Gross Inanities In Islamic Myth!
25, 2001
Kamran Mirza
[email protected]
Islam is the champion of irrationality and
myths, that is, Islam possesses more myths and superstitions
than any other monotheistic and monolithic religion of the
world. Muslims
widely believe that—Mosque, The Kaaba-Sharif, The Holy
Koran never can be burned by fire, or Holy war and holy Jihad
can never be defeated. Because, holy war/Jihad is always
supported by Allah. Islamic
histories are loaded with myths and superstitions, which mullahs
widely believe them. Prophet Muhammad’s success in his wars
with pagan Arabs was seen as the divine blessings directly from
Allah. There are very many stories of Angelic assistance and
help in the holy wars of Muslims that were fought in the 7th
century period. The
Koran and Hadith mentioned many such divine interventions in the
holy wars, as if, Allah’s Angels and His Prophet fought the
wars side-by-side. Nevertheless,
these were all but wishful, fabricated and fictitious stories
Muslims swallowed in early period of brainwashing by Islamic
myths and by rote learning.
In many occasions of Indo-Pak
wars—Pakistani soldiers and some devout Muslims used to
believe that there would be some sort of divine intervention to
protect Pakistan from the infidel Indians. During the Gulf War
in 1991, some devout Muslims residing in the comfort zone of
infidel USA aggressively argued with me that—infidel soldiers
of America will not win the war with Iraq, because Iraq
especially Baghdad is laden with many Muslim’s Holy places
such as Bara Pir’s Dargha, etc., and they hoped that
there will be some sort of divine intervention from Allah.
Saddam Hussein repeatedly claimed that Merciful Allah is
on his side, he declared Holy war against America, therefore,
infidel force will be defeated. Well, we all know what had
happened to that Allah’s party in the Gulf War.
The arguments and reasons cited by those
wishful Muslims who supported Iraq during the Gulf War were of
two different folds. (1) Iraq is a Muslim country and America
and the west are the infidel nations, therefore Muslims, the
Allah’s party, will defeat the infidels. (2) America is the
paper tiger that was defeated by Vietnam people. Therefore,
general hope among the Muslims was that America would be
defeated by Muslim Iraq. The fact of the matter is, America was
never defeated by Vietnam; America was actually defeated by the
joint forces of Soviet Russia, China and Vietnamese. That is,
America fought not just the Vietcong guerrillas alone, but
America actually fought the combined forces of USSR, China and
Vietnam—a formidable force indeed.
of a New Islamic Myth:
During the Afghan War with Soviet Russia in
late ‘80s—the united force of Afghan Mujaheedin did not
defeat Russia alone. Russia was defeated by another super power
America. Russia had
to fight fanatic Afghan Mujaheedin armed with 100% by the
most modern American weapons. Had there been no supply of
American modern weapons and no boosting of morale (supports) by
America, Britain and all the Muslim world—it would be
absolutely impossible to defeat a super power such as Soviet
Russia. The strange
thing is, Afghan Mujaheedins mistakenly thought that
their victory against the super power Russia had to do with some
kind of divine intervention.
Afghan Mujaheedin and Talibans considered Russia infidel
godless force, and their victory against this infidel super
power was taken as the
Allah’s mercy to those pure Muslims of Afghan.
Later when Talibans, the more purified force of fanatic
Mullahs, took over the whole Afghanistan from the
moderate/socialistic forces of Afghanistan—Taliban fanatics
truly believed that this victory definitely had to do with
divine intervention by Merciful Allah. Their fanatic zeal was
further energized tremendously by the Prophetic representation
by the pure Arab Muslim Maulana Osama bin Laden.
Mr. bin Laden’s joining with Afghan Talibans was seen
parallel to the 7th century leadership of Prophet
Muhammad with those Arab Bedouins in Medina.
Their triumphant victory against the Soviet and the
Afghan socialistic forces was seen as the good comparison with
the victory of Prophet Muhammad against Arab pagan forces.
Osama bin Laden clearly spelled this idea in his fatwas
(called bin Laden’s fatwa) issues for his Al-Qaeda
disciples in 1996. It
was at that time that Afghan Talibans coupled with bin Laden’s
fanatic zeal started to dream of spreading/exporting Jihadist
Islamic ideals throughout the world.
