A Complaint
to Allah
By Ayesha Ahmed
Allah, you
did not practice what you preached. You said, Mo is dearest
to me, he is best of creation, he is the top ranked prophet,
his mother tongue Arabic will be the language of heaven, he
can intercede on judgment day, Iman is not complete unless he is
accepted as your rasool. You, and him are
mentioned together in quran hundreds of times like you two are
equal partners. You and all your angels even sent salam to him. You
wrote in the Quran obey me and my apostle, love me and my apostle,
follow me and my apostle, listen to me and me my apostle. You left no
doubt that he was way higher than all other prophets. He led the prayer
of all the prophets in the Meraj night at Jerusalem. Only he could
ascend to the 7th heaven to meet you whereas even Jibraeel, the
messenger, had to stay back at the 6th heaven. However I personally
feel that it was more of lip service than anything else. Actions speak
louder than words. You did not deliver what you promised. Let us examine
what you really did for my beloved (and your beloved) Mo in comparison
to what you did for other prophets.
You gave Noah a
life of 950 years, you gave Mo only 63 years. What a shame. Even Ibn
Afak, an infidel Jew lived to be 120 and died only when Mo had him
You made Adam 60
cunits (30 meters) tall but you made Mo less than six feet.
Even many infidel 7 feet tall basket ball players dwarf the greatest
You made Yousuf so
handsome that even his boss's wife chased him around . As far as Mo
is concerned, he was the one doing the chasing. Many women even
shunned him. As a matter of fact every time he came to Juavaria, his
gorgeous captured-women-turned-wife for a quickie, she would stand
up and start praying namaz to avoid him (she was known to pray for
hours until horny Mo had to go next door to another wife to fulfill
his desire). Once he proposed to have sex with a noble woman, she
refused and prayed for protection from Allah, how insulting for an
apostle. Many of his marriages could not be consummated (perhaps
because the young girls given in marriage by fathers probably
started crying when they saw the naked old man).
You gave Jesus the
power to make dead people live, give back parents to orphans
and husbands to widows. The only power you gave Mo was to make
live people dead, take away parents from children and husbands from
wives which any common criminal can do.
You gave Sulaiman
power to control Jinns who used to bring him treasures from the
bottom of the sea. Mo had to rely on himself and his cronies to
acquire wealth by looting and pillaging.
You saved Ibrahim's
son Ismail when he was trying to behead him after a bad dream by
replacing his son with a ram. You did no such saving when Mo's sons
were dying in infancy.
When Younus prayed
from inside the stomach of a large fish you listened and saved
his life. When Mo prayed from the lap of Ayesha you did not
listen, and let him die.
You gave long lives to
children of Dawood and Yaqoob. Mo had to bury six of his seven
children who died young . The 7th (Fatima) died 2 months after his
death before reaching 20.
You yourself came down
to earth to meet Moses. Mo was escorted by Jibraeel on the back
of a winged horse and travel billions of miles to see you ( I bet he
had a very sore behind after the trip). Could you not come down
yourself for your best man.
You gave real miracles
to all prophets. Ibrahim could convert burning fire into a garden.
Moses could convert his staff into a snake, walk through an ocean,
give life to a dead cow. Jesus could cure the sick, give
eyes to the blind, give life to the dead, make a clay bird fly, talk
right after birth. Noah could build an arc to carry millions of
animals. Sulaiman could communicate with jinns and animals. All of
them had something to show except Mo. When Mo asked for a miracle
you gave a run around and said Quran is your miracle. Some miracle,
a hodgepodge of silly fables and a collection of misinformation. A
book which says Sun sets in muddy spring, stars are missiles to
attack jinns, Moon is a lamp, Sun goes around the Earth, mountains
are pegs and sky is in seven solid layers. Even kids are laughing at
his miracle.
You gave Sulaiman
mastery of all the tongues of animal kingdom. Mo could
not even read or write his own mother tongue.
You gave many prophets
the ability to cure (Ayub could cure himself by prayer). When sick
people came to them they gave them health. When sick people
came to Mo , he gave them camel urine (no wonder some of them
went berserk after drinking fresh camel urine and committed
murders). He could not cure even his own sons whom he desired
and loved dearly, all three died in infancy.
You sent ababil birds
to defeat an army on elephants to protect your own house Kaaba.
No ababils showed up when Mo's house in Madina was attacked three
times. He almost got killed once.
Sulaiman was helped by
superhuman invisible help in his wars. No such help for Mo. Yes
he won many wars but It was the lure of booty, captured women
and the 72 perpetually virgin houris in heaven for martyrs which
made his soldiers fight and win, not your ababil birds or the
thousands of angels which were promised but never showed up.
You were sending
Jibraeel for every little information, even to show how to wipe
asses, why didn't you send him to warn Mo against eating the
poisoned meat which pained him so much and eventually took his life?
In view of the above facts, can you still say you were fair to Mo.