Creating An Islamic State
By: Perfanalyst
The point of the following is that: there has
been a pattern to the transformation of countries into Islamic States and
there are planners behind these takeovers even when the vast majority of
both Muslims and non-Muslims are unaware of these activities. Compare the
following recipe with what has happened and is happening in Malaysia,
Philippines, Sudan, Indonesia, India-Pakistan-Kashmir, Britain, Algeria,
USA, ...
The pattern of infiltration, peaceful co-existence, expansion, covert
efforts to destabilize, demands for legal exemptions to practice Islam,
overt efforts to destabilize, demands for a separate state, and civil war
are as old as Islam. For more information on what Islam teaches and what
it has done during its history see FaithFreedom's web site and their
Resource Center at:
What appears to be new (starting in the late1800's, but really picking up
steam around 1980) is the global support network for these efforts. Steven
Emerson's book, "American Jihad, The terrorists living among us"
(The Free Press, A division of Simon & Schuster, New York, NY 2002),
does an excellent job of detailing the loosely coupled global support
network which has been providing extensive funding, training, manuals
& videos, organizational meetings, and planning to aid people in
propelling countries towards becoming Islamic States.
TABLIGHI JAMAAT, B. Raman wrote: |
This paper deals with the Tablighi Jamaat (TJ),
which is the mother of all the Pakistan-based jehadi organisations
active not only in the CARs, Chechnya and Dagestan, but also in
other parts of the world.
In an investigative report carried by the "News"
(February 13,1995), Mr. Kamran Khan, the well-known Pakistani
journalist, brought to light for the first time the nexus between
the TJ and the HUM and their role in supporting Islamic extremist
movements in different countries.
The February 1998, issue of the "Newsline", a monthly of
Pakistan, quoted workers of the TJ as saying that the TJ had many
offices in the US, Russia, the Central Asian Republics, South
Africa, Australia and France and that many members of the Chechen
Cabinet, including the Deputy Prime Minister of Chechnya, were
workers of the TJ and participated in its proselytising
activities. . One of them, merely identified as Khalil, said:
" It is possible that France may become a Muslim state within
my lifetime, due to the great momentum of Tablighi activity
According to the "Newsline", the TJ was started in the
1880s to revive and spread Islam. Its annual convention held at
Raiwind in Pakistani Punjab in November every year is attended by
over one million Muslims from all over the world. This is
described by the "Newsline" as the second largest
gathering of the Muslims anywhere in the world after the Haj in
Saudi Arabia. |
Emergency.com wrote: |
During the three years that he worked in Malaysia,
Hambali's militant views against the Indonesian dictatorship, an
oppressor of Islam, grew. Around 1988 he was persuaded to leave
for Afghanistan and the jihad training camps.
As JI grew Hambali and Ba'asyir formed a doctrine which stated the
group would pursue the ideal of creating a unified Islamic state
in Southeast Asia called the Daulah Islamiah Raya. The new Islamic
State would include
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Sultanate of Brunei, the South
Philippines, Thailand and Cambodia.
Most of these countries now have terrorist and tribal groups all
seeking the same objective, which leads analysts to believe that
JI's influence is heavily seated in the region. |
Recipe for creating an Islamic State
Apply this recipe as needed based on the current state of a country. In
other words if the target country has already completed certain steps,
then move on to the next. Be willing to adapt to the local conditions. One
more bit of general advice is the following:
The leaders (secular and religious) in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have
spent time studying the ways of power and they know that religion and
people are just tools.
- Their own struggles with the British and other foreign powers have
taught them to work from inside.
TABLIGHI JAMAAT, B. Raman wrote: |
"The cardinal aim of the Wahhabis, apart from
their puritanical objectives, was the destruction of British
power. They not only attacked the British openly as in the
Frontier, but they also tried infiltrating secretly among the rank
and file of the army in order to sow the seeds of disloyalty. In
the course of time, the British realised what was going on and
they decided that Wahhabi influence would be rooted out
"The two major conspiracies the British had to face were the
"Mutiny", so-called, of 1857 and the Wahhabi movement
which tried to destroy the very army on which the British relied
for support. The Wahhabis had a great deal to do with the unrest
in the army, which resulted in the "Mutiny", though it
failed because it lacked central directive or motive force and
dissipated itself in stray uprisings which spent themselves
out." |
- In the modern world there is no advantage to declaring war, if you are
the aggressor. They learned a modern version of this from Russia.
