




 Leaving Islam



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‘Or of a father, mother, or wife (where misconception is pleaded)—If a person have carnal connexion with the female slave of his father, or his mother, or his wife, and plead his conception that such slave was lawful to him, he does not incur punishment; neither is the accuser liable to punishment—( but if he should acknowledge his consciousness of the illegality, punishment is to be inflicted upon him,--and the same rule obtains where a slave has connexion with the bondmaid of his master):--because between these there a community of interests in the acquisition of profit; and hence the man who commits the act may in those cases have conceived, with respect to the enjoyment, that this species of usufruct is also lawful to him,--wherefore error by misconception is applicable to him; but nevertheless this is accrual whoredom, for which reason punishment is not incurred by the accuser. The law is the same (according to the Zahir Rawayet), if the female slave, in either of these cases, were to plead her supposing that the act was lawful, without any such plea on the part of the man,--because the carnal conjunction of a man and a woman being one act, it follows that a plea of supposed legality, made by either party, establishes error with respect to both and hence the punishment of both is abrogated.’

Is any one interested in looking at the private parts of a woman?  Of course, most men would like to do just this, albeit secretly. That is why we have ‘Playboy’, ‘Penthouse’, ‘Ralph,’…….. etc. magazines. Looking at the glossy pages of these magazines with pictures of naked woman is a great fun that most men will indulge in but very few men (Muslim) will dare to admit. The bad news for these men is that looking at a woman (not related to him) below the level of her naval is absolutely forbidden in Islam. Forget about touching her. It is a kabirah gunaah (absolute sin.) One cannot even look at the naked hands of a woman. This is the height of morality in Islam. Most Islamists cannot wait to announce to the world the great respect they have for women by citing these absurd, silly practices. We would accept this custom as a practice of great morality had it been applied to all women regardless of her social status. Nope. Believe it or not, it does not apply to all to women. If you are unfortunate enough to be a slave-woman, then you become an object of display of flesh. Islam allows a man to look at every part of a slave (or a captive) woman including her, breasts, vagina, clitoris, anus—every part of her pudenda. Unbelievable, you say. Read the following Sha’ria law on the inspection of a slave-woman for sexual purposes.

Slave woman—you can look at pudenda---(ref. 11, p.599)

‘A man may view his wife or his slave in any part.—IT is lawful for a man to look at his slave girl in any part, provided he be not related him within the prohibited degrees; and also at his wife in any part, even in the pudenda, if he pleases; because the Prophet said, “shut your eyes from all excepting your wives and female slaves.” Nevertheless, it is most becoming that a husband and wife should neither of them look at the genital parts of the other, as the Prophet gas said, “when ye copulate with women of your own tribe, you must conceal as much s possible; and be not then naked, as that savours too much of the custom of asses.”’  

Although the above provision recommends a man to show restraints while copulating, nothing can prevent him from indulging in all sorts of fetish/sadomasochism with a slave woman, if he wishes so. Since beating of women is a permitted in the Qur’an (see Qur’an verse 4:34 ), therefore, sadomasochistic method of sexual gratification is absolutely possible in an Islamic way.  

It is noteworthy that many Islamists often hide the truth about the extreme tyranny of sexual slavery under Islam by saying that one can marry a slave woman. On the surface, this looks fair enough. But when we dig deeper, we find the naked truth. The truth is a Muslim man cannot marry his own slave-woman. He can only marry a slave woman that belongs to another person. He cannot purchase a slave woman and marry her. It is forbidden. However, he is allowed to have unlimited sex with her (the woman bought as a sex slave).

One can’t marry one’s own slave but one can have sex with her---(ibid, p.317)

The Legal Disabilities to Marriage

There are nine prohibitions to marriage namely:-

8. A woman is prohibited by reason of property. For example, it is not lawful for a man to marry his own slave, or a woman her bondsman.

Excerpts from ‘Root of Terrorism—Islamic Style’  

The Muslim soldiers were hungry for sex and Muhammad allowed them to rape the B. Mustaliq women captives. Here is a Hadith from Sahih Bukhari:  

Volume 5, Book 59, Number 459:

Narrated Ibn Muhairiz:

I entered the Mosque and saw Abu Said Al-Khudri and sat beside him and asked him about Al-Azl (i.e., coitus interruptus). Abu Said said, "We went out with Allah's Apostle for the Ghazwa of Banu Al-Mustaliq and we received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus. So when we intended to do coitus interrupt us, we said, 'How can we do coitus interruptus before asking Allah's Apostle who is present among us?" We asked (him) about it and he said, 'It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul (till the Day of Resurrection) is predestined to exist, it will exist."  

After having sex (read rape) with his captive-girl, Said al-Khudri took this young girl to the nearest slave market for a quick sale. Here is the continuation of the above story, as told by al-Waqidi (vol.i, p.413) and excerpted by Rodinson:[1]  

“A Jew said to me: ‘Abu Said, no doubt you want to sell her as she has in her belly a baby by you.’ I said: ‘No; I used the ‘azl.’ To which he replied [sarcastically]: ‘Then it was lesser child-murder!’ When I repeated this story to the Prophet he said: ‘The Jews lie. The Jews lie.’”  

In this connection it is worthwhile to mention the Sharia Law (Islamic Law) on captive women and children:  

Shafi Law o9.13

Where a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact that of capture, and the woman’s previous marriage is immediately annulled.[2]    

Muhammad appointed Abu Bakr as the leader of this raiding party. When Abu Bakr arrived at Wadi al-Qura, he ordered his troop to rest there; then they prayed. After prayer, Abu Bakr made a raid on B. Fazarah. The Muslims killed a number of B. Fazarah people and captured a number of their women and children. Among them was Umm Qirfa, a very old lady, wearing a worn-out piece of leather coat. With her was her young daughter, the fairest of the Arabs. Abu Bakr gave Umm Qirfa’s pretty, young and vivacious daughter to the Jihadist Salamah b. al-Akwa who had captured her as a booty or sex-slave. After Salamah b. al-Akwa returned to Medina and met Muhammad at the market place, he (Muhammad) asked Salamah to offer this pretty young woman to him. Salamah told Muhammad that he liked her but had not had sex with her yet. Then he offered her to Muhammad.

Quoting Salamah, Tabari writes:[3]

‘When I returned to Medina , the messenger of God met me in the market and said, “Salamah—how excellent the father who begot you!—give me the woman.” I said, “Messenger of God, I like her, by God, and I have not uncovered her garment.” He said nothing to me until the next day, when he met me in the market and said, “Salamah—how excellent a father begot you!—give me the woman.” I said: “Messenger of God, I have not touched her garment. She is yours, Messenger of God.” The Messenger of God sent her to Mecca , and with her he ransomed some Muslim captives who were in the hands of the polytheists.’  

There is a similar Hadith from Sahih Muslim (Refer to: Sahih Muslim: Book 19, Hadith number 4345)  


Abul Kasem writes from Sydney Australia. Comments can be sent to [email protected]

[1] Rodinson, p.197

[2] Reliance of the Traveller, p.604

[3] Tabari, vol. viii, p.97


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