Politics 101
Richards, author of ”Islam
Any review of the Qur’an and history shows that Muhammad taught
and led a totalitarian movement (enforced by the sword) strikingly similar
to those led by other fascists and despots in recent history. Political
Islam compares very well to any totalitarianism system of government
including fascism, communism, and imperialism. It is simply indisputable that Islamist
fundamentalism shares with other totalitarian movements a commitment to
centralization of political power and economic control. Islam, by its own
definition and design, is a growth industry designed to mobilize the
masses and score political victories, subvert host governments, and
establish Islamic domination. Although it attempts to appropriate a
particular religious tradition and garb, all forms of Islamist
totalitarianism are not, at bottom, religious movements. Pure Islam is
first and foremost a political movement – a quest for political power
for the express purpose of using it to subjugate all people everywhere.
Islamic totalitarianism is obsessed with worldly power and
influence, desiring to dominate the West at every game of worldly success
and power. Radical Islamist fundamentalism does not content itself with
mere rejection of the West’s alleged vices. If that were all there was
to it, it might simply do what the Amish have done, stage a retreat from
wickedness. But the Islamic mandate isn't about building a few mosques,
schools, or other centers to meet the needs of Muslim congregations, but
rather to change existing societies into Islamic societies, to make Islam
both dominate and supreme. This political movement, masquerading as a
religion, is contaminated with all the perversions, lusts, and control
mechanisms of its secular cousins. Islam’s totalitarian mantra and credo
is strikingly similar to pure secular ideologies. But the religious
disguise is becoming paper thin, as evidenced by the many actions of Islam
with non-Muslims over time, and which is becoming more translucent daily.
Islam’s goal is to overthrow all competing governments and
establish the Khalifat. The Islamic utopian blueprint calls for a Caliph
(a glorified Mullah) to wield the Islamic sword of power in one seamless
totalitarian worldwide state. This outrageous fantasy pre-dates and has
survived all relatively more modern failed political experiments. Today,
extremists easily extract the appropriate language (found throughout all
Islamic sacred texts) to sell the concept that the Qur’an insists that
all nations must be fought until they embrace Islam. Despite claims
otherwise, the most violent passages have not been abrogated by more
recent doctrine from Muhammad. The Qur’an is the immutable and
unalterable word of God, so the movement has been permanently cast into
the cement of an unalterable mandate, which is what has given it unusual
durability. The
doctrine of Jihad and Jizya essentially means building the Islamic Empire
by denying infidels all rights except the right to serve their Muslim
masters. The
secret of Islam’s survival and longevity lies in both the deceptive
cloak it wears in the form of a religion, and in the fact that economic
weakness is always inherited by states based on its tenants. Up until the
age of oil this has made Islamic countries appear relatively unthreatening
compared to more modern industrialized countries with more powerful
economies and the armies that can be built thereby.
By any historical definition, bin Laden, the Taliban, and all other
Islamic militants can be accurately described as fascists. As violent
devotees of Islam, they believe in the innate superiority of a fanatical
elite, and are anxious to torture, jail, and kill any who disagree.
Non-Muslims of any religion, women, homosexuals, are all dehumanized as
their innate and natural inferiors. Hitler also believed he was the leader
of the master race destined to rule the world, blaming all
's problems on Jews and Western governments. Hitler for a time managed to
convince most Germans it was not a crime to kill all who didn't fit into
his Arian mold of the 'perfect human', because they were inferior and
sub-human, thus leading to millions of deaths and destruction previously
unimaginable. Hitler was a threat to the world many years before a world
blinded by pacifism and relativism finally realized that self-preservation
dictated he must be fought and destroyed. Hitler justified heinous acts in
his efforts to make the Third Reich the ‘only’ Reich, just as Muhammad
and militants yesterday and today justify anything to make the entire
world bow to Islam. The Nazis cleverly manipulated the German people's
collective frustration into a pervasive sense of victimization. Once this
victimization psychosis was fully accepted, the Nazis then offered the
answer; entitlement, under the guise of superiority and social justice.
Properly indoctrinated, Germans readily embraced their inherent
superiority and forcefully claimed their entitled power, obliterating or
enslaving all opposition.
