran on a DVD. Jibraeel could have brought a DVD player and
a portable T.V. You could have shown all the biblical stories on film. It
would have been so cool to see naked Adam and Eve strolling in the
heavenly garden, Abraham slaughtering his son, Sulaiman talking to ants,
animals clamoring toward Noah's arc, horny queen of Egypt chasing Yousef,
Moses separating the ocean, and virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus. Sure,
description of Houris in the Quran is enticing but a picture is worth a
thousand words. I bet they would have gone crazy if they had seen images
of gorgeous naked houris with swelling bosoms, and pious bearded muslims
copulating with them, live on T.V. The description of hell in the Quran is
scary, but I am sure they would have pooped their pants if they had seen
the actual hell on screen, humans and jins burning alive, skin
separating from the bones from poured boiling water and people drinking
pus, euch!
-Why didn’t you send
a few machine guns along? So many of the jihadis would not have lost their
lives. A few good men with machine guns could have killed thousands
of sword wielding kafirs.
-I heard that it took
whole day to cut the throats of 900 men of Bani Quraiza. Poor prophet had
to stand in hot Madina sun for 12 hours supervising the beheadings .A
single machine gun could have done the job very cleanly in few minutes
leaving the prophet the whole day to make love to Rehana, the teenager
Jewish girl whose father and brothers our holy prophet decapitated.
- I heard that many of
our prophet's attempts to rob Mecca caravans were fruitless and raiding
parties had to return tired and empty handed. Those failed attempts must
have definitely hurt his credibility and his mission. Why didn’t
you send a few high-speed sand buggies? He could out run Meccan's camels,
and cashed on every venture.
-A video camera would
have definitely convinced every one that he did lead a prayer in
heaven with all the prophets in congregation, get married to virgin Marry,
and met you on 7th heaven in the same night of "meraj".
-I bet if you had
supplied him with small handguns, which could be easily concealed, he
could have many more of his critics assassinated. I heard the
assassination of Asma got very messy since the assassin had to first
separate the infant whom she was breast-feeding. I hear that Afak was a
120 year old man when assassinated and Kaab. The handsome leader of the
Jews was not given a chance and his throat was slit by someone instructed
by our holy prophet to lie to him and pretend to be his friend. Very
clever was our prophet. He said war is deceit and he was very good in
deceiving people, wasn’t he?
-You wrote in the Quran
that you sent thousands of angels to fight along side the jihadis in
every war, and yet they lost at Uhud. I am sure if Jibraeel had just
dropped one daisy cutter bomb on those evil Kafirs once, they would not
have dared to fight back.
- A cell phone
would have saved all those trips Jibraeel had to make bringing those
messages every day. Any time prophet needed consultation with you he
could call. Remember the time he thought that Ayesha slept with the good
looking soldier on the way back from Mustaliq raid (prophet was with his
newly captured beauty Juavaria, and was unaware of whereabouts of
Ayesha? He had to wait for a whole month before you sent a
message requiring four male witnesses to prove a sex encounter. If
he had a phone he would have asked for clarification; without
clarification now muslims are raping women left and right and getting away
due to the lack of four male witnesses. The time people asked him
where the sun went after sunset he was so embarrassed because he did not
know and he had to say that it retired under your throne and prayed all
night. If he had a phone he could have asked you. Now the infidels and the
apostates are having a field day with his answer.
-Ideal would have been
to send him a laptop. I don’t mean another teenager sitting on his lap.
He had plenty of those laptops. I mean a laptop computer. He could find
all the answers without bothering you. All those silly answers that stars
are missiles to shoot at Satan, moon is a lamp, mountains are pegs, land
is flat, seven layers of skies etc etc which I am sure were his own
concoctions and not from you, could have been avoided and he could provide
correct answers to all queries.
- If you preferred to
have Quran in writing, why didn’t you send a finished product in a book
form .The morons who compiled it from thousands of scattered verses
written on everything from leather, wood, stones etc to leaves
and dried camel chips, did such a lousy job that it is a confused mess
without any sequence or topics, and with continues repetitions. The
kafirs criticize it all the time and we muslims are becoming a laughing
- A camper/motor
home would not have been too much to ask for your most beloved prophet. It
would have given him air-conditioned private sleeping quarters on the raid
sites. I am sure it must have been very embarrassing to rape the young
pretty captured women in the flimsy tents with the snooping horny Arab men
all around. I am sure they too got excited at times hearing the sounds of
the action inside the tent and tried to peak thru the holes and tears
in the primitive tents. I hear that at Khyber when our beloved 60 year old
prophet was having time of his life with beautiful 17 year old voluptuous
Safia, after a hard day of killing Jews, a sahabi hung around
his tent all night, (I am sure he watched the steamy action through tent
holes and tears and got his jollies). When prophet went out of the tent
early morning to perhaps take a leak he caught him snooping around.
Needless to say that Sahabi (caught with his pants down) had to make
the silly excuse that he was guarding him.
-The camper would have
served well at home in Medina also. Prophet would have had extra
sleeping quarters. Had he that camper handy he would not have been caught
sleeping with Maria in Hafsa's bed and created all that hoopla.
A supply of prophylactics for the jihadis who were interested in not
impregnating their captive girls by using withdrawal method (and thus
maintaining their ransom values) would have been nice and would have saved
our prophet from embarrassment who advised them against it. I am sure the
jihadis got irritated after following prophet’s advice and
finding that all their captives got pregnant (on the brighter side,
they could get separate price for the babies).
Ayesha Ahmed