They perceived the Soviet’s demise as the signal from
Merciful Allah to conquer and spread Islamic Shariat to
the whole world including America.
They selected the difficult terrain of Afghanistan as the
breeding ground of the new generation of fierce Islamic
soldiers, who will conquer whole world—thus fulfilling the
Koranic injunction given by Prophet Muhammad.
In many recent interviews with the western
reporters, bin Laden openly asserted this belief in Allah’s
assistance in his struggle against infidel America.
He and his Al-Qaeda strongly believed in the
unseen delivery of Allah’s assistance in their Holy struggle,
and they all were in very strong dream and illusions of this
Islamic Myth, i.e., Allah’s unfailing assistance in their
struggle against American infidels.
And this particular strong but idiotic belief system made
them so daring, dangerous and callous in front of the well-known
challenge from the only mighty superpower America.
They simply declared “Holy War” (Jihad)
against the infidels and gave a clarion call to all Muslims of
the world to joint in their “Holy Jihad” against the
infidels. Therefore,
many young pure Muslims from Arab, Pakistan, Chechnya and other
Muslim countries deliberately and cheerfully joined this holy
party of Al-Qaeda. Like
those fanatic Bedouin Arab disciples of Prophet Muhammad in
their Islamic Jihad in 7th century, Al-Qaeda fanatics
had no fear of death whatsoever. They had death wish to become
martyred to reach the Seventh Heaven (Islamic special paradise
of Zannat Al-Firdous) to enjoy unlimited sex with paragon
celestial wide-eyed houries.
Getting the all out supports from Maulana
bin-Laden (true reminiscent of 7th century Prophet),
Mullah Muhammad Omar (reminiscent of 7th
century’s hazrot Omar) the supreme leader of Talibans was
also super energized by the divine fanatic Islamic zeal, and did
not care at all about the mighty super power America.
This clodhopper half-educated Mullah Omar had the
slightest idea about the modern weapons of America.
He openly asserted with many western reporters that his
Jihadi force would defeat America just as they did to the
Soviet. Even today, when his so called “Holy War” turned
into a true “Holy Mess”—Mullah Omar is in a
strong delusion that, Allah’s mercy is on it’s way, coming
soon from the heaven! Mullah Muhammad Omar, the supreme leader
of Talibans who was interviewed (during the week of November
12,2001) by BBC said: “This
is not a matter of weapons, we are hopeful for Allah’s help.
The real matter is the extinction of America…this is my
prediction. You believe it or not—it’s up to you.” Anybody
who listened the Taliban’s press release on November 20, 2001
could hear the same assertive hope and dream of Taliban leader
and his Jihadi followers desperately gathered in Kandahar.
Their hope still is “Allah’s help is coming from the Above
as the Ababil birds. They will throw stones over the heads of
Northern Alliance soldiers and on American soldiers. What a
wishful dreamer this one-eyed Mullah is!
famous Ababil Myth of Quran:
Quranic Sura# 105 (Sura Fil, or The Elephant): states that,
Allah sent divine birds called “ABABIL” to destroy the
infidels from Yemen who wanted to destroy Kaaba house (house of
Allah) in Makka. Devout
Muslims widely believe this story of Koran by their hearts. They
also believe that like Mosque, the ‘Kaaba Sharif’ the
Allah’s house at Makka can never be destroyed by any human
being. The fact of
the matter is, in the ‘80s, Iranian shiite Muslims blasted
bombs at the heart of “Kaaba
Sharif” damaging good part of the Kaaba building.
This time, Allah did not come with His Ababil birds to
destroy those bad Iranians, nor Allah’s might was able to make
human made bomb inactive by His Kudrot (stratagem)!
After America started theirs bombing in
Afghanistan—almost all the pure Muslims of the whole world
(not the rulers or the governments) started supporting Talibans
in their holy struggle against America.
Readers saw those unlimited chanting with anti-American
rhetoric of poisonous slogans and effigy burning festivals by
Mullahs of Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and other Muslim
countries throughout the Muslim world.
My elder brother lives in Dhaka.