The fruits of Islam also demonstrate that Islam is imperialist, in
that it seeks perpetual humiliation of non-Muslims through a system of
everlasting subjugation and payment of tribute. This method of dominating
and subjugating a people for national gain (through booty and tribute) is
what is known as pure Imperialism …by definition! Though Islamic leaders
claim to be pious representatives of God acting on divine instruction, it
does not change the practical facts and consequences to the conquered
peoples and lands. Of course, the practice of Imperialism is not an
Arabian invention, murder and plunder of other nations for booty pre-dates
Muhammad’s adaptation of the practice for ‘religious’ purposes. But
where all other imperialist movements have waned with enlightenment, the
decay of regional powers, or the death of individuals, Islam’s
imperialist movement has amazingly survived and thrived these last 1400
years, which is the only thing that makes it unique. Nothing is more
dangerous to weaker competing forms of governance than Imperialism.
There are also many similarities between fundamental Islamists and
die-hard communists. Both of these groups abhor highly educated thinkers
and scholars, essentially forbidding rational thinking that does not
support their ideologies. In the early 1960s, as part of the ‘Cultural
Revolution’, the Chinese Maoist regime killed many intellectuals and
scholars, virtually suppressing most higher education for decades. In
place of rational thought and real education they instead set up
institutions everywhere to study Marxism and Maoism. Mao’s “Red
Book” became a Bible to his subjects, a focus of education with
memorizations required. Compare this with
, where Ayatollah Khomeini’s regime killed thousands of intellectuals,
scholars, and rational thinkers right after the Islamic revolution. Like
the communist Chinese, the Iranian fundamentalist government closed the
universities for three years and in their place proliferated schools
emphasizing religious indoctrination. Memorization of the Qur’an became
a national imperative. Because communists possess a hatred of the
capitalist West, they supported the Iranian fundamentalists in their rage
. But despite similarities in their anti-western anti-capitalist rhetoric,
and in their methods, these two competing ideologies do not get along very
well once their common enemy is removed. In the aftermath of Shah’s
removal from Teheran, the Mullahs and their Islamic henchmen killed nearly
all communists who helped bring them into power, right along with other
intellectuals and ‘infidels’. To Islamists in
, communism was simply a tool to be used to secure power. While they were
being used by Islamists, poor communists did not imagine they would be
killed by their Islamic ‘comrades’. Although most were killed, in a
twist of irony a few were able to save themselves by escaping to the evil
capitalist West. Remaining and emerging thinkers and intellectuals now
struggle to escape their own homeland. [Note: Islamists are currently
using liberal democrats in the same way in their efforts to bring down
conservatives which are acting in opposition to Islamic hegemony.]
Though they differ in their methods of control, German Nazism,
Italian Fascism, Japanese Imperialism, Stalinist/Maoist Communism, and now
Islamic Fundamentalism are all cut from the same totalitarian cloth. The Columbia
Encyclopedia, 2001 Sixth Edition defines totalitarianism as;
modern autocratic government in which the state involves itself in all
facets of society, including the daily life of its citizens. A
totalitarian government seeks to control not only all economic/political
matters, but also the attitudes, values, and beliefs of its population,
erasing the distinction between state and society. The citizen’s duty to
the state becomes the primary concern of the community, and the goal of
the state is the replacement of existing society with a perfect
in 1939, you would be hard pressed to find a German who did not sincerely
believe in the superiority of Arian genetics. The Japanese similarly all
originally truly believed in the divinity of their emperor and superior
rights/standings of their native people, as did comrades following Iosif
Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, and Genghis Khan at the peak of their
influence. The common thread in these theologies was the fundamental
belief of the superiority of their system of living -and- their inherit right to impose it on others by any
means necessary. This thread is duplicated perfectly in the fundamental
practices and beliefs of all of Islam, moderate and extremist. Such
thinking errors are rampant, and unfortunately at this stage in cultural
development, probably completely intractable.
