




 Leaving Islam




Q07: One of the main principles of the democratic western world is the freedom of religion. Muslims, like any other religious group, should have the right to protest against mockery of their faith, to defend themselves against insult.  

Right and responsibility go hand in hand. You can’t give rights to those who are not responsible. If you want to let your canary out of the cage, the first thing you would do is to kick your cat out of the house. This does not mean you don't love your cat, but he has no right to stay in the house because he can’t act responsibly. It would be foolish to wait until he kills the canary and then punish him. You already know the cat can't be trusted. The problem with Muslims is that they too can’t be trusted and can't act responsibly.  

Christianity, Judaism and all other religions have been attacked and vilified for centuries. Someone even put a crucifix in a bottle of urine and called it art. Another person pained the picture of Marry using elephant dung for coloring. Unlike these innocent Danish cartoons, those were deliberate and grotesque insults. They were intended to offend and the Christians were offended. They even protested. Yet no buildings were torched, no one was shot, no stones were thrown, no flags were burnt, no street marches were organized and no carnage took place. The Christians protested with civility by writing articles. But look want happens when Muslims protest! It is sheer savagery. The bottom line is that those who can’t be responsible, should not have rights. Muslims who protest in non-Muslim countries, burn cars and threaten with holocausts and nine elevens must be rounded up and sent to where their parents came from. Human rights are for those who can behave like humans. If you can’t act responsibly you relinquish that right.  

Is driving a right? You are entitled to a driving license if you can abide by the traffic laws and drive responsibly. If your driving endangers the lives of others, that license will be taken away from you. So rights and responsibilities are inseparable. If you can’t respect the rights of others, if by your belief and conduct you endanger the lives of other people, you are not entitled to any right.

If a person becomes a danger to a society, he should not live in that society. We don’t let psychopaths loose because they are dangerous to others. A bear and a deer are both wild animals. We allow the deer to roam in our backyard but we do not give the same right to the bear. It is because the bear is dangerous. Neither the bear nor the deer have rights. We humans give them rights. Taking in account our own security, we give to some animals some rights and deny the same to other animals. 

Fanatical Muslims can be very dangerous to the society. 9/11, 3/11, 7/7 or countless other terrorist attacks on innocent civilians across the world show that we are dealing with a very dangerous clique. These people (and I use that term loosely) should not have rights. They should be kicked out of the country or locked up in concentration camps and treated as dangerous. A Persian proverb says, “Compassion to the wolf is cruelty to the lamb”.  

In nutshell, stop apologizing! Become tough and threatening. You'll be surprised to see how soon these " valiant" jihadis will head back to their Pandora box. 


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