Whither the Islamic
By Abul
June 23, 2005
HAMED BY THE senseless atrocities
perpetrated by the livid Islamic Jihadists on innocent infidels, including their
harmless, sinless kindergarten children, the Islamic apologists living in the
west are hell-bent to prove that Islam never condones such mayhem. They scribe
enormous essays extolling the ‘goodies’ which Islam has for the unbelievers.
Curiously, one may note that very few Islamists living in Islamic Paradises ever
write such confounding essays. In contrast to the western-living Muslims this
committed strand of Islamists are true Muslims. They simply want Islam to
dominate the world, pure and simple—even at the cost of millions of
infidels’ lives.
Ignorant of ‘real Islam’—the only
pure, pristine, original and unadulterated Islam contained in the Qur’an and
preached and practiced by Muhammad, most infidels fall for those untruthful
essays composed by those western-educated, Islam-loving Islamic apologists. An
appropriate term to describe these naive infidels could be ‘Islamic
Infidels’—the infidels as depicted in the writings by these western Islamic
Deluded by such dubious articles, many
un-informed infidels even blithely acknowledge that ‘Islam is a religion of
peace’, except that the insane Islamic terrorists have profoundly distorted
this serene Islam. Astonishingly, to prove the innocence of Islam, these
‘Islamic infidels’ compare the savage Jihadists with the Klu Klux Klan
version of Christianity. What a great travesty of justice! Without properly
checking the Qur’an, these gullible ‘Islamic infidels’ readily accept
those ‘goody’ Qur’anic verses the cunning western Islamic apologists often
quote to back up their persistent claim of unbound Islamic mercy for the
infidels. These unbelievers simply assume that Muhammad’s Qur’an is similar
to the Gospel of Jesus. They are under the illusion that, just like the Gospel,
the Qur’an could never contain verses which call for their gratuitous murder
of infidels if any one refuses to accept Islam, the only religion acceptable
Allah. They falsely believe that alike the Gospel the Qur’an too is full of
mercy, compassion and forgiveness for the sinners (read Islamic infidels). If
only these simple-minded ‘Islamic infidels’ knew the truth about their fate
in the hand of Islam, they would simply shudder in terror. To learn more about
this undeniable reality please read on.
I took some time to scan diligently the
Qur’an in chronological order and assemble some verses that apply to the
infidels. For the convenience of the readers I have tabulated those opposing
verses—the verses which utterly contradict each other. Invariably, there are
some verses which talk of mercy, tolerance, kindness and co-operation with the
infidels. The problem is: those verses are mostly Meccan verses, the verses
which Allah sent down when Muhammad was militarily weak—when he had no means
to fight physically the pagans of
. When Muhammad shrewdly changed his residence (i.e., migrated to
) his Qur’an also changed. A crafty Allah now became vicious towards the
unbelievers. Almighty Allah now quickly sent down pithy verses commanding
Muhammad the wholesale conversion of the repugnant unbelievers to Muhammad’s
religion (Islam). Failure to do so by the infidels entailed severe punishment
from an angry, despotic, ruthless and uncompromising Allah.
Why? As demonstrated by loads of such verses released during Muhammad’s
stay at
, why Allah suddenly became so desperate to ruthlessly punish the ‘errant’
infidels? The answer is not difficult to fathom. You see, at
, Muhammad acquired the much needed military wherewithal to mortally attack the
infidels and subdue them. That is why most of the Medinaan verses are filled
with hate, spite, revenge and the directives for total annihilation of
non-Muslims, simply because Muhammad was physically capable of carrying out his
campaign of terror.
As one peruses the listed verses, one
may legitimately ask: “Which verses are current regarding the treatment of
infidels in Islam (Islamic infidels)? Are those loving, peaceful and kind Meccan
verses still valid? Or the harsh, hateful, unkind and belligerent Medinaan
verses are applicable?” Perplexed, one might even believe that Islam is
symbiotic; that is: it could co-exist with seemingly conflicting verses in the
Qur’an. Strangely, the answer to this perplexing question is very simple. You
see, the rule of abrogation on the Qur’anic verses unmistakably stipulates
that the later verses (in this case, those benign, tolerant, peaceful Meccan
verses) abrogate the earlier verses. Therefore, all those infidel-friendly
Meccan verses are replaced by the belligerent, coercive, hate-mongering and
chillingly murderous Medinaan verses.
A chronologically organised Qur’an
clearly demonstrates how Muhammad’s Allah changed His tune when he arrived at
with his band of terrorists. As stated earlier, at
, Muhammad, through countless plunder and forced exactions, developed his muscle
power—both economic and military. Feeling financially and physically secured
and strong, Allah then decided to take revenge on the infidels. Expectedly, the
Qur’an also changed its tune.
Please note that the suras with
chronology order of less than 87 are
Meccan suras. Sura 2 (sura al-Bakara) has the chronological order of 87.
This is the decisive verse which marks the beginning of a new militarily
powerful Muhammad. Truly, this sura is a mixture of some Meccan and some
Medinaan elements. For example: verse 2:256
(no compulsion in religion) is such a verse. Curiously, this sura (sura 2) also
has the verse 2:193 which prescribes
the use of force to accept Islam. Here are these two contradictory verses:
compulsion in religion; the truth is clear from error.
There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct
from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath
grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower. [87,
the infidels until they accept Islam.
And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if
they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers. [87,
Obviously, the most pertinent question
is: which of those two verses in the same sura (sura al- Bakara, sura 2) is
currently applicable to the infidels—verse 2:256
or verse 2:193? I would like to get a
definite answer from the lovers of Islam. Please forward a clear, unambiguous
answer—not some mumbo jumbo of context, translation difficulty and exhortation
of having ‘misconception’ about Islam.
Leaving aside sura al-Bakara (sura 2),
it is perfectly apparent that the Medinaan verses have really sealed the fate of
the infidels living in a pure Islamic society (like
Saudi Arabia
….). There is no way that ‘true’ Muslims could offer mercy, tolerance,
kindness, empathy, sympathy and peace to the unfortunate unbelievers who decide
to stay put in an Islamic Paradise. To prove my line of reasoning, please go
through my list of verses. This
detailed list is bound to disturb many unbelievers as well as the not-so-good
Muslims (tolerant, in name-only Muslims, who have not closely read the Qur’an
and ahadith).
Please note that I have included the
chronological order and the type (i.e.,
verse) inside square [ ] brackets.
Interestingly, without doubt, you will notice that all the Meccan verses have a
chronological order of less than 87;
all the Medinaan verses have a chronological order of 87 or higher! This is very fascinating, won’t you think so?
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