The problem is that for all its schisms, sects, and multiplicity of
voices, Islam’s (often violent) expansionist elements are firmly rooted
in its central texts. Following these tenants strictly, Islam cannot be
other than a religion of violence, and any system of governance based on
it must always be oppressive by Western standards (no principles of
tolerance, no religious freedom, and no laws protecting equality or
individuality). In Islam all aspects of personal, religious, and political
life become merged. This template has resulted in a series of various
despots, and corrupt monarchies or Mullahs, and a few Soviet-style state
autocracies imposed on tribal societies in the Arab world. Any attempt to
throw off the prescribed and accepted Islamic templates is fought
vigorously by Jihadists.
was briefly a shining example of co-existence between Muslims and other
ethnic groups, and a showcase of prosperity, until the fundamentalists
took control and turned it into a nightmarish quagmire of terror and
oppression. As the people slid backward in every way imaginable, affluent
educated Lebanese seemed powerless to prevent the calamity. Few dared
risked life, limb, and eternal Islamic hell to resist fundamentalist
We seek out and fight terrorists, yet on the whole ignore the
religious infrastructure that created them. Three and ½ years since 9/11
the theology remains largely immune from challenge because it calls itself
a religion. If Adolph Hitler had called Nazism a religion, would we have
been similarly disposed and refrained from criticizing Nazi credos? Note
that in previous conflicts success meant we did not support or excuse
‘moderate’ Nazis, Fascists, Imperialists, or Communists …all
followers and supporters of the dangerous philosophies were brought low in
total war. From 1933 onward, anyone wearing a swastika and reciting from Mein
Kampf would be immediately recognized as a potentially dangerous enemy
of freedom and democracy. Americans need to become fully acquainted with
the aspirations, methods, and political philosophy contained in the
Qur’an adopted by those who worship the man who wrote that
manifesto, which unfortunately are no less dangerous.
Another point that needs to be made is that Islam is not initially
opposed to democratic processes in non-Islamic countries. To orthodox
Muslims in non-Muslim lands, democracy represents a convenient tool, not
an enemy. Remember both Hitler and Khomeini came to rule through
democratic means, but once in power they killed the process that elevated
them to power. Through democratic means Islam seeks opportunity through
discontent, deception, conversions, and/or demographics to seize control
of government institutions, and then gradually to introduce ‘reforms’
until the region is subject to every form of Islamic manipulation and
governance. Non-Muslims in democracies are not initially mistreated, but
as the power of Muslim traditionalists’ increases, freedoms and
protections erode and persecution begins. This modus operandi is the
template Muhammad taught by example in conquering the indigenous people in
. This is peaceful Islam. Those countries that prove resistant to such
methods are subject to more violent forms of Jihad to weaken them to the
point that they accept and submit to the dictates of Muslim political
ambitions. Ultimately, Islam offers only three options to non-believers,
…convert, pay Jizya (become slaves to superior Islamic masters), or die.
History is currently being written in the
Middle East
. The chief question is whether principals of freedom, tolerance, and
equal rights can take permanent root in Islamic lands and reform Jihadists.
Such hopes are noble, and emotions run high, but such aspirations may be
naïve in the long term. Even the hold of secularists in
remains tenuous. Democratic regimes built up in
will likely remain only as long as Western troops are present to protect
them, and may be in danger of quickly evaporating without that massive
support. The term "Islamic democracy" is an oxymoron, like
“Tolerant Bigot”, “Honest Falsehood”, "Capitalistic
Communism", or “Humane War”. Although democracy has room for a
defanged Islam not bent on destroying it, real Islam leaves no room for
democratic principals. When principals of free speech and human rights are
genuinely adopted, the baby it delivers is free-will and free-enterprise,
which then promotes and protects individual progress. All of these
positive progressive concepts represent a direct threat to the elaborate
control structures ensuring Islam power over the masses.
Final and permanent victory in the War on Islamic terror can not
occur until its dangerous ideology is fought with the same vigor Islamic
militancy is opposed militarily. As a first step, schools and universities
need to start teaching Americans kids (including Muslims) all about real
history and real Islam, instead of the propaganda it currently sells our
children. Tenured or not, Communist, Islamist, and apologists promoting
misinformation and propaganda need to be exposed and expelled. The last
thing we need is colleges and universities pumping out more Islamic brown
shirts. In the case of Islam, excessive diversity is irresponsible and
means only one thing, …national suicide.