- There is an advantage to using others to wage your wars. They learned
this from Hitler's use of Franco to conquer Spain. They also followed his
example in terms supplying their proxies with weapons and equipment, from
behind the scenes, and using religion to control the press.
- Both these countries showed that you could use your opponent's populace
as a source of troupes and funding if you presented yourself as: a
defender of the truth which is being opposed by the evil powers that be.
Encourage people to believe that they are working for peace and the good
of their country, and you can get them to destroy their friends and
TABLIGHI JAMAAT, B. Raman wrote: |
In its preachings to the Pakistani immigrants in
the US, the TJ has been stressing the importance of cultivating
the African-American Muslims in order to counter the lobbying
power of the Hindus and the Jewish people. The HUM, which works in
tandem with the TJ, has been training African-American Muslims
from the US in its training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Writing in the "Dawn" of January 12,1996, Mr. Ghani
Eirabie said: " The Ummah must remember that winning over the
black Muslims is not only a religious obligation, but also a
selfish necessity. The votes of the black Muslims can give the
immigrant Muslims the political clout they need at every stage to
protect their vital interests. Likewise, outside Muslim states
like Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan need to mobilise their
effort, money and missionary skills to expand and consolidate the
black Muslim community in the USA, not only for religious reasons,
but also as a far-sighted investment in the black Muslims' immense
potential as a credible lobby for Muslim causes, such as
Palestine, Bosnia or Kashmir--offsetting, at least partially, the
venal influence of the powerful India-Israel lobby." |
When you are weak
1. Remember that when you are weak that you should blend in and very, very
few people need to be aware of the objectives and the methods. The mass of
the population does not need to know and should not know that there is a
plan. Remember yours is a religion of peace. At this point you want
everyone to believe you are a peaceful and productive part of society,
especially Muslims themselves.
The Reliance of the Traveller (section
r-8.2) by Ahmad Ibn Naqib Al-Misri an analysis of the
permissibility / obligation of lying by Imam Abu Hamid Ghazali
wrote: |
Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a
praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and
lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is
no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by
lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if
attaining the goal is permissible (N:i.e. when the purpose of
lying is to circumvent someone who is preventing one from doing
something permissible), and obligatory to lie if the goal is
obligatory. |
TABLIGHI JAMAAT, B. Raman wrote: |
It has thousands of dedicated and disciplined
workers who never question any order from the high-ups. What has
helped the TJ to expand (without creating alarm in the security
agencies) is its policy of a deliberate black-out of its
activities. It does not interact with the media and does not issue
any statements or communiques. It believes in human communication
through word of mouth. (Comment: It does not bring out any
journals or other propaganda organs to explain its policies and
objectives. All explanations to its workers and potential recruits
are given orally). |
2. Begin immigration, legal and illegal, and start building up a
population. Get the breeding engine started young and often. Remember that
the younger they start the faster the turnover, the poorer the education
of the girls becomes, and this also results in their increased willingness
to have large families. Begin recruiting Non-Muslim, in particular women
are prime targets.
Convince the powers that be that it is to their advantage to encourage
immigration of Muslims since they provide a peaceful cheap labor force, or
you can emphasize the refugee aspect and how welcoming these souls will
improve how their country is perceived. Remember there is lot's of excess
population in other regions of the Islamic world.
3. Build communities so that you can preserve your identity and magnify
your strength.
4. Take advantage of the Islamists support infrastructure. For example
seek funding from existing states and organizations (Saudi Arabia,
Pakistan, Iran, Sudan, USA., ...), go for training and organizational
meetings on a regular basis, and get your training manuals.
5. Build the proper mind set, in both Muslims and Non-Muslims, slowly and
carefully. Very slowly assume control of sources of information and
education (religious and secular).
Make sure the seed for Shariah is well implanted, as a long term solution
for problems, so you have fertile ground to call for it once you do have
the power to pursue it openly. Get your version of the truth out to the
public. Tailor your presentation of Islam to the locals. Are they
educated, impoverished, picked upon for their beliefs, or have common
issues? New histories: always the attacked, never the unprovoked attacker.