On our phone conversation during the middle of October,
2001, my brother told me that because of relentless chanting
from the various mosques and religious congregation (called Waz-Mahfil)
using ultra-high volume loudspeaker, it is quite impossible for
the public to sleep in Dhaka city these days.
He further said, “We cannot sleep during the night for
fanatic Mullahs. They are chanting that Allah will destroy
American infidels by sending divine punishment through Ababil
birds.” My
brother asked me if there was any Ababil birds arrived in
Afghanistan soon. What
should I say?
Tayab Agha the Taliban spokesman in the
recent press report said: “ Taliban
will rise again. For the time being we will defend the present
power we control, but when time comes, the responsibility of
taking other provinces will lie on our shoulders. God will
compel Talibans to fight until we are alive to secure our
religion. Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) faced the same temporary
defeat, but Allah helped him to defeat the enemy of Allah. Our
leader Mullah Omar was not referring to something to be done by
weapons, but something from Allah’s side will come soon. We
hope the Almighty Allah would break America and the other
of Infidel America:
We have learned from the world history that
the name of the war game is weapon superiority, and of course,
morale, unity, well training, etc., work as the additional
strength of the force. Most
importantly, whoever possesses weapons superiority wins the
battle for sure. We all know, today’s war absolutely depends
on the Air power superiority.
Whoever has the superiority in air power wins the war.
Plain and simple. This
war equation in Afghanistan is 21st century air and space power
of super power America combined with 16th century
land forces of Northern alliance.
Us bombing totally broke the physiological barrier and
morale of Talibans. Many
times, bombs were dropped from US planes (B-52 bombers) that
were at such a high altitude that, they could be neither seen
nor heard. Suddenly
the world around Taliban troops would begin to explode. As I can
quote some from the surrendered Taliban soldiers’ interview
with the western reporters. One such Taliban described: “American
attack upon us was from out of the blue.
Was it the bird of Ababil? You don’t hear anything, you
don’t see anything, and all your best stuff blows up.
It’s like God did it to you—your trenches, your tanks
just blow up, cloudy or not day or night.”
Talibans are absolutely right!
The giant B-52s bombers’ continuous pounding of
Talibans positions broke the pride of Talibani Jihadi zeal,
and relentless demolition of Taliban’s buildings, bunkers, and
hideouts plummeted the Talibans morale.
The use of bunker-buster bombs, 15,000-pound Daisy-cutter
bombs did the job. The
much-fabled Ababil birds did not arrive from Merciful
Allah. Instead, the
real Ababils were coming from America’s mighty modern
air force with their laser-guided missiles, and smart bombs, and
1000 lbs., or 1,500 lbs. bunker-buster and daisy-cutter bombs. The
Talibans had no choice but to run like foxes (in Bengali-
Urrdha Shasshe Dour) curling up their tails.
As I alluded to earlier, war game is the
game of weapons-superiority.
Historically, one civilization conquered another
civilization mainly by their weapon-superiority.
The fact of the matter is, there was no divinity or
divine intervention for anybody, or any nations who won the war
over the other. It was the superiority of weapons coupled with
National unity, good cause and inspirations among the worriers.
Islamic Prophet conquered disunited and demoralized
pagans by the united Arab Bedouins with their strong fanatic
religious zeal, and not because of any kind of divine
intervention, so to speak.
It was the success of Arab imperialism sparked by the
name of religion Islam. Prophet
Muhammad was clever enough to brainwash those half-civilized
Arab Bedouins by luring them with worldly profit of booty
(wealth’s, women, unlimited sex, etc) and, of course, with the
heavenly pleasures of celestial Houries, unlimited sex, wine,
honey and bird’s meat after death.
Coming of Ababil birds from heaven with stone was
simply one of those Arab folklores conveniently used by the
Prophet just to mesmerize Arab illiterate Bedouins.
The problem however is our millions of
close-minded Muslims who still like to have comfort believing
such hoax of Islam. The demise of this incogitant Islamic myth
is very urgent to protect our civilization from the false and
illusionary religious zealotry of those mad fanatic Islamists.
The sooner those Muslims get the education that these are merely
myths and superstitions of Islam, the better off these hapless
folks would in the long run.
The sixty-million-dollars question is—who is going to
teach these mindless folks to come to their senses?
Any clues?