What is Real Islam?
By Syed Kamran Mirza
Most Muslims are Muslims by being born to Muslim parents, and
none of them are Muslim by their choice. Also they are Muslims
not by the book (Quran and hadiths), but by the normal human
consciousness. Among the ordinary Muslims, one can find a very
negligible percent who is really knowledgeable in real
theological features of Islam. Although the Quran and hadiths
are the two pillars of Islam, non-Arab Muslims in general never
read them, or if they read never understand them. Because,
mostly they read Quran (especially) in Arabic which they don’t
understand. Therefore, all those Quranic flaws, incongruities,
contradictions, unethical and intolerant scriptures and hadiths
are unknown to common Muslims. And from the childhood—Muslims
are taught by Mullahs methods of pick & choose scriptures
and Hadiths—giving them a totally different pictures of Islam
by which they become completely brain washed. This childhood
poisoning by Mullahs continue to prevail in their mindset even
in the adulthood. They have been taught that, “Islam is a
religion of peace and tolerance. Quran is the pure word of
Allah. There is no flaw in Quran. Islam treats all human being
equal and Islam treats man and woman equal. Allah is
compassionate and Merciful, and Prophet could never do anything
wrong in his life. Normally, these peoples are good human beings
like any other normal good/kind human beings, but when comes the
religion Islam these peoples become a slave to the religious
dictum and act and talk like a stupid/senseless person. So, when
some thing bad is done by any Muslim—immediately these
blind-faith Muslims says the following:
Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia’s political and social
fallacies has nothing to do with real Islamic country
The Taliban's destruction of Bhuddist antiquities has nothing
to do with real Islam.
The forcible conversion of helpless Christians in Indonesia
has nothing to do with real Islam.
The genocide being perpetrated in Sudan by the Islamists in
Khartoum has nothing to do with real Islam.
The unwillingness of the Saudi authorities to allow women to
drive has nothing to do with real Islam.
The sectarian violence in Pakistan between Sunni and Shiite
has nothing to do with real Islam.
The practice of female genital mutilation by Muslims all over
North Africa, Middle East, Pakistan, Indonesia etc. have nothing
to do with real Islam.
Having sex with slave girls in Saudi Arabia has nothing to do
with real Islam
Women oppression and inequality with men has nothing to do
with real Islam.
The decapitations of the inhabitants of entire villages by
jihadists in Algeria has nothing to do with real Islam.
Acts of terror committed frequently around the world in the
name of Islam have nothing to do with real Islam.
The hadiths depicting Muhammed (pbuh) as a pedophilic,
murderous, thief have nothing to do with real Islam.
The verses in the Quran and hadiths justifying the slaughter
of the Banu Qurayza by Allah's Apostle (pbuh) have nothing to do
with real Islam.
Actually, Islam itself has nothing to do with real Islam.
May 2001