Become the spokes-people for the communities. Coordinate opposition to
dissemination of information that runs counter to your goals.
In "Islam's flawed spokesmen" the author investigates American
Muslim groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and
the American Muslim Council (AMC). He notes that the news media and
government are:
Quote: |
… learning it's not easy to find leaders who can
authentically speak for Muslim Americans, who represent a wide
variety of ethnicities and languages, sects and political views
ranging from completely secular to Islamic fundamentalist. |
As a result of this confusion, active groups like CAIR and AMC, which are
considered by some law enforcement groups as being part of the terrorism
problem, are given too much credibility, money, and power.
6. Hiding in plain sight. Setup multi-function organizations. The public
face can be for business, charity, education, or religion. The private
faces can be used to advance your cause. Prepare your "their not real
Muslims", plausible deniability, and "they were attacked"
defence strategies. Note goodwill can be traded for changes in behavior.
Seek government funding. The people you help don't know where the money
came from originally. They just know that you are helping them when the
government didn't. Also as one Islamist said: if someone provides money
for milk, that frees up money for weapons. For example there is often
money available for education. If Islam just happens to be one of the
primary topics being taught, it was without your knowledge.
Quote: |
A publicly funded charter school in California is
under investigation for teaching Islam to students, the San
Francisco Chronicle has reported.
A surprise inspection by the Chronicle indicated that Silicon
Valley Academy was operating as a religious school. There were
Korans in the principal’s office, along with a children’s
version of the Muslim scriptures titled My Little Qu’ran.
Students reported that they prayed in class with teachers and
studied the tenets of Islam. Parents picking up children after
school told the paper they believed the school was religious. |
As you get stronger
1. Start raising issues regarding the difficulties the country places on
practicing your religion. Work for increasing exemptions from various
laws, protection from "hate speech", and tolerance of your
"cultural /
religious" differences.
2. Begin solidifying your control of the Muslim community. Use various
forms of intimidation to ensure that people are moving in the desired
direction and to silence dissent. Everyone, including Muslims, still
believe that Muslims are peaceful, it's just a few fanatics who are
misbehaving. Any push back should be highlighted in the media and
community discussion as Muslims are being unfairly attacked, once again.
Remember to play upon your "history" of being a persecuted
3. Study the opposition's resources, looking for opportunities to leverage
them. Begin de-stabilizing the opposition. Start draining their resources
and their belief in themselves. Encourage drug / prostitution activity,
using their own people to promote it. They're only kafirs after all. As
the opposition becomes unstable they are less able to help people in
trouble. This provides opportunities for your charity organization to
build support.
4. Obey the laws of the country, but note that it is more important
morally to follow Shariah. Start promoting the "us versus them"
mentality and pointing out the corruption that is inherent in the existing
government. How it is the source of current problems.
www.islamic-state.org wrote: |
Our advice to the Muslims in Britain is to
distance themselves from the call of integration by steadfastly
adhering to the rules of the Islamic Shari'ah in all matters and
by realising the fallacies and errors of the Western way of life.
Islam is a trust (amanah) on the necks of the Muslims and Allah (swt)
will account them for this trust on the Day of Judgement. It is
not right for the Muslims to abandon any part of Islam in order to
save themselves from the pressure being placed upon them. |
wrote: |
There is evidence that traditional and tolerant
Islamic practices in African countries are being increasingly
influenced negatively by economic support and anti-Western
pressure coming from foreign countries, including, most
importantly, Saudi Arabia. |
5. Work your way up the governmental ladder. Gaining control in local
communities first. Then expanding to higher levels. Trade support for
changes in laws or access. For example gaining control of education is of
particular importance.
6. The "fanatics" can now follow Muhammad's example of banditry
for funding and growth of their gangs. Raid the diamond / gem / gold
mines, gun shops, banks, and whatever to build their strength.
Quote: |
Muslims youths are encouraged by Mullahs to use
devious methods to trick misguided, ignorant and naïve Kufr (Non-Muslem
i.e. Jewish, Christian, Sikh, Hindu and Buddhist) girls into
converting, marrying and then making them work as prostitutes in
the service of Islam to raise money for Islamic Jihad and Suicide
Bombers. |
Quote: |
OSAMA BIN LADEN, the world's most wanted
terrorist, is buying child slaves from Ugandan rebels and using
them as forced labour on marijuana farms in Sudan to fund his
international terrorism network. |
Demand your rights
1. You are being persecuted so badly that you can't practice your religion
freely. You are the majority in your portion of the country and it is only
right that you should be able to practice your religion fully. In Islam
this means that Shariah should be the law for Muslims. Of course this will
be a modernized version and it won't apply to non-Muslims.
Alija Izetbegovic (President of Bosnia
and Herzegovina) wrote: |
... the Islamic movement should and must start
taking over the power as soon as it is morally and numerically
strong enough to not only overthrow the existing non-Islamic, but
also to build up a new Islamic authority.
There can be no peace or coexistence between the "Islamic
faith" and non-Islamic societies and political institutions.
... Islam clearly excludes the right and possibility of activity
of any strange ideology on its own turf. |
Attempts to impose sharia Islamic law in
Indonesia gain steam wrote: |
Although religious parties have asked for sharia
law to be included among a set of constitutional amendments
expected to be adopted Saturday by lawmakers, few expect the issue
will make it onto the agenda.
Attempts to make Indonesia an Islamic state are not new. Bloody
battles were fought over the issue in the 1950s. During his
32-year reign, Suharto alternated between cracking down on
Islamists and courting them for political ends. |
2. Start unofficially implementing a local government and Shariah within
the Muslim community. Become an increasing drain and nuisance to the
established government. You want the government to feel that it is better
off giving you what you want, than the prospect of having to militarily
oppose its own people. Make sure the world knows that your community is
being abused by your own government.
You've just gotten control
1. Start cleaning house. Finish taking control of education, the police,
government, and an infant military structure. Slowly enforce Shariah more
completely, and begin minor applications to Non-Muslims. Start co-opting
Myths and Facts wrote: |
An Associated Press cameraman filmed Palestinians
at a rally in Nablus celebrating the terror attacks in the United
States September 11, 2001. The cameraman was subsequently summoned
to a Palestinian Authority security office and told that the
material must not be aired. Yasser Arafat's Tanzim also called to
threaten his life if he aired the film. An AP still photographer
was also at the site of the rally. He was warned not to take
pictures and complied. Ahmed Abdel Rahman, Arafat's Cabinet
secretary, told AP the Palestinian Authority "cannot
guarantee the life" of the cameraman if the footage was
broadcast. AP caved in to the blackmail and refused to release the
footage. |
2. Encourage the "us versus them" mentality further. Begin the
various pressures that will move the remaining Muslims out of the area.
"Civil wars" may result which you must of course respond to.
Outsiders should stay out of them.
3. Covertly support the on-going de stabilization efforts in the remainder
of the country. Steal or destroy their resources, increase their
crime-rates, ... Note the refugees you are driving out from your country
will add to their problems. Those who stay may pay protection money or you
can restart the slave trade, which is approved by the Quran.
4. Make deals with outside businesses and countries to get their funding
or military support. Offer them access rights to your country's people or
Go for the gold.
1. Try to get the rest of the country. Most of this should be covert until
the remaining government is extremely unstable. Let your fanatics
infiltrate, in greater and greater numbers, stirring up as much trouble as
possible. Of course you are making "every effort" to stop them.
2. Their government objects to your tactics and begins to counter attack,
chasing the fanatics back into your territory. You are being attacked!
Various compromises are reached and broken. Finally you must defend
3. Decide whether or not you are strong enough to do it on your own. If so
go for it. This may take several attempts, since you may not turn out to
be strong enough, or other countries may force you to back off. If the
latter, see what you can get them to offer which will strengthen you. More
money, land, or lifting of sanctions.
If you aren't strong enough to go it alone, remember you have brother
countries in this effort. Don't take this route if you can avoid it, since
there is typically a very heavy price, and it gives your opponent an
excuse to bring in others.
You have an Islamic State, so now what?
1. This is similar to the consolidation stage above where you have gained
partial control. You need to clean house and begin establishing a new
international economy.
2. Prepare for the long-term for government, military, economy, and
education. Remember that the history of Islam was that when it stopped
conquering, it died. It fed itself on the loot of its conquests. When it
no longer had these revenues it